Chapter - 23

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And when I first knew

Was when I first looked at you

And if I can't find my way

If salvation is words away

Oh, I'll be found

When I am lost in your eyes

I don't mind not knowin' what I'm heading for

You can take me to the skies

Oh, it's like being lost in heaven

When I'm lost in your eyes

I get weak in a glance

Isn't this what's called romance?

Oh, I'll be found

When I am lost in your eyes

Those words stopped 17 year old Neil in his tracks. He was moving towards the Physics lab of St. Bishops school.

He was studying at Banbury Crossroads High School. Being the brightest student of his batch, he was the top choice of his school authorities to represent their school for the Inter school Science Project which was hosted in St. Bishop's School. It was his and the other four batch mates' first day in St. Bishops school along with other students from various other schools.

Post orientation they were provided with a school tour as these students will be visiting this facility for next one month.

But the melodious voice from closed doors rooted him in his place. He was pulled by his other friends when teachers asked.

Next day, unaware of his own actions, he was pulled over by the same melodious voice at the same time near that closed door. He felt it was some young girl singing the same song.

Soon it became his routine to visit the place to hear the song. Her lyrical voice used to increase his crave to see her in person. Once he even tried to open the closed doors but he was restricted by the staff, as music students were practising for their upcoming music competition.

Each passing day, he was getting drowned in her voice, her voice became his own way to find peace. Whenever he was stressed or just wanted to relax or just did not want to do anything he started remembering her song.

One fine day, he recorded her signing standing outside of a closed classroom. He even started playing his violin along with her recorded version of singing when he was at home. Her voice could bring an inevitable smile on his face. Her voice became his solace.

It was his last day in St. Bishop's school, he waited for more than required time to just get one glance of her but destiny was not in favour of him. He crossed the main gates of school with a heavy heart unaware of his own fate which was tied for lifetime with the same melodious voice after a long struggle.

Myra looked at her husband, he was driving a car mumbling some tune on the way back to their home. She could not concentrate on his mumblings while keeping Neev busy in the back seat but her heart jerked in a moment with a familiar melody. This was the same tune of the song she sang on the musical concert night.

On that night, she was singing standing on the stage but her eyes were roaming around the crowd to find one pair of eyes. But when she could not find him, tears started rolling over her cheeks as her hope to meet him died; unknown to the hard path destiny had chosen for her to meet her with her soulmate. 

Two more weeks passed, one fine morning Myra was preparing breakfast with the help of Julia. Julia was now back on her feet and was ready to help Myra with kitchen work but the latter was still hesitant considering Julia's old age.

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