Chapter 14

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Lisa's POV

I don't know what to do anymore, I can't stop crying while finding her room. She's evil! I won't forgive her. I hate her!

"Lisa~~~" I hear her voice downstairs.

I know she's doing this for fun, I'm scared of what she'll do to me. If you only saw the look in her eyes, you can see hell.

"You have 2 minutes left"

My heart pounds louder inside my chest, I can't even hold the doorknob properly. Where is her room? I can't decide. This is so hard.

I don't know how many rooms I already opened, all I do is check inside then look for clues but I got none. Irene unnie.....Seulgi me please.


I hear her count loudly then mock me with a chuckle.




I quickly open a room then ran to the other, it was like all the rooms are all hers. No sign of progress.






I close my eyes and give up, I'm in trouble.

"anddddd 1. Times up honey, you lose"

I hear her footsteps going upstairs, it's like every step is equivalent to every beat my heart makes. I'm getting nervous, my hands trembles. Then she showed and my blood runs out when I saw the smile on her lips.

"Hi baby"

I didn't dare to move on where I'm standing, she was now walking slowly towards me.

She successfully reach me and hold my hand.

"Why are your hands cold baby? Is the AC too high? I'll warm you up later but first let me show our room. Please remember where it is"

We both walk as she guides me to one of those doors I opened, we both stand infront.

"You're not being attentive don't you?"


Her finger point something on the door and there it is- her name written. I'm so sure there's nothing there when I check it.

"H-How did..."

"Don't bother thinking about it anymore, there's more interesting thing to do other than ogling" she twist the knob and drag me inside.

Although my stomach is grumbling a little, I didn't let her notice it. I should've swallowed my ego and ate even a little portion.

"Strip off your clothes"

I didn't know we're now facing her bed which is so girly based on the color- pink, out of all colors why would she pick this.

"Lisa. I said strip off your clothes"

"But I didn't took a sho-.."

"That's why I'm telling you to strip off. You go get a shower"

I shift uncomfortably on where I'm standing, I don't know what to say to her. Doesn't she have any idea that I can't take a shower or bath alone?

I've never tried it before, Seulgi unnie always accompany me inside the bathroom and we would bath together. Jennie must've notice the discomfort on my face, I saw her smirk.

"Can't go alone? Huh? That's your punishment, from now on you'll do the things alone. No asking help from anyone else"

"But Je-.."

I got scared when her eyes glared at me.

"Can't you get it? I said it's your punishment! Don't make me more furious towards you Lisa"

I simply nod and went inside her bathroom, it was like a whole room- there's a bathtub, a huge sink, a toilet bowl, shower, etc. Color was the combination of pink and blue. I don't know what to do as I stared blankly at the shower, I already strip off my clothes except from my boxer short and sports bra. How do they use this? Why do it have a lot of buttons? Which one will I press?

Since I don't know how to use it, I try to press one button to another when suddenly hot water comes out from the shower and burned my skin.

"Aaawwww!!! That's hot!" I start to cry while blowing air to my burned skin.

The door creaked open, Jennie rushing through my side checking my arm.

"What did you do? Are you that dumb? Aish! You can't even do simple things like this"

She lead me to the sink and try to reach out for the medicine kit, I watch as she grab the ointment and gently put it on the burned part.

"Looks like I don't have a choice but to join you taking a shower"

Knowing how evil she is, I shake my head no.

"You don't have a choice Manoban so obey me. You don't want to go sleep outside isn't it?"

I shiver in fear thinking if ever she let me sleep outside, I'm afraid of the dark. What if monsters suddenly showed up and eat me? What if there's a ghost outside? Jennie must've been notice the fear in my eyes, she pulled me in a hug.

"Don't worry honey, I won't let you sleep outside. You'll sleep beside me tonight"

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