The Unexpected Roommate

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It was the first day of a new semester, but you didn't go to school today. Because you were moving into your new apartment. 'Finally, a place all to myself. No annoying sibling or parents.' You thought. Even though your still going to the same school you did last semester. You needed to move out. You decided that you were fully old enough to be on your own.

You and your three friends (bff1), (bff2) and (bff3) were on your way up to your new apartment, boxes in hand. The four of you found yourselves in front of a door numbered 47. "Is this it?" Asked (bff1).

"Yeah." You answer. You reach into your pocket for your keys. But you notice the door is already unlocked. "What the..." You open the door. Inside were four males with boxes. A boy with black spiky hair, hazel eyes, and wore a green jacket with green shorts; he looked like he was 13. A boy with white hair, blue eyes, and wore a blue turtle neck with a white t-shirt and gray shorts; he looked 13 too. A man with black slightly spiky hair, brown eyes, and wore a suit; he looked like he was in his 30's. And the last one was a young man with blond hair, brown eyes, and wore a white shirt and white pants with a blue and yellow tabart; he looked like he was your age. 'He looks familiar, have I meet him before?' You thought looking at the blond one.

"Who are you?" (bff3) asked the four males.

"We should ask you the something." Said the white hair boy with a deadpan expression.

"We're helping our friend move into THIS apartment." Said (bff2) as she placed both hands on your shoulders.

The males were a bit surprised to hear that. They looked at the blonde one with puzzled expressions. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm the one moving in here." Said the blond staying calm. Then he took something out of his pocket. "I already have the keys."

Your friends look at you with concerned expressions. You reach into your pocket to show them your keys. The males were shocked to see that. "She has keys too!" Said the black hair boy.

"So... what do this mean?" Asked the suit man. Then the blonde left the room. "Hey, Kurapika! Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go talk to the land lady about this." He answered. Then he continued down the hall. You go and follow after him. Since this was a problem that you needed to deal with too. "Excuse me, Ms. Kannagi?"

"Yes, what is it Kurapika?"

"There appears to be a bit of a mix up. Apparently you gave us both the apartment."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you two that you be sharing the apartment."

"S-Sharing it?!" You said shocked.


"O-Okay, I understand." You duck your head, having your (h/c) bangs cover your eyes. You went back upstairs.

"So, how did it go?" Asked (bff1). You were about to answer her when someone beat you to it.

"Apparently we have to share the apartment." Said the blond behind you. You jumped up once you heard him, since you didn't know he was there.

"(f/n), are you okay with that?" Asked (bff2).

"Y-Yes, I am."  You lie. You were very, very shy. And the very idea of sharing a apartment with someone scared you stiff.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kurapika and these are my friends Gon, Leorio and Killua."

'Wow, he's so nice.' You thought. A shy smile appeared on your face as you flush a bit.  "I'm (f/n). And these are my friends (bff1), (bff2) and (bff3)."

"I hope we get alone real well." The he held his hand out in front of you. You hesitantly took it to shake. But the moment your hands tough, you felt something. Instantly, you both pull your hands back. 'What was that. Well... whatever it was, I'm sure he felt it too.' You thought. You look at Kurapika to see that he was just as curious as you were.

Then was silence for a moment. "Okay then, let's get started. Shall we?" Said (bff1) as she broke the silence.

"Alright, let's go!" Said Gon excited. Then all eight of you got in everything and unpacked.

Kurapika's POV

It was dark now and everyone left. It was now just me and my roommate. There was an an awkward silence. She was still unpacking her things, and I was having some (f/p) pizza. [(f/p) is favorite pizza) 'She hasn't said a word to me. Did I do something?' I thought. Then I heard something, it was her stomach rumbling. 'She hasn't eaten anything yet.' Then an idea came to me. I grab another paper plate and got a big slice of (f/p) pizza. 'This will break the ice.'

"Here." I said as I handed her the plate.

She seemed a bit startled. "N-No, I couldn't." She refused.

"I incense. Besides, I can't eat it all by myself." She nodded in agreement and took the plate. "Did I do something, because you've been kinda quite."

She looked at me surprised. "D-Did I really make you feel like that? I-I'm sorry. I-It's just... I'm... a-a little shy." 'So that's why she didn't say much when we were talking to the land lady.'  A soft smile came to my face.

"It's okay, I'm just happy to hear that it wasn't me." There was another awkward silence. "So... Are you in school?" She nodded yes. "Which school?"

"... (s/n) High School." I was surprised to hear that.

"That's the school I'll be going to!" She seemed surprised to hear that too. "Are you new there too?" She nodded no. "I see... I know this might be a bit much for you, but can you help me out and show me around the tomorrow?"

"Sure... no problem."


"Again... no problem." Her face was starting to turn bright red. 'Oh great, I think I'm starting to embarrass her. Oh well, it least I know one person there. And I won't have to worry about getting lost.' After she finished eating her pizza, she went to sleep. 'I hope things go well.'

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