Chapter - 8

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Myra's POV

'Listen you can go to hell with all my pleasures. Just don't come in front of me.' His one sentence cleared his much expected stance on our so called marriage.

He was not interested in flourishing our relationship and I had decided to keep it the way he wants.

For any relationship to work, it requires two matured people who are at least want to try to work with each other but in our case Neil closed himself in dark room. He was not even allowing single ray of light to come inside to heal him.

It's been two months for our marriage and we were falling into comfortable routine to avoid each other like plague. It was unsaid mutual understanding we stopped coming in front of other one.

In mornings, I used to lock my self in my room till Neil leaves home for his office.

Once he departs it was my time with my baby till his father comes back from his work.

Neev's breakfast, his bath, reading him different books and playing with him used to fly time with in a blink. In afternoon, after making Neev sleep, I started going to meet Granny, making sure to return back before my baby wakes up.

Even today, I have not told Granny about Neil and Neev. Her condition has started worsening lately giving pang to my heart.

'Her end is coming soon.' I have to make my heart strong.

In hospital, I was confronted by Andrew and Nancy. One was heartbroken where as other was extremly mad at me rest others passed weird or surprised look at me which I ignored.

'I won't ask why you took this decision? I will never ask you. But if you need anything any time. I am just a call away.' Andrew held me by my shoulders which gave much needed strength to me.

'I did it for Neev.' I knew, I owe explanations to Andrew.

Thankfully, he did not said anything after. We met few times on account of discussing Granny's health status and he kept it professional which increased my guilt to break his heart.

I hope he gets his true soulmate soon.

It was late evening, already 7:30, it's time for Neil to come back. I have already freshen up Neev like every evening.

I will leave him to play in his crib in his nursery and then hide my self in my room to avoid any encounter with Neil.

I saw my baby, from last few days he has started to stand up with support. He was trying to get up with the help of arm chair. I was admiring him.

"Come on Neev. Come to me" I raised my hands hoping he will take a step to me.

"Come baby"

But he lost his balance. Thud!

I guess he hurt his bumps as he took out his lips out making his eyes big like soccer ball.

He is so cute.

I could not stop and started laughing at his sulky face.

For sure he is proving himself as Neil's son, getting grumpy on every single thing. No DNA test required.

I threw his favourite ball and he is back in his mood to play.

He crawled towards me and stood holding my shoulders. I gave him support. "What do you want Neev?"

He buried his head in my neck. That was his way to ask me to pick him up. I kissed his chubby cheeks and he giggled making melodious voice.

It was late today for Neil to arrive. Generally, he comes back home by 7:30 - 8. But today even after 9 he was not at home.

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