Chapter - 27

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Neil came back to his room to freshen up. He was moving robotically, but his mind and heart were occupied by only one name, 'Myra.'

He could not understand peace in his heart. Last night's moments were replaying in front of his eyes, a lot happened in one evening.

First he got to know about his nightingale, he heard her singing his favourite song for the first time, then her outburst, her vulnerable state and she blurting out the deepest secret of her life.

'Did she love me all these years?'

He remembered the day when he saw her for the first time at dinner when Meera had invited him to introduce her sister. He had seen her eyes, even after two long years he could never forget those widely opened eyes filled with unshed tears.

It was a flicker of a moment they had shared an eye lock but it had churned his entire existence. He never accepted but he had fallen in love with her eyes... her eyes were filled with pain, innocence, loneliness yet he could feel unusual warmth in them.

'So are you a medical student?' He had asked after Meera's introduction. 'That's so commendable. Medicine is too hard.' He wanted to hear her voice.

"Hmm" she had just hummed digging her head in her pasta plate. She did not even raise her head to stare back in his intense eyes. Her hands were shivering, she was shaking and was trying hard to control her broken heart.

He was concerned about her state, for the first time he was annoyed over Meera hearing her curt comments over her sister.

But today, he was cursing himself for ignoring whispers of his heart. Finally he came to the conclusion, he should have listened to his heart, if he had listened then maybe both of their lives would have been full of happiness.

'But better late than never.' it was a whisper again from his heart which brought a small smile on his face.

He came outside, his eyes roamed over the living area, except kitchen helpers and cleaning staff there was no one. He asked all of them to leave for the day. He had decided to have alone time with his two precious.

Myra was still on bed holding Neev in her motherly embrace. Her heart was thumping with marathon speed inside her ribcage. The way he cared for her last night, the way he pulled her securely in his embrace and she let her guards fall down in front of him brought a small smile on her face. She could not believe she spent an entire night in his embrace, a dream which she had hoped from the day she understood what love was all about. She lived that dream last night; just a thought reddened her cheeks leaving them to compete with beetroot.

Her fingers went towards her forehead where he kissed her a few moments back. Even now she felt his touch over there.

Neev was playing with her hair.

"Mumma" He touched her chin, today his beloved mother was lost in her own dreamland.

"Mumma. Kissie." He kissed her cheeks to finally bring her back from her dreamland.

"Neev. My baby." She tickled him which earned cute laughter from the little one.

After routine both mother and son came out to see deadly silence in the villa. She moved her feet towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast. But looking at the person inside she widened her eyes like her eyeballs to fall out of their sockets.


Her husband was near the kitchen counter busy pouring pancake mixture into the pan.

But Neev could not stay silent, "Dadda" he called and ran to his father with little steps.

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