Spirit Week

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Day 1: Nekomini Day

Today was the start of spirit week. The school gave everyone permission to not wear the school uniform, as long as they participate in spirit week. The first day is nekomini day. Instead of of wearing your uniform, you put on a (f/c) tiger print skirt with a black shirt and (f/c) tiger print shrug. And to make it truly nekomini, you added a pair of tiger ears and a tail.

When you were getting dressed, you notice Kurapika is wearing his uniform. "You're not doing spirit week?" You asked curiously.

"No, dressing up in costumes isn't really my thing." He answered.

"Oh..." was all you could say. 'Geez, why can't he just have fun.'

When you arrived at school, you saw Neon wearing a pink cat costume. "Wow (f/n), you look tigerific!" She yelled. You laugh at her excitement. "Kurapika! Why aren't you dressed up?"

"I'm not one for these sorta thing."

Neon got a big pout face. "You must!" She grabbed a pair of squirrel ears from her bag and placed on the blond's head. "There!" You chuckled like mad seeing Kurapika in those ears. "You will dress up for spirit week! If you don't, I'll tell Daddy."

The Kurta sighed, not wanting to fight with the pink cat. "Fine." 'Thanks Neon, for pushing him.'

Day 2: Spongebob Day

Today is spongebob day, so you decided to dress like Spongebob Squarepants. You wear a white blouse with a red tie, a brown skirt with a black belt, and black penny loafers with white knee socks.

"Ah... (f/n)?" Your roommate ask as he was looking at his clothes.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I'm not sure how I should dress."

"Well, today is spongebob day."

"That doesn't really help. I don't watch cartoons."

'Seriously?!' "Not even as a kid?"

"Nope." 'Wow even as a kid he was a drag. Wait, I got it!'

"Well then I'll help you. Do you have a brown shirt?"


"Put it hold with this hat." You hand him a Krusty Krab hat. He did what he was told and put one the shirt and hat with some jeans. He looked just Squidward. "Perfect!"

When you saw Neon at school, she a was dressed like Pearl. She was wearing a purple skirt, a pink t-shirt with a P on it, white boots, and had her blue hair in a ponytail. "Oh, (f/n)! You're dressed like Spongebob." Said Neon, then she chuckled. "And of course Kurapika is Squidward." Then a idea hit her. "I know, why don't we made even more like Squidward and give you a huge nose."

"No way in hell." Kurapika said bluntly. 'Well... I guess that's his spirit limit for today.'

Day 3: Mismatch Day

Today is mismatch day and you decided not to pick at Kurapika. You figured has long as he has something mismatch, he's good. So he was wearing mismatched socks. You were wearing two colors that you think should never be together. When you were at school Neon was not pleased for the lack of spirit. But she decided to let it go. Then she noticed something.

"Hey, (f/n)?" Said Neon.


"Come with me." She grabs your hand and drags you into the girls bathroom. "There, now that we're finally alone you can say anything. So if there's anything you want to tell me. Or anything you want to ask me. Then go ahead."

'Wow... I can't believe it. Neon is being so nice. I can ask her about anything. But what?' An image of Kurapika come to your head. 'Wait, I know.' "W-Well... There is one thing I want to ask."

"Then ask me, I'll answer."

"How do you get someone to truth you effort, that they tell you their secrets?"

"How indeed. Well... All you have to do is tell them your secrets. Then they'll tell you theirs. You know, like give and take."

"Give and take." 'That's it! I tell Kurapika one of my secrets and he'll tell me he's a Kurta. And I know the prefect secret.' "Thanks Neon, you're the best." You give Neon a great big hug, which actually startled her a bit. And with that you left the girls bathroom.

Day 4: Harry Potter Day

Harry potter day was very easy do to. You were wearing a (your harry potter house. Take this quiz to find out what it is. What Hogwarts House are you? ) uniform. And Kurapika was wearing a slytherin uniform. Seeing that made you think 'He looks... kinda... like Malfoy.' When you met with Neon, she was wearing a ravenclaw uniform. "Hey, you both definitely look like you're from Hogwarts!" She yelled, then she took a good long stare at Kurapika.

"What is it?" He asked confused.

"You look a lot like Malfoy."

"That's what I thought!" You yelled.

"So I'm a bad guy now?" Said Kurapika. You sweatdrop at that comment and Neon laughed hard.

When Neon was done laughing, she spoke. "So (f/n), do you want to come to my place?"

'Wait, Neon's asking me to come to her place?! I wonder what type place she lives in anyway.' You picture a big mansion with butlers and maids everywhere. 'You know, going to Neon's might actually be fun.' Right when you were about to say yes, you remember something. "I'm sorry, I appreciate that you invited me over but... there's something that I need to do."

"Really? What is it?"

"I lost something important and I need to find it." It was true. If you were going to tell Kurapika your secret. You needed proof. So you've been looking for the thing that would prove your secret is true.

"Oh... okay, hope you find it soon!" 'You and me both chief.'

Day 5: Disney Day

Today is disney day and everyone had to dress up. Boys wear blue for Mickey. Girls wear pink for Minnie. Kurapika is wearing his usual blue and yellow tabart. You don't say anything about it since it is blue. Neon is wearing her normal pink clothes. And you are wearing your favorite pink outfit. At lunch, the school courtyard was fulled with many food cars. "Wow! Look at all the food cars!" Said Neon with excitement gleaming in her eyes. "Good thing I've bring money with me today."

"This is why I didn't make our lunches, and told you to bring lunch money." You whisper into your roommate's ear. You were referring to earlier that day, before you two left the apartment for school. Yes, you did the cooking in the apartment. This little decision was made one night when Kurapika tried making dinner. Keyword tried!

You, Kurapika, and Neon separate to get the type of food you all wanted. With Kurapika following after Neon, of course. After you got your food, you walked over to your spot in the cafeteria. It was a big rounded booth at the corner. It was like one of those big booths you see at a restaurant. You picked out this spot at the beginning of your freshmen year. You picked it because you thought that when you started high school, you would make a lot of friends. But everyday you anyways find yourself sitting at that big booth... all alone.

"So this is where you disappear to at lunch!" Said a voice. When you left up your head to see who was talking to you. You saw that it was Kurapika and Neon, standing right in front of your booth with their food.

"May we sit with you?" Kurapika asked.

"Y-Yeah... s-s-sure." You answer. With that, they sat down with you. Kurapika on one side and Neon on the other. Now after so many days sitting by yourself, you finally get some friends to sit with you at lunch.


Later that night, after Kurapika had fallen asleep. You were still looking through your things for the thing you lost. Then after two hours of searching, you finally found it... your hunter license. Yep, the big secret that you wanted to tell Kurapika, was that you are a Blacklist Hunter.

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