Chapter - 22

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"You were right, Dev" Nandini smiled, staring at Neil & Myra, who were smiling looking at Neev. He was on his uncle's shoulders having a fun time.

"Why couldn't I find Myra first for Neil?"

Dev could not find words to reply back. But Nandini found her own answer.

"I was blinded with my own assumptions. But I am happy, then Myra proved me wrong."

"Nandini, let's pray for their bright future. They still have a long way to go. They have recently accepted each other as Neev's parents. But entrusting each other as life partners will take time. We need to give them some time." Dev wrapped his hand around her shoulder. But his heart was also filled with peace looking at his son.

"You are right."

"Mumma" Neev shrieked with a loud voice breaking their trance.

"This guy is such a Mumma's boy." Niren brought him down. He started tickling him, earning a loud laugh from the little boy.

"Dev, it's the first time we are hearing Neev's laughter." True to Nandini's words, they both had heard their grandson's ear piercing cries earlier which used to stab their hearts. "Isn't it melodious?"

"Yes, it is indeed." Happy tears welled up in Dev's eyes.

"Looks like my baby is sleepy." Myra raised hands for Neev.

"Mumma" Neev jumped in Myra's arms. He mewled in the crook of her neck. She took rounds patting his back singing his favourite lullaby.

Neil's eyes were moving towards them continuously, he could not hear but her soft mumblings spread calmness in his heart.

Dinner went well, by each passing minute, Myra was becoming comfortable around Neil's family. Her heart was warmed up with love and care showered over her by Dev and Nandini.

Nandini's welcoming smile along with complaisant behaviour with her plough a seed of belongingness towards this family.

'Should I call them my own family?' thought created its place in her heart.

Nobody realised when the clock struck 1:30 am. All were busy relishing old memories. Dev and Nandini narrated how the two got married 32 years back. It came as little surprise for Myra when she learned it was for the first time Neil and Niren were also first time listeners to their story.

"Yes, these two were always busy with their stuff like soccer, baseball and studies. Neil, left for Calgary for highschool. Thank god Niren was here" Nandini rolled her eyes.

"Mom, if you would not have done all that drama, I would have followed Neil's footsteps for sure." Niren sulked.

"Ohh dear Mom, you spoiled our brother's pact." Niren was supported by his elder brother.

Myra was enjoying their blunder sitting on the couch, Neev was sleeping over there. Earlier Nandini suggested making Neev comfortable in Neil's room upstairs but Myra hesitated due to new surroundings for Neev. She was instantly supported by her husband which raised eyebrows from rest.

"I always wanted a girl for myself, but what to do, these two goofy young men were in my destiny to trouble me." Nandini pouted, rolling her eyes.

"It's not late Mom. You still look like you are in your late thirties." Neil pressed his lips and continued with a wink, "What do you say Dad?"

Myra's eyes bulged out hearing her husband's teasing.

"Shut up Neil" Nandini rebuked.

"See, she has problems. I don't." Dev supported shrugging his shoulders.

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