i love you too.

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This was originally supposed to be it's own story, but then I added it into this. Since it was going to be its own story, It's really long (2000+ words). Don't expect any of the others to be this long, this is the longest out of them all by far
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!! :]]

Me, Exer, and his dad, Harry, were all preparing for Christmas. Why was I here, at my bestfriend/the love of my life's house during the 'most wonderful time of the year' instead of at home with my dear family?? Well that one has an easy answer.

I mean, we wouldn't of decorated even if I stayed home. My parents never really got into that kind of stuff. They'd usually just give us presents on Christmas morning, but we never had a tree of any sort like the usual Christmas tradition.

Brenda was at her friend Pamela's for a sleepover, and she was going to be helping decorate there. Mom was at work really late a lot lately, and Dad seemed to be really off since he'd heard about the stuff with Exer quitting the football team and all that. I mean, I didn't blame him- I had been surprised too, but he seemed to be annoyed at me. Plus, I really wanted to see Lucy-furr, so Exer invited me over.

We'd been hanging out a lot lately. Like, even more than we did before the- the.. fight. I feel like I heard a saying before that was something about friendships getting stronger- I never took it to heart and I don't remember exactly what it said, but whatever it was, I was reminded of Exer and me when I thought about it.

I was really happy, and I felt like everything was getting back to normal- except for the fact that we were in detention now for what happened at the elections last month, but it really wasn't all that bad now. Things were getting better.
"Day?? Are you okay? You're doing that staring thing again." I jumped up- jeez, I kept doing that lately. It was so hard to stay focused, I'd just space out randomly.

It was really annoying, because I never even realize I'm doing it. "Exer- Oh yeah, sorry.." I quickly turned away and decided to turn my focus to the tree.We stood infront of it, taking a second to admire it after finally getting it stood up (Lucy wasn't much help with that, with the amount of times she scaled up it)

It was tall, and nearly hit the roof. Harry had stuck a star on the top that glistened in the sun's small bit of light. It had snowed that day, which was unexpected, and had left the skies majorly grey, but just near dusk when all the pretty colours normally appeared, the clouds went away to allow the sun to shine down one last time today.

"Finally!! Wow, that took a while- and we haven't even decorated yet!" Exer skipped over to a bin that sat against the wall and brought it over, opening it to reveal tons of christmas decorations ready to be set up.

I reached in to grab one, but it seemed we both had the same idea as Exer reached in to grab the same one and our hands touched. "Oh uh- sorry!!" We both said in unison before pulling our hands away and starting the decorating elsewhere.

Even on the few odd occasions that me and my family had decorated our home for Halloween, Christmas, or any other holiday, it had never really felt.. special?? I had never felt like, a connection with them. It didn't feel like we were doing anything as a family. Most of the time in the end it just ended in yelling and arguments over this or that anyway. But with Exer.. I felt at home. I felt like I could be, well- me. I felt accepted, and happy, and almost like nothing could change that. It was a new feeling, and I was happy. Exer had always cared for me so much no matter what.
And I would forever love him for that.
I had to help Exer set up some of the decorations, mostly the larger pieces that had to be assembled together. We were outside, sat in the snow, trying to figure out how to set up one of his dad's outdoor decorations. And for some reason, without the intruction guide to help us.

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