First Date

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Today you're doing something you never thought you would do in million years. You were on your first date. Because of the fact that you were too shy to talk with any guys, you never thought you would be here now. But it was with Kurapika. He was the first person you didn't feel shy around. You were at the movies deciding what movie to watch.

"Is there anything you would like to watch?" You asked Kurapika.

"You pick, I'm not really sure what I like to see." Kurapika answered.

"Okay then, how about Insidious: Chapter 3?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why? Are you scared?"

"No, I'm just worried about you?"

Your heart skipped a beat when you heard that. You started to blush bright red. "W-well... You don't need to worry. I don't scare easily."

"Really? What about the haunted house we went at the school festival?"

You remembered what happened at the haunted house. You weren't scared because of what you saw. It was because of what it reminded you. "I didn't get scared at the haunted house. It just... reminded me of-of... of something terrible I once saw."

"...I see. Come on, let go see the movie now."


When you walk into the theater, both you and Kurapika were completely surprised to see who was there. It was Killua and (BFF1)! When they looked back at you, you all just stared at each other. (Like when Gon and Killua saw Phinks and Feitan at the auction.) After the long staring contest, Killua and (BFF1) ran straight out of the theater. But you and Kurapika quickly blocked their path.

"What are you doing here?!" Killua yelled.

"We should ask you the same thing." Said Kurapika.

"(BBF1), are you on a date? Is Killua your secret boyfriend?!" You asked (BFF1).

(BFF1) was turning bright red. "Alright fine, I admit it! Killua is my secret boyfriend!" She yelled in embarrassment. You and Killua laugh. But your laughter died by what Killua said next.

"So, why are you guys here?"

You just stand there silent as your face became pale. (BFF1) quickly understood you silence. "No way! Are you two also on a date!?" You very slowly nod your head.

Killua started laughing again. "I knew you two would end up together."

"How long have you been together anyway?"

"Three weeks." Kurapika answered.

"Then I've won!" Killua yelled. Both you and Kurapika were confused at what he just said.

"No Killua, you didn't. You loose to Leorio." Said (BFF1).

"What do you mean I loose to that old man?!"

"Killua, I was there when you guys made that bet. You bet that Kurapika and (F/n) would get together by the fall. And Leorio bet that they get together in the summer. It's still summer, so you loose" 'Wait, they bet on when Kurapika and I would get together?!' You thought.

"Damn it!!! I can't believe I lose to Reolio!" All of you laugh at the nickname Killua gave Leorio. It made you forget about how mad you were about the bet.

"We should get back in the theater. The movie is gonna start soon." Said Kurapika.

"Okay." Said (BFF1).

"I'm actually surprised (F/n) agreed to watch this." Said Killua as you all took a seat.

"(F/n) may be shy, but nothing else scares her."

"Okay, cool."

Through out the whole movie, (BFF1) kept clinging onto Killua's arm. She of course was scared. However, you weren't scared at all. You just watched the movie with a blank expression as you eat popcorn. Not before long, the movie was over.

"Killua, we're never going out to see a scary movie ever again!" (BFF1) yelled.

"Ah, but I like having you cling onto me when you get scared. It is what a couple is suppose to do at a scary movie. Unlike some people." Killua looks over at your direction. You and Kurapika give him a confused look. "(F/n) didn't even get scared, let alone cling to Kurapika."

"Wait, am I suppose to do that?" You asked still confused.

"No, he's just trying to get me back on scary movies. So don't listen to what he says, okay?" Said (BFF1).


"Well now that the movie is over. What are we gonna do now?"

"Let's go to the arcade!" Said Killua.

"Great idea, let's go!"

"Sorry, but (F/n) and I have to leave now." Said Kurapika.


"Because we both have work tomorrow."

"Okay, then see you on Monday." Said Killua.

"Hey Killua, I bet I can beat you at Dance Dance Revolution." Said (BFF1).

"Oh you're on!" The two ran off towards the arcade as you and Kurapika start walking home.

"Well that was crazier than I would expect for a first date." Said Kurapika.

"But it was still fun. And... I'm actually relieved we crashed into those two." You said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I was very nervous about all this. Since this was my first date. I was afraid things were going to get awkward. But being a part of a group date made me feel more relaxed."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." After that was said, it started to rain. "What the? The weather didn't say anything about rain."

"Ah man, I'm getting all wet!" Then a small grin formed on Kurapika's face as he cupped his hands."Kurapika? What are you do-" But before you finish your question, Kurapika threw the water that formed in his hands by the rain at you. "Aaaahhh!!!" You scream. "Hey! Why did you do that?!"

"Why not? We're both getting wet from the rain anyway. So what's the problem?"

You give him the same grin he gave you, seeing what's going on here. You took the almost empty soda cup you had in your purse and dump what was inside onto the ground. Once you did that, you turned the cup right side up so the rain could fill it up with water. "You asked for it!" You threw the water in your cup at Kurapika. When he was soaked in rain water. He did the same thing you did with his soda cup. You both kept throwing water at each other, until you grabbed his hand that held his cup. "I got you."

"Actually... it is I who has you."


Not wasting anytime, Kurapika captured your lips with his. You gasped at the action, since you were still new at the kissing thing. But you soon relax as you wrap your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist as he continues kissing you. 'I know the whole "kissing in the rain" thing is a total cliche, but I don't care. This is amazing.'   

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