Let's Play Soccer

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Your social skills teacher was asked to teach P.E. today. So both classed came together. You didn't realized the fact that Kurapika and Neon took this P.E. class; until you bump into Neon in the girls locker room. "(f/n), what are you doing here?" Neon asked surprised to see you. 

"My social skills teacher is subbing for this class, Ms. Nostrade." You answer her. 

"Wow, cool! Another class we're are in together. Well, for today at least... Oh, and stop calling me Ms. Nostrade. Just call me Neon, Ne-on." 

"Okay Ne-on." You joked,  that made Neon laugh really, hard. Since the day you meet Neon had been acting like you're already BFFs . You just decided to go along with it. You never thought of anyone as a friend until they said the words 'we're friends'. There are always people who treat everyone as a friend, but they are nothing but acquaintances. 

After you were done changing,  you in the gym and saw that everyone else was already there stretching.  "Attention everyone! My name is Mr. Otoharada. Mr. Fuga had asked me to teach you guys today, so we're gonna play so soccer!" Said your social skills teacher. Everyone cheered from hearing, but not you. You didn't like playing sports for three reasons. One, you didn't like being around others. Two, you were always picked last. And three, you were scared that if  you mess up everyone would laugh at you. "So here's  how it's gonna work. I'm going to pick two people to be the team captain, one boy and one girl. They'll pick who they want on their team one at a time. Then we'll start the game." 'I doubt he'll pick me.' You thought. "Our first team captain will be... You young men with the blond hair and black eyes." He pointed at Kurapika. 

'Black eyes?' You thought confused. 'If I recall correctly; Kurapika has brown eyes, not black.'You stare into his orbs and saw that they were indeed black. 'Is he wearing contacts?' 

Kurapika's POV

Mr. Otoharada picked me and Neon to be the team captain. We did rock-paper-scissors to determine who pick first, I won. "Well Kurapika, do you to go first or second?" Mr. Otoharada asked me. I took a quick glance at (f/n). 'If I let Neon go first, she'll pick (f/n) before me.' I thought. 

"I'll go first." I said, I took a quick breath💨 before picking my first teammate. "I want (f/n)." 

Second Person POV 

"I want (f/n)." Kurapika said as he pointed at you. Everyone was surprised that he picked you out of the blow. 'Wait what?! He wants m-me!' You thought shocked. 

"Ah, but I wanted her!" Neon said with a pout face. 'You too, Neon?!' You slowly walked to your captain's side, shaking by the attention from everyone. Kurapika and Neon continued to pick their teammates. 'Why did you pick me, Kurapika? Wait, does he know?!' What everyone didn't know was that you, despite being so shy and small, had someone really great inside. 

When everyone was on a team they all came around their captains. "So... who should be the goalie?" Kurapika asked the  team. 

"It can't be (f/n), that's for sure. Unless you want her to get a head injury and see a water works show." Said one of the boys.

"Like Mate did in the soccer skit on studio c?" Asked another boy. 

"Yeah, exactly." 

"Well, at least the other team wouldn't score any goals if she that." 

"Plus it be fun to watch." Then the boys started laughing as continued on. 

When you were little you'd always get hurt, physically and mentally. You were just about to cry, but suddenly someone said. "That's enough! Stop belittling her and leave her alone!" You lifted your head to see that it was Kurapika. 

"Yeah, just leave her alone. I'm sure (f/n) would be a great goalie." Said one of the girls. 

"Alright fine, I'll stop. But I have one question. Why did you pick her first?" Said the guy. 

Then was silents for a moment, he started at him as if he asked a strange question. "Because I think she has potential." 'No way, he really thinks I have potential.' "So (f/n), do you want to be the goalie?" 

"S-Sure." You said a little frazzled. 

So you were the goalie for your team. And you actually stopped the ball a few times, and not with your head you might add. You were at break and the game had five minutes left. One  of the boys from earlier came up to you. "I guess being the goalie is the only thing you can do." He said. 'What does he mean by that?' Then, just as fast as he came, he left. 

You thought about what's going on for a minutes or two. And that's when it came to you. You walk up to your team captain. "Kurapika, I-I like to p-play on the field!" 

He looked at you a bit puzzled. "You sure?" 

"Y-Yes! Put me in!" You said a bit nervous but determined. The blond understood and had you changed possession with one of the other teammates. You went back into the game. 

There was least than two minutes left, the score was tied,↔ and Kurapika had the ball. He was headed for the other team's goal. You were not that far from him, you actually wanted to be closer to him than you were. Suddenly, players from the other team surrounded your blonde teammate. "(f/n)!" Kurapika yelled as he kicked the ball you direction. 

As the ball came right for you, time slowed down. 'Oh no, the ball is coming right at me. What do I do? Kurapika trusted me with the ball. What should I do?' You just stared at the ball thinking of the most likely outcome of this. You's get hurt in the head and be completely humiliated. That's when you remember what Kurapika said, you have potential. 

Time returned as you hit the ball with your head. You dribble the ball at rapid speed. Everyone, even your teammates were astonished to see you like this. You made it to the goal and you kick the ball swiftly. The ball went flying pass the goalie and the timer went out. 

Your team won, you kicked the winning goal. Your team was ecstatic, and you were amazed at yourself. 'This can't be real.'  The blond placed his hand on her shoulder. "I told you you had potential." Said Kurapika, with a soft smile on his face. 'You have no idea.' 


If you're wondering what the guys meant when they mentioned studio c, here's the video they were taking about. Hope you enjoy it, it's really funny! >w<

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