ice skating

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"Is Ron coming?" I asked, as Exer gave me a pair of ice skates to try on.

"Yeah, he said he'd come, but we all know how unreliable he can sometimes be." We all laughed, and heard the door open.

"Ron, there you are!" We all ran up to greet him and gave him his pass to the ice skating rink. Me, Exer, Brenda and Ron had decided to go iceskating after school today because Exer had a day off of work. Well, actually- it was more of a Brenda decision. I think she chose it because she knows how absolutely horrible I am at ice skating.

We both started ice skating when were about 6, but Brenda just had some sort of natural talent. Me, on the other hand, still holds onto the wall for dear life the second I step onto the ice.

I'd never come here with Exer before, but he said he'd been skating before, so hopefully he'd be able to help me atleast a little bit. It wasn't too busy, probably because it's a week day.

Everyone else stepped out onto the ice, while I stood back hesitating. Exer turned around and looked back at me while Brenda and Ron had a conversation up ahead.

"You okay, Day?" I looked up at him, my hand gripping the wall. "O-oh yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." I slowly stepped forward out onto the ice and slipped and fell.. right onto Exer. He caught me quickly.

"David, are you alright?" Jeez, this was so embarrassing. Thanks, Brenda. "Yeah, yeah, I am, sorry." He let go of me, but after I nearly fell again.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me further out into the rink "H-hey, Exer!! I can't skate!" He smiled at me with that charm in his eyes that I just can't describe. I felt like I was going to fall over just from looking at him. "I know, so.. I'm gonna teach you!" We made it to near the centre of the ice rink and he held both my hands in his.

"Alright, so.. to go forward you put your feet like this, and to stop if you're going fast you do this." He moved his feet to show me, then gave me space to do it myself. He stood next to me, waiting for me to do it. I repositioned my feet and started sliding forward a bit, before tripping over myself and falling. He lifted me up and we tried again. We kept doing it until I could achieve a bit of distance from him before I started slipping. He started explaining the next step, but I couldn't focus. I had my hands in his, and I turned and stared into his deep golden eyes. After a while I heard something and saw Brenda jumping and spinning around on the ice. How could she do that? I watched her for a bit, before Exer grabbed my face and turned me back to face him.

"Daaaaviddd??? Have you even been listening??" My face went red and I looked down at the ice "Oh- sorry, I just saw Brenda, and I got distracted. You don't have to teach me, you know, you should go enjoy this and not waste your time on me."

I looked back up at Exer and he looked shocked. "Day??? What do you mean? Do you think I don't want to help you?? Honestly, I'd rather teach you then go skate around on my own." I looked up at him and started laughed. He smiled, before laughing himself, covering his face with his hand before grabbing both of mine again.

Exer let go of one of my hands and started gliding around the edge of the rink with me. I almost fell, and grabbed onto his arm.

"Oh- sorry!" I quickly let go and stared down at the ice. We did a few circles around the rink, before he grabbed both my hands and started spinning me. "Ah- Exer!! I'm gonna fall!!" He then pulled me into a hug, still holding my hand. "I just wanted an exuse to hug you, sorry." He whispered to me, a warm smile plastered on his face.

"Now come on, lets go find Brenda and Ron and get food!!" He let me go from the hug and pulled me across the rink to where they were. What just happened?? Why'd he want to hug me?? He could've just asked.. wait, was his face- red??? Wait, does that he..

Oh. my. god.

"Exer? What's up with David, is he ok?" Brenda looked at me, puzzled. I snapped up and quickly said "Oh- I'm fine, sorry, I almost fell so I was just kinda on edge, haha!!!" Brenda and Ron shrugged at eachother, and then we packed up and left the ice rink to go get something to eat.

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