Chapter - 18

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"Your son has been calling you for a long time." It took a long time for Myra's brain to process and grasp Neil's words.

She kept on looking at him with a wide open mouth with blinking eyes. Confusion was all written over her face. She gaped like a fish to find words. She wanted to pinch herself to get assured about the reality of the moment. Unable to do anything, she just lowered her eyes which were filled with tears.

Neil could not take his eyes from her. Her tears left him in a baffled state. He had not imagined in his wildest of his dreams that she was craving for his acceptance for her bonding with his son. But simple acceptance gave peace to his earlier troubled heart.

His heart had accepted her as his son's mother long back but his mind was overpowering restricting from vocaling it out but today his heart defeated his mind.

"Mumma" Neev called again.

This time Myra turned to her baby with a bright smiling face but tears started rolling over her cheeks which she could not controll.

She wrapped her arms around his tiny figure kissing his hairs.

Neil kept on looking at them without blinking.

"Take care of him" Neil stood up to capture attention from his wife and son.

She nodded her head with smile.

"Dadda?" Neev raised his hands asking him to pick him up.

"Now you are remembering me?" Neil scrunched his forehead in fake anger. He thought to turn emotional surroundings into playfulnesses.

"I am not going to pick you up." He challenged.

"Dadda" Neev started jumping in his high chair.

"Nope. You were busy with your Mumma. Why do you need me now? Go... Go to your Mumma." Neil crossed his hands giving a light shake to his shoulders. His jealousy was oozing out.

Everytime Neil called her as Neev's Mother her heart thudded with marathon speed. Her cheeks turned red unknowingly, which were not missed by Neil.

"Mumma" Neev turned to his mother for help. He took out his lower lip.

She was watching both father and son's drama with a small smile. Neev moved to Myra. He pulled her shirt and nuzzled in her arm showing his despair.

She caressed his hairs, enveloping him in her arms.

"Mumma's boy" Neil rolled his eyes. Now it was high time for him to take in.

His antics earned giggles from Myra.

"Go kissi your Dadda" She mumbled in Neev's ears.

"No" He was also stubborn like his father.

'Ohh god I am going to have a lot of tough time with these two.' She took a mental note.

"Please, see Dadda is upset. Go. You are my good baby." She again mumbled.

After a long thought Neev called out. "Dadda"

Neil looked at him with corner eyes.

"Kissi" Neev took out his both lips.

His innocent face melted Neil's heart in a moment. He picked his son in his arms, kissing his face everywhere.

"You are such a drama."

Their home echoed with their laughter for the first time.

It was afternoon, Neil was in his office attending meetings when he heard a knock on the door.

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