Hawaii is for Romance

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When the cruise finally made it to Hawaii, Neon was way beyond excited. "Aloha Hawaii! So what are we gonna do first? I know! Let's go to the beach and go swimming, no volleyball, no built sand castles, no scuba diving. no collect seashells. No wait, let's not go to the beach. Let's take a hola dancing class, no limbo contest. No wait, I got it! Let's go see the volcanoes." Neon said through her excitement.

"Ms. Neon, please calm down. First, before we do anything. We need to check into the hotel. Once we've done that, then will we decide what to do." Said Melody trying to calm and reason with Neon.

"Then what are we standing around for? Let's go, the sooner we get checked in then the soon we have some fun on this island."


As Basho and Kurapika were carrying Neon's bags to her hotel room. You decided to pull out your laptop to check your email. Right when you log into your user, you see someone calling you on Skype. You then click the answer button to see who it is.

"Hello~!" All your friends sing-song in unison. It was a group call with all your friends.

"Finally you pick up." Said (BFF1).

"We haven't seem you in a while. How have you been?" (BFF3) asked.

"I've been good." You answer.

"Where are you anyway? It looks like you're at an Hawaiian hotel." Said (BFF2) as she looked at the area behind you.

"That's because I am."

"What?! You're seriously at Hawaii?" (BFF1) asked surprised.

"Lucky!" Said (BFF3)

"It's actually not what you think. I'm only here because I'm working."


"You got a job? That's great!" Said (BFF1).

"Finally!" Said (BFF2).

"So what kind of job did you get?"

"I'm a bodyguard for the Nostrade family." You answer.

"Bodyguard?" Said (BFF3).

"Isn't that the same job your roommate, Kurapika, has?" (BFF2) asked remembering the time you told her on Valentine's day.

"Well... Yes and no." You answer. "Kurapika is the head bodyguard. So he's on a level a little higher than me."

"I see..."

"Speaking of Kurapika. How are things going between you two?" Asked (BFF3).

You started to blush a bright red, thinking about your crush on Kurapika. "Ah... well-" But before you could answer, Neon comes in and interrupts.

"Hey (F/n), who are you talking to?" She asked as soon as she saw that you were video chatting.

You turn back to your normal (s/c) color, forgetting what your friends just asked. "Oh, I'm just talking to my friends. You want to meet them?"

"Of course, any friend of yours is a friend of mine." She said as she walked over to you to see who was on your screen.

"Okay then. Neon these are my friends (BFF1), (BFF2), and (BFF3). Guys, this is-"

"Neon Nostrade!" Said (BFF1).

"You know about me?" Neon asked (BFF1).

"Of course I do, you're an amazing foruntain teller."

"Thanks you!"

"So (F/n) is your bodyguard?" Asked (BFF2).

"Yep, but she's not just my bodyguard. She's my friend. And since you're her friends. You're my friends too."




"So what school do you all go to?"

"I'm home schooled." Said (BFF3).

"But (BFF2) and I are gonna start going to (s/n) high school." Said (BFF1).

"That's awesome! We're gonna go to the same school. Can't wait to see you when school starts up again." Said Neon.

"Yeah me too."

"I'm just hoping we can get (BFF1) to tell us who her secret boyfriend is." Said (BFF3).

(BFF1)'s face turns bright red. "W-what?! I-I don't have a secret boyfriend!"

"Come on, just give up already."

"I have nothing to tell you because I have no boyfriend!"

"I'm gonna have it agree with (BFF3) on this. You're always lying about were you run off to. It's obsessive   you're dating behind our backs." Said (BFF2).

"But I already told you I'm not dating anyone."

"Okay guys, me and Neon have to go now. So.. Talk to you later?" You said.

"Okay, bye!" Said all your friends before you press the hangup button.

"Sorry about my friends, Neon. They can be nuts sometimes."

"It's okay, I actually really like talking to them. I can't wait to get to know them when school starts." Said Neon.

