Chapter - 24

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"May I?" Neil raised his hands in front of a beautiful lady. She smiled lightly but her eyes gleamed with her inner happiness.

She slowly raised her palm staring into Neil's eyes. He pulled her close in a swift moment earning a light shriek from her which earned chuckled looking at her big doe eyes. Eyes filled with innocence.

They both started swaying, still lost in each other's eyes. Neil pulled her, reducing distance between them, he cupped her face.

"You are beautiful Myra." Neil kissed her forehead with closed eyes. He kept his lips over her forehead, the feeling to call her his was pure, serene.

He lowered his face hoping to see her innocent face covered with excessive blush.

But the moment his eyes landed on her face, he flinched back looking at her vicious eyes filled with cruelty. Her face was a true picture of evil. He took a step back not believing his own eyes.


She chuckled curtly. "Meera."

"What are you doing here?" Neil seethed at her gritting his teeth. His palms ached to strangle her to her death.

"Myra, Meera, what difference does it make?" She replied relentlessly.

"There is world of difference. She is an angel. And you? You are a witch."

"She seems very special to you, my dear husband." Meera replied seductively caressing his cheeks. "Do I need to take care of her?"

He jerked her hand feeling disgusting.

"I will kill you if you even think to touch Myra." Neil threatened.

"You were trapped in my facade earlier also, you will be trapped again." She replied and pushed him to fall down from the cliff.

Neil could not manage his balance, his feet slipped, he was about to fall into the ditch when someone held his hand. He knew her touch, one glance at her  innocent eyes and he knew he was in safe hands. She was his knight in shining armour.

"Myra" His lips stretched with a smile. She put all her strength together to pull him up. The moment he was on his feet, he circled her in his arms in a bone crushing hug.

"Myra" Neil woke up sweating profusely. He felt breathless remembering his nightmare. His throat turned dry like scraped paper. Only one thing running inside his mind was, 'Myra.'

'You were always looking for Myra. She was your destination, but you just got lost a little on the way.' His heart whispered.

He threw his blanket and went out towards her room. Door was closed, but he wanted to see her face to settle his anxious mind and frantically thumping heart. He thought to knock but thankfully the door was not locked from inside and she could open it from outside.

He stepped inside to see his wife and his son were sleeping peacefully. His lips stretched with a small smile looking at how his son was sleeping, he had buried his face in her chest and she had wrapped him in her embrace covering both under duet.

His heart was at peace looking at his two precious possessions. He himself could not realise when Myra, became so important for him just a thought of losing her took the floor beneath his feet. He was scared.

He stayed there for a long time and then left for his room engulfed in his own thoughts.

'You will need to find an answer for this question... not for me or anyone else but for your own sake and Myra.' Niren's words rang in his ears which he voiced on the night of Neev's birthday. It's been almost two weeks to that day but Neil could not find an answer to it.

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