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"Congratulations, it's a girl."

Labour room echoed with soft baby cries.

"Can you please get the blanket and clean the baby girl." Myra asked the supporting nurse holding the just born baby in her hands carefully.

"Sure, Doctor." Nurse came ahead.

Myra completed postpartum procedures before taking out her surgical gloves. She came near the new mother and baby girl. 

"Congratulations once again Mrs. Johns." Myra could see the baby was clinging to her mother as part of skin-to-skin contact.

"Thank you Doctor." Worn out lady spoke tiredly.

"You are most welcome. Your daughter is very cute. God bless her." Myra was feeling goosebumps like every time. It was not the first time, Myra led the delivery procedure but still every time she could not neglect the ecstatic feeling erupting in her heart.

Unconsciously her palm graced over her flat tummy which was carrying a small entity, a symbol of her and Neil's love.

'Just 7 more months, then Mumma will hold you dear.' Thought spread a beautiful smile on her face.

It's been 2 years since her ritually completed marriage with Neil. Neev was 3.5 years old and has started going to preschool.

Two blissful years with her two precious possessions.

After their marriage, Niren gifted them a honeymoon trip to Caribbean Island. Initially it was a honeymoon trip which turned into a family holiday trip because of Neev's unstoppable cries.

Little boy shed buckets of water with just a simple thought of not seeing his beloved mother for next one week. Eventually, Myra was successful to convince her grumpy husband to take their son on their honeymoon.

'I would be the first person on this earth who would be taking the villain of my love story on my own honeymoon.' His sulky face became one more topic of teasing for other Singhania's.

Even after two years, that one week which was spent in the private villa on the sea shore was unforgettable for both Neil and Myra. They hiked wooded trails, watched whales or birds, admired jungle trails, witnessed bioluminescence, kayak in lagoons, explored caves and immersed themselves in stunning natural beauty overflowing with tropical flora and fauna.

Their days were filled with exploring beautiful beaches with turquoise waters, golden sands, balmy weather, different water sports such as snorkelling or scuba diving. Whereas their nights were filled with romantic dinners, dancing holding their soulmates followed by passionate love making exploring each other's strengths and weaknesses and collapsing tiredly in their soulmates embrace drifting towards peaceful slumbers.

For Neev, it was a totally different experience, he had never been to any beach. Sunny weather, crystal clear blue water and golden sand exhilarated his young heart. First his widened eyes could not believe the humongous pool of water, their waves but it took no time for him to jump off his mother's lap and ran towards the waves to play. Little kid used to run everywhere, tiring himself and sleeping in deep slumber at night, giving much needed privacy to his parents.

After their one week of holiday they came back to their home and Neil started nagging behind Myra to join her medical internship.

Myra was reluctant, she was concerned about Neev. Young lad was very much dependent on her. She was pushed into a dilemma. She started giving lame excuses which did not go unnoticed by Neil. He decided to have a long confrontation session.

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