Student Council Elections

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  It was a new year, and you are a junior now. They say junior year is the hardest year. But you're going to make sure you do your best. In both your school work, and your job. Ever since what happened in Hawaii, you've been joying your job more. And not just because the other bodyguards see how strong you are. After you, Neon, and Kurapika got your schedules; you wait for (BFF1), (BFF2), Gon, and Killua, since they were now going to (s/n) High School as freshmen. You, Neon, and Kurapika's schedules were slightly different from each other, since they were now two bodyguards instead of one. Even though you're still in most of Neon's classes; you still had one class with only Neon, and one class by yourself.

Your Schedule
1st Hour: History 141
2nd Hour: Spanish I 104
3rd Hour: Algebra II 204
4th Hour: Earth Science 208
5th Hour: Multimedia Technologies I 111
6th Hour: English 11 202

Neon's Schedule
1st Hour: History 141
2nd Hour: Spanish I 104
3rd Hour: Algebra II 204
4th Hour: Earth Science 208
5th Hour: Orchestra 103
6th Hour: English 11 202

Kurapika's Schedule
1st Hour: History 141
2nd Hour: Study Hall Library
3rd Hour: Algebra II 204
4th Hour: Earth Science 208
5th Hour: Orchestra 103
6th Hour: English 11 202

"Hey, (F/n)!" Yelled (BFF1) with (BFF2), Gon, and Killua by her side.

"(BFF1), (BFF2)!" You yell back.

"Gon, Killua!" Kurapika yelled to his friends as all four freshmen ran towards them.

"Kurapika, do you know these two boys?" Neon asked.

"Of course we know him, we're his friends." Said Gon.

"And you are...?" Killua asked looking at Neon.

"I'm Neon, nice to meet you." She answered.

"Before you two get the wrong idea. Neon is my boss. (F/n) and I are her bodyguards." Said Kurapika.

"So at last we finally meet Ms. Neon Nostrade." Said (BFF1).

"It's great to meet you too. But I wish I could meet that (BFF3) girl." Said Neon. Your big smile turned into a frown remembering (BFF3). You were told two weeks ago that she was moving away. You knew you could talk to her on the phone or video chat, and that she would also visit you. But you still missed her.

"I'm sure you'll get to meet her someday, Neon."

As all of you were walking around the school, there was something that caught Gon's attention. "Hey, what's this?" Gon asked as he was looking at a poster.

"It's a poster about the student council elections." Said (BFF2).

"I maybe wrong, but aren't student council elections held at the end of the year for next year's student council?" Killua asked confused.

"Not at this school, we have in the beginning of the year so freshmen could be in the council if they wanted to." You explain.

"That's so cool!" Said (BFF2).

As everyone was talking, you noticed that Kurapika was just staring at the poster. But the next thing Gon said made Kurapika snap out of his thoughts. "I think Kurapika should be the student council president."

"Y-You really think so, Gon?" Kurapika asked.

"Of course!"

"You're thinking about joining the student council, aren't you?" You ask.

"Well yes, but... I don't think I have the time to do it."

"Kurapika, I'll make sure you get the time. Because if it's something you want to do, then do it."

"Yeah, Kurapika. Go for it!" Said Neon as she claps her hands together.

"Alright, then I'll do it." Said Kurapika.


"First, I need to put my name on the board. Then we to need put up some posters. And finally, come up with some ideas I could do if I do become president."

"I'll design the posters!" Said (BFF2).

"Okay then, and how about we all meet together at lunch to help you get some ideas." You said.

"Sounds like a plan."


It was now lunch and everyone is now seating at your special spot. It warmed your heart seeing that. In the beginning of high school the place was empty, only you sat there. Now every seat is filled, full of just wonderful friends. "Well... I'm on the board for student council president." Said Kurapika.

"That's great, all you have to do is win the election." Said Gon.

"It won't be that simple, Gon. First we need to put up posters so the student body is aware of me being on the board."

"Oh yeah, the posters! I did this in my free time at art class. So what do you think?" Said (BFF2) as she handed Kurapika the poster she made. It was a simple poster of Kurapika's face with the school colors and a text that reads 'Kurapika for President'.

"I like it."

"Really?! It's not too simple?"

"No, it's perfect."

"Great, I'll print copies at my next hour."

"Now then, let's think of some ideas."

"Ideas, what do you mean?" Gon asked confused.

"Idiot! You can't just put up posters and expect people to vote!" Killua yelled.

"That's right, I need to tell people what I plan to do once I'm the student council president." Said Kurapika.

"I-I actually have an idea." You said.

"What is it, (F/n)?"

"I was thinking... How about we let students go off campus during lunch. So that way people could get all types of food for their lunch."

"That's a great idea!"

"Yeah, I would love that." Said (BFF2).

"That idea could work." Said Killua.


Today is the day they announce who's in the student council. Kurapika used your idea and many others when he was giving a pre-voting speak. And Gon and Killua put posters all around the school. Now it was time to hear who would be the president. You were so nervous as you sat on the gym bleachers. "And the student council president is..." Said the principal. 'Come on, just say it already. You're killing me!' You thought. "Kurapika!" You were really happy that all the work paid off. Kurapika is now the student council president.

I'm SO sorry about the late update. I've been so busy with school. I will try harder. ^v^'   

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