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𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐀𝐇 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓|𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚|𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 & 𝐕𝐨𝐭𝐞

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|𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚|
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 & 𝐕𝐨𝐭𝐞

Feeling his arms wrapped around me I woke up stretching and preparing myself for today. Today is family therapy day for all of us.

Yes , you guessed it im back inside his arms. Regardless of what anyone says he really didn't do anything wrong I was just stuck in my ways.

" Baby , wake up we gotta get ready " I said tapping him.

" Ahhh " He woke up stretching.

" We fin' get this family back right fasho , and please don't be fighting Ja again " He said in all seriousness.

" I'm not the problem " I shrugged.

I moved closer to his face placing kisses all over it just wanting to love on him.

Y'all knew I was never coming up off this man.

He kissed me back grabbing me by my throat causing me to wrap my legs around him " Nah , wait we gotta get ready for we be late !" I said pushing him off me.

My future husband  .

Now pulling up to the doctor office I unlocked my door stepping out.

" I'm nervous shit " I said walking over to Rylo for him to hold my hand.

" Ian' fin to let nobody fuck wit you and that's on my son " He said kissing my forehead. I smiled feeling a little bit more comfortable and confident. We walked up to the desk where the young women was.

I looked around hoping Jasir came because all I wanted was peace at this point.

" They say she in dere already bae"

The women signed us in and walked with us to the back of the building room 15. I opened the door seeing Jasir sitting there on her phone. I came in and took the seat on the other side.

" Oh' you showed up I see " Rylo said to her.

" Hey messy " She waved her hand at him causing me to make a stank face. Rylo came and sat directly next to me as the women took a seat.

" Hi , I'm Mrs.Green and i'll be your counselor for today I also read over the notes so let's get this started." She smiled.

" Okay , what's going on ?"

" Our family can't seem to get it together , it's always fighting and lies going on " I said.

" Tell the reason why we fought !" Jasir looked at me and yelled.

I rolled my eyes directing the attention back on the lady as Rylo sat there quiet.

" No arguing , okay .. So anyways ! As I read over the notes what's so hard about not saying anything together and just exchanging kids ?" Mrs.Green ask.

" Okay , I'll admit when it came to certain situations I didn't know how to respond so I took it to the internet and that's my fault ! I'm sorry Ja , I'm sorry Rylo for being so hard on you giving you hard times .. I'm sorry all I just want is for everyone to get along .. and our kids to have a great bond."

" But , when it came to dealing with the kids .. I always there and never disrespected anyone child AT ALL.. That little boy loves me and I love him " I honestly admitted.

" Accountability is the first step , Sam has admitted her wrongs Ja now it's time for you " Mrs.Green said.

" Honestly , I felt like I didn't do anything wrong .. I apologize for beating yo ass' at yo baby party yeah that. But you threw rocks and hide your hand and I just can't fw that boo' I never had problems exchanging kids with Rylo.. like at all the problem was with the lies and Sam " Jasir shrugged her shoulders.

" Rylo your turn " Mrs.Green pointed.

" I fucked up lying and not telling you but it was to only protect my family ' & to Sam and Ja' I feel like I ain't do my best to keep the drama down honestly me and Ja should of never did what we did that night but shit happens " Rylo admitted.

" I'm sorry " Ja said which shocked all of us.

" I'm sorry to "

" What do you plan to do now on ? " Mrs.Green said.

" Well , I do wanna have a relationship with Rylo.. I love that man to death do us apart but I just want the drama to stop " I said.

" Well , I'm moving back to Detroit with my mom , me n Desmond .. I'll send Rylen on airplanes back to Atlanta whenever he's out of school. Atlanta isn't for me I miss my hometown "

I kept quiet this time knowing this isn't my situation to speak on.

" You shoulda' of been told me this shit.. this what i be talking about you do shit not knowing how I would or he would feel about it .. Why Ja ? I wanted all of us here in Atl "

" It's not your decision nor your life .. this my life and my baby life .. hopefully soon I'll move back when the time is right til then me and my baby moving to Detriot "

" You cannot stop her decisions Dad , the best you can do is support and still see your son " Mrs.Green said.

I looked at him in his eyes knowing he was hurt deep inside , I didn't wanna get involved and get beat up again so I shut my mouth.

" You promise to facetime everyday so I can talk to him ?"

" I promise "

We all stood up and gave each other a hug , yes me and Ja hugged. No matter what I'll never wish bad on that or anything.

I don't think me and her will become the best of friends .. but I'll always love and respect her child.


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