"You'll enjoy them a lot. They're fun to be around. Anyway, now that's we're all checked in. What do you want to do first?"

"Let's go see the volcanoes!"

"No!" A voice yelled. You turn around to see Kurapika with an unhappy face.

"Why not?!" You yelled back.

"These volcanoes are active. It could be dangerous."

"Tourist go to the volcanoes all the time! It's perfectly safe."

"But what if something happens?! Remember, our job is to protect Ms. Neon!"

"Neon will be alright as long as I'm there. I can handle anything that might happen!"

"No you can't! Remember, you never would have got this job if it wasn't for me!"

That was a low blow. The one person, who once said had you potential, now had no faith in you. As tears started to fall down your face. All you could say now was, "How could you say that?" You ran out of the room, with Neon following after you.

"(F/n), don't listen to him." Neon told you. "I think you can protect me on your own."

"I'm not sure about that anymore, Neon."

"You can, and to prove it. You're gonna take me to see the volcanoes!"

Kurapika's POV

My vision was red from my anger. Thankfully I had my contacts on. But right when I saw a tear come down on (F/n)'s face. I realized what I have done. I wanted to take back what I said right away. But she instantly ran out of the room, with Neon running after her. I felt so guilty about what I said. 'I can't believe I just hurt her like that.' I thought. 'How is she going to forgive me now?'

Second person POV

You and Neon were able to get to the volcanoes without Kurapika, Melody, or Basho knowing. You were a little uneasy about sneaking around. "What's wrong, (F/n)? You seem tense." Neon asked a bit concerned.

"I still don't think it was a good idea for us to sneak out like that." You answer.

Neon sighed. "How many times do I have to say this? As long as I have at least one bodyguard with me, we won't get in trouble."

"Yeah, but what about Kurapika?"

"Kurapika needs to learn that whatever I say goes." You sigh knowing that it would be best to stop talking there. When you both made it to the volcanoes there were already tons of people there."Wow, this is so cool. Let's get a closer look."

"I don't think that's safe, Neon."

"It'll be fine." When you and Neon got to the limit, everything seemed to be going smoothly. But trouble was just starting. "Hey (F/n), take my picture." Right after you took Neon's picture you noticed something behind her.

"The volcano is erupting!" Yelled one of the tourist.

"Neon, we have to get out of here!" You yell as you grab her hand. You both ran as fast as you could. But as Neon tripped, the lava was coming straight at you. You knew there was only one thing you could do to save Neon. You conjured your heavy blade and used your ability 'Water spout'. Water came right out of the sword and turned the hot lava into rock. "Let's get outta here!" You help Neon back up and an to safety.


"Ms. Neon, are you alright?!" Said Melody and Basho with full on worry for Neon in their faces.

"I-I'm fine... Thanks to (F/n)." Neon asked.

"How did you manage to get out of there?" Basho asked you.

"I just used one of my nen abilities." You answered as you put away your heavy blade. "Where's Kurapika? Does he know what happened?"

"No he doesn't, and he's at the beach." Melody answered.

"Okay, I'll go and apologies to him. He was right, but I didn't listen to him."


As you walk towards the beach you saw that Kurapika was just standing and watching the sunset.

"Kurapika, I-I..." He stopped your talking by placing his finger on your lips.

"Don't talk... Listen, I'm sorry of saying such terrible things to you. I was out of line. Will you please forgive me?"

"I forgive you. And Kurapika, you were right. Me and Neon went to the volcanoes and we got into trouble. I was able to use my nen to get Neon back to the hotel safely. But you were still right. We should've listened to you. I'm very sorry." Kurapika was just silent for a moment. You were worried that he was disappointed in you. But that feeling went away when he leaned in and kissed you. Your eyes widened as you felt his lips on yours. And you were blushing a deep red when he pulled back.

"I didn't say no because I was worried about Neon's safety. I said no because I was worried about you. (F/n), I care about you and don't want anything to happen to you."

You couldn't believe what he was saying, it was just with you wanted to hear. "I feel the same way about you, Kurapika."

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