Chapter - 11

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It's been two weeks for Myra and Neil's last talks, they both fell in to their convenient routine of avoiding each other again.

It was morning Myra was keeping an eye on her husband from upstairs. She released deep relief breath when Neil left from home. She ran to his room where Neev would have been sleeping. Her baby is sleepy head.

"Good morning Neev" caressed his hairs. He was sleeping on his stomach in his crib.

Neev was not in mood to get up today. He turned his face to other side.

"Ohh my Neev is in sleepy mood today." He jiggled still with closed eyes.

"Neev baby see our sunny boy is out to play. Don't you want to play with him." He tried to open his eyes with cute pout.

"Come on Neev. Give me good morning hug."

She tickled on his tummy.

Neev took out his lower lip burying his face in pillow. She huffed.

"Ohh so my baby wants to hide from me now." She giggled looking at his antics.

She tried to take away his blanket when he pulled it with force.  Being in naughty mood Neev covered himself from head to toe.

"Looks like Neev does not want to get up and play with me." She sounded upset.

"Ok I am upset now. Now I am gonna cry."

Myra kept her eyes on him, taking steps away from his crib.

Neev threw his blanket making loud sound.

He held the rails of crib and stood up. He shrieked loudly.

Now it was Myra's turn to play with him. She did not turn and kept on taking steps away from him.

"Nononono" she heard him blabbering in his language.

She pressed her lips but kept on taking steps towards door.

"Commme aahaaa" he kept on calling her.

"Mumma" finally he screamed on top of his voice.

Myra stopped in her tracks hearing his voice. She turned abruptly.

When she turned there was bright smile on his face.

"Mumma" Neev raised his other hand calling her.



She ran to her baby and pick him up. She kissed his face everywhere. It was for the first time Neev had called her Mumma.

Till today, she never taught Neev to call her, as his mother. In her heart she knew she was not his biological mother. She was not the one who kept him in her womb. She was skeptical as Neil always taught him to address Myra as his Nanny.

Mother's love does not require any name, it should be serene. Myra had convinced her heart but still one tiny part of her heart wanted to hear "Mumma" or "Mom" from him.

Just a simple call elated her heart with uttermost happiness. It was priceless moment. It was moment she will remember for the rest of her life.

Neev was clueless for sudden shower of love from the woman in front of him. Her touch, her smell, her voice everything about her was deeply rooted in his heart even before his birth. He always felt her warmth when she was around him.

For him she was the first love of his life. His mother.

She swirled with happiness. There were tears streaming over her cheeks, happy tears. "My Baby"

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