Chapter 21

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Jennie's POV

I'm with Lisa the entire time, Irene and Seulgi stayed in my house til afternoon talking about what they've been doing and how much they've miss Lisa. I was annoyed by Irene's presence because of how close she is to Lisa. It's given that they grew up together but her actions makes me question her relationship with Lisa. She's not her real sister and they're not even blood related at all yet she's acting like Lisa came from her.

"Lisa next time we will visit here let's go to the park again and play" Irene said with a smile on her face.

"Really unnie?!? Yeyyyy ice creammmm!" Lisa sway her feet.

We are all sitting at the living room my eyes intensely focus to my baby, she's so adorable.

"Yes baby, we will buy you ice cream"

"And cotton candies too?"

"Your teeth will rot if you keep on eating sweets baby"

Lisa clasp her hands together "Pleaseeee unnieeee"


"I'll buy you cotton candies. Any color any design and any value you want HONEY" I emphasize the last word so they can hear it well.

"Really nini? Uhm will you buy for Irene and Seulgi unnie too?" her eyes are full of hopes.

"Ofcourse honey I will. We will also buy you a cat tomorrow so be ready"

She quickly stood up and hug me tight "Nini! Thank you!"

Her soft sobs filled the atmosphere and I think it's the cutest sound I'd ever heard, I rub her back trying to sooth her down. But since we are being too close, I can feel her sleeping buddy down there rubbing on my belly. Oh fuck how I'm so turned on just by hugging her like this.

Lisa kiss my cheeks unintentionally "Thank you my honey. I'm gonna be responsible for our baby"

I cough unexpectedly "Y-Yeah. I'll help you raise our baby"

"Ahem" Irene tried to get our attention.

"Irene unnie! You heard that? Nini will buy me a cat!!!!"

Irene death stare linger on me before turning her attention back to Lisa with a smile "I heard it baby"

"I'm gonna be a parent soon! I'll be the daddy and Nini will be the mommy. I'll name my cat Luca"

We all cleared our throat on what my baby said, she smile innocently even if she unintentionally speak those words. But I like the idea. Daddy Lisa. Mommy Jennie. Baby Luca. A happy family. But I think it's much better if we have our very own baby.

"Lisa isn't that a little bold of you to say? Being a parent is.."

"Unnie, you heard Nini. She will help me raise our baby hehehehe"

"That's right. Hence Lisa suit as a daddy, do you doubt her? She's a big girl now"

I'm standing so close to Lisa more like rubbing my breast towards her arm.

"Yeah! I'm a big girl now. I'll be a daddy!"

Her little jumps was so cute that made me smile.

"O-Okay. Y-You'll be a daddy. Take care of your baby mmkay?" Irene stuttered as she went near Lisa then mess her hair.

They talk a bit before Seulgi and Irene decided to go home, it's already 6 PM and I didn't want to offer dinner to them. I'm selfish, they've been here the whole fucking day and shall I still let them stay longer? No fucking way.

"Unnie" Lisa whined.

"Yes baby?"

"Please visit more. I miss you"

My jealousy rise up as Lisa made that face that I don't want anybody else to see other than me.

"Lisa" Irene sigh "if I just can I'll do it everyday but..... our time is limited" she glared at my direction.

"Mmmmmhhh you'll get me here okay?"

"Yes baby. We will get you out of here"


"I promise"

I smirk. You can't fulfill your promise Irene, Lisa hates it when you break promises.

Lisa hug Irene tight then let go, she watch them go inside the car then waved her hand.

"Goodbye unnies! I love you!!!"

"I love you too Lis!"

"I love you baby!"

I rolled my eyes as Irene made a flying kiss, such a flirt.

Their car starts and leave, finally I can own Lisa. She's been acting cute and hot since this morning, I can't wait to put shackles on her and fuck.

"Lisa" I softly called.

"Yes nini?"

"You hungry?"


I held her hand "Let's go eat then. After it, you'll eat me"

Her eyes was so confused "Eat you? They're going to cook you? No!"

"Honey it's not like that. I'll show it to you later but for now let's eat. What do you want?"

"Hmmmm mandu!"

I chuckled "Why mandu?"

"It looks like you. Mandu reminds me of you"

I kiss her gently on her cheeks "That's good. Always think of me Lisa. Only me"

"Kiss me here too" she pout.

Since she's too cute I kiss her longer on her lips "Don't act cutely, I might fuck you here if you don't stop"


"I said let's go inside. It's getting colder"

"Okay Nini"

Hmmm Lisa, can't wait to have you tonight as my dessert.

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