Chapter - 13

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Myra kept holding her hand and staring at her granny's face.

She was remembering all moments she spent till date with her granny. After her mother, it was her granny who became her only family but now she was going to be left alone in this world in few hours, doctors had already declared. She was going to lose single motherly figure who could assure her that everything will be fine.

Looking at her granny's current condition, Myra realized her granny has very less time in this world. She was already slipped in deep slumber but her heart was beating at very low speed to say that she was alive.

"Myra, just have something" Andrew forwarded glass of orange juice to her.

But his voice fell on deaf ears.

From last two hours she was sitting on the same place with out moving her eyes from her granny's face.

But in her home, Neev was awake when he did not find his mother besides him, he started becoming cranky. Julia made her best efforts to keep him engage but still his eyes were searching for his mother's face.

Julia thought to give call to Myra to ask her about her grandmother's health but Myra's phone rang in Neev's room.

'Oh dear, she forgot her phone in home only.'

At the same time, Neil was in office. His mind was processing Niren's words.

'I am not telling you to trust her blindly. But you can at least trust our father. You know Dad, Neil. He is our father. He cares for you. Do you think without due diligence he will force you for this marriage when we have horrible past experience with the same family?'

'You need to settle down your mind my brother. I am missing my calm, sensible elder brother. My brother who always shielded me when I used to do some stupidity in our childhood. That most caring person of my life. The person who respected and cared for everyone.'

'Think about Neev.'

'NEEV NEEDS MYRA. You have to accept this truth.'

'When you accept it, may be it will be easy for you to think rationally.'

Neil had closed his eyes. Events over past two and half months started playing in front of his eyes.

'No doubt Myra had become Neev's world with in just two and half months. He even accepted her as his mother. Neev's health is also improving but is this all because of her? My baby is happy, I hardly hear his cryings now a days. ' Smile laced over his lips remembering his baby's smiling face.

'But then what my eyes witnessed that day, what was that?'

'No I cannot trust her.'

'But this is also a truth that I cannot keep her away from Neev.'

'Oh god what should I do? Please help me.'

He came back to home late that his usual timings, somewhere his heart was relaxed with the thought that Myra would be at his home to look after his precious baby. But today, he was welcomed by his son's cries.

"Neil where were you? I am calling you from so long." Julia came forward with crying Neev in her arms.

"Why is he crying?" He saw his phone to see Julia's missed calls. He cursed himself to keep phone on silent.

He tried to take his baby in his arms but his baby turned his face. He wrapped his hands around Julia's neck.

'Ohh god he is still angry over me.'

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