Chapter - 15

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Myra felt soft small touch on her cheeks. Touch she was craving for from long time. Her nose sharply inhaled his smell which increased her urge to open her eyes with hope to see her baby. She tried hard, fought with her inner weakness and somehow opened her eyes slowly. Due to bright light of the room, dryness in her throat, weakness in her whole body she blinked her eyes and with all her efforts finally she opened it to see her most precious possession.


"Mumma" he was calling her from long.

When he got up today morning, he again searched for his mother but she was no where to found. He started crying but now after whole one day he was seeing her in front of him. Though she was sleeping, her mere presence around him engulfed him with secured feelings.

He was stopped by Julia for long time but he was touching her cheek calling her. He did not understand why his mother was sleeping but he stayed besides her not leaving her.

"Ne.. Neev" Myra could hardly mumble. She saw his blurry image and just his thought gave her strength to open her eyes fully to take a good look of her son.

She gulped heavily. He was sitting on Julia's lap raising his hands to her. His continuous jumping was making it difficult for Julia to hold him securely.

For a moment she thought she was dreaming about him. She remembered, Neil's words last night. His cruelty filled her eyes with tears.

Last night she was roaming on stormy night with out any destination, she herself did not realize when she stumbled and fell unconscious on the ground.

When in morning she first opened her eyes, she saw nurse injecting some medicine in her saline.

"Myra, how are you my daughter?" She heard warm kind voice from other side. She felt some one caressing her hairs.

She made efforts to turn it was her father in law. She looked at him in bewilderment. After few moments of silence she gathered her self to face Dev.

"What were you doing on the roads?" He asked.

But Myra become tongue tide.

"Dr. Andrew had confirmed me last night that he dropped you at home. So what happened?"

Myra was still searching for words but her eyes filled with tears when moments from last night replayed in front of her eyes.

"Is Neil responsible for your situation?"

She turned to her father in law.

"N... No...No" she lightly shook her head not meeting her eyes with Dev. But her pale face, teary swollen eyes, mild fever was telling exact opposite story to Dev. He shook his head in disappointment.

"I am sorry." Dev could hardly muttered drowned in his guilt to push this girl in hell. He walked out to ask answers to his son. Where as due to medicine dose Myra again slept in deep slumber.

She kept her eyes on her baby thinking if she blinked he will disappear.

"Mumma" Neev tried to jump on her bed.

"Neev, Mumma is ill. She needs rest. Stay here else I will take you out." Julia caressed his hair and conveyed with care but Neev was stubborn like his father.

"Mumma" this time he scream little loudly.

But her shriek earned small smile on Myra's face.

"I am sorry dear. I will take him out. You rest." Saying Julia got up but Neev turned and started wiggling in her arms with his all strength.

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