Chapter 38

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Jennie's POV

Five days.

Five days since she got lost at the amusement park.

Five days that made me crazy my entire life, I don't want it to turn into week. No! I want Lisa to be here. I'll find you baby. Either by hook or by crook I'll definitely search for you, no matter how far or wherever you are in the world honey. No distance could separate me from you- that's how much my desire burns deep inside my heart.

I fight the sadness by making myself busy looking for Lisa, GD find the guy who Kai sold Lisa into- his name was Mino. His file indicates that he was working illegally and was part of a syndicate where they sold human organs or the human itself as a slave. My heart beats loudly in my chest, hoping that Lisa was sold as a slave and not the other way around. I couldn't take it if that happen but I feel she's alive, I can sense her. He's dead anyway since we got the information from him.

I was startled when someone knocks on my door.

"Jennie. Hi" Jisoo opened the door and entered my room along with Chaeng.

"Hey" I gave them a little smile.

"How are you? Feeling a bit better?"

They both sat on my bed facing me, I sigh deeply. Then my eyes started to tear up, my heart is so heavy knowing Lisa is suffering all of this. It's my fault!

"Hey don't cry. Don't ever think it is your fault, we didn't want it to happen. There are just bad people who isn't contented of what their life turns out"

Yeah. Bad people who hurt the only one I'd ever loved my entire life.

Jisoo and Chaeng know what exactly happened to Taehyung and Kai, they didn't said a word. They saw me get home all bloody that night, I was so quiet that silence starts to kill me. I told them the story when morning came and they're both shocked, but later on they said the two deserved such death. They also watch the video of Lisa being tortured.

"But of all people....why it has to be Lisa?!? FUCKING WHY?!?"

Chaeng hug me tightly "Jen calm down. We will find her soon"

My phone rings, I peek and I greedily answered the call.


"Miss Kim. We found her location"

I burst into tears "Oh my god"

"We are now preparing to go to the place miss, are you going with us?"


"Copy miss. We'll fetch you"

He end the phone call.

"So? What's the news?!?"

"They found her location Chaeng! Finally! Oh my god!"

"REALLY?!? Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The three of us hurriedly went out and stayed a bit waiting for GD to pick us up, later on he arrived and drive us to where my Lisa is. I'm coming honey.


We used my private ship going to an island, it wasn't the main place where Lisa is. It's where they sell her. My men are heavily armed with deadly weapons in case the situation went bad.

"Oh fuck. Is that the heiress of Kims? Shit this will be big time!"

"That's her! Boss should know!"

The bad guys began to form groups not minding about their own business. Later on the police force arrived and arrest them one by one, the head officer went to me.

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