The Shy Tour Guide

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You almost screamed at the top of your lungs when you woke up. But you didn't as soon as you remembered what happened yesterday. You won't use to a guy in your space. The only guys you had to deal with in the past was your father and brother(s). So that didn't really help you. 

You got out of bed and did your morning routine. Or at least, the parts that wouldn't change no matter where you are. You put on your school uniform (the uniform in the last chapter's picture) and you were out the door. You a bit uneasy because of the blond following you. You felt better when you sat down on the school bus. Because you always sat on a one person seat in the back by yourself. As you were sitting, you look over to were your roommate sat. 'I hadn't really thought about it. But I guess he's kinda cute.' 

When you got off the  school bus you found Kurapika there waiting for you with a girl with blue hair.'Did he make a new friend already?!'  "(f/n), this is Neon Nostrade, she's new here too." Said Kurapika as he introduced you to the blue hair girl. 

"Nostrade? Wait, you mean that Mafia family?!" You asked. 

"Yep!" Said Neon with a big smile. 

"Oh! I'm so sorry, where are my manners? I'm (f/n) (l/n), Ms. Nostrade." You said as you bowed to her. 

"No need to be so formal. Anyway, Kurapika said you're going to give us a tour around the school?" 

"Yes, ma'ma!" 

"But before we do that, we have to go to front office to finish the last of our registration. You don't mind waiting, right?" Kurapika asked. 

"Oh, n-n-no. No not at all. In fact, I have at the front office as well. Since I just moved and all." 

"Then let's go!" Neon yelled as she walking in the opposite direction. 

"Uh... Ms. Nostrade? The front office is that way." You said as you point towards the office. 

"Then let's go!" She repeats as she started walking the right way. 


"All right looks like all your guys registrations are finally complete." Said the front office lady. "And Ms. (l/n), thank you very much for letting us know that you moved, and on your own." 

"No need to thank me, it was work that needed to be done." You said as you bow to her. 

"Are you going to show our new students around the school?" 

"Yes ma'am." 

"Then let me write you pass." She wrote something down and handed you an orange slip. "Have a good day, Ms. (l/n). And I hope you two will enjoy yourselves here at (s/n) High School." 

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