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CC: If you haven't read yesterday's story, pls read that before this! it's not needed, but I think it sets up this story a bit more. Anyways, enjoy!!

"Well, that sure was a waste of time." David laughed as he flopped backwards onto the couch, laying down and staring towards the blank ceiling. I scoffed, and sat down next to him near his head. "Really? I thought it was fun." He quickly got up, sitting next to me and lightly shoving me to the side "Yeah, well of course it was fun, but we didn't get any cookies to actually eat.." He frowned, looking down towards the floor.

I tried to stop myself, but it made me laugh and it slipped out. I immediately covered my mouth, but it was too late as David had heard and he looked up at me, glaring. "Are you.. laughing at me??" I looked to the side, still covering my face, "Noooo?" He grinned, before launching himself at me, knocking me over backwards. "That'll be the last time you laugh at me, Campbell!!"

I got up, grabbing David's hand off of me and sitting up. "Are you sure?" I said, smiling at him. He froze, staring at me for a second, before laughing. "Haha, should we... watch another movie?" He backed up, quickly turning around to the shelf. From the corner of my eye I saw his face turning a flushed shade of pink, but I didn't mention it. "Hmm... do we have to watch a movie?? Or could we do something else?" He turned and looked at me, confused. "Something else? Like what?" I thought for a moment, trying to think of something we could do other than watch a movie like always. "We could... make a pillow fort!!"

He thought for a second, before grinning, then frowning again. "You barely have any pillows in your house, dumbass" I looked at him, thinking, and then I ran over, grabbing his hand, "We'll make it in my room then- make it out of blankets!!" I dragged him to my room. "Thats a blanket fort then." I rolled my eyes, moving things in order to make space for our fort. "What should I do?" David asked, sitting down on my bed.

"Hmmm, could you grab the extra pillows from my closet?" He nodded, going over and opening it in search of the pillows. "There they are!!" He reached up, trying to get them down them, but realised sooner than later that he couldn't reach them. He continued reaching for them until I realized he was struggling and walked over. I stood up as tall as I could and easily grabbed a few of the pillows. "Hey, you took my job!!" I laughed, picking up a pillow from the ground and throwing it at him. "Oh, you're really in for it now!"

He picked up two of them, whipping them at me like duel katanas. I re-picked up the one I had thrown at him prior, hitting him with it as he propelled himself towards me trying to get me with the pillows. He laughed, missing and sliding past me. I sat down on the floor, laughing, and he came and sat next to me. "Well, who won the pillow fight?" I asked after we had both stopped laughing.

"Hmm... me, obviously!!" I put on a shocked face, trying to figure out how he had won "Whaaat?? But I started the pillow fight, you know. Plus, you didn't even hit me!! How'd you win??" He grinned, before making finger guns directed towards me. "There is no how, it just happened. Don't question it." I laughed, standing up and throwing a blanket on him.

"Heyyy, Exer!!" He threw it off, and just as he was regaining his senses I threw a pillow at him, knocking him over. "Come on, let's make this fort already!!"

We built it, using my desk's chair as support for the blanket, draping one end of it over the chair's back and the other end connected to the bed. We covered the floor of it with a smaller blanket, and made a small matress/bed out of all the pillows we could find. "Finally, there we go!!"

David laid down, putting his hands behind his head. "Wait, let me go get something!!" He sat up, ready to question me, but I had already ran out the bedroom door. I slid down the steps, searching through the small box of Christmas decorations that we had yet to put away. I know I saw them somewhere, I thought. Suddenly I felt them at the bottom of the box and I tugged at them until they finally gave and came flying out.

It was a set of Christmas lights. They weren't too long, perfect size to have as a light in our fort. I carried them back up, startling David as he laid on the mountain of pillows. "Whats that??" He asked, unable to tell from how I was hiding them behind my back. "You'll see!! Now close your eyes!" I shoved a blanket over his eyes, which he kept there because it would be easier than keeping his eyes closed himself.

I hung the lights over the edge of the chair, plugging them into the wall and excitedly taking a seat infront of David and carefully removing the blanket from his face. His eyes were shut underneath it, and I giggled. "Alrght, open your eyes now!" I smiled as he opened them, watching the reflections of the different colors bounce off the sheets on the floor.

"Woah- where'd you get these??" I looked at him, putting on a mysterious face. "There's no how, I just found them. Don't question it." He laughed, and raised his arms to stretch, nearly knocking down the fort. "Soo, do we get to sleep now?" I turned and faced him, seeing the lights change the colours in his eyes. "Hmm, if your tired we can. If not, we can-" "I'm tired- let's sleep!!!"

He laid down, motioning for me to lay down next to him, so I did. We both stared at the blanket above us, which was illuminated with different colours and shadows. I moved my hand towards David's and tapped our fingers together, causing him to flinch. I moved my hand away, but he moved back and held my hand. I turned to face him, and he stared at me from the corner of his eye. "Good night, Exer." I laid there with our hands entertwined, watching the rainbow swirls of colour above us, but eventually I heard David's soft breathing and I knew he had fallen asleep. So I followed, soon dozing off in our little pillow fort.

CC: i feel like this isnt that christmas-y.. oh well. only two more stories to go!! (also another thing.. the last story may come out a bit late because im not done writing it and im busy this weekend since its christmas)
thx for reading!!

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