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It was early December, and snow (which is uncommon in Exer's town) had unexpectedly fallen the night before and cancelled classes for the day. Exer decided to take this opportunity to ask out his best friend, David, on a sledding trip.

"You have to come Day, please!!! No, I'm not going on my own! Ron hates the cold, he'd never come! Please, Day?? Next year? There is an absolute 0% chance there'll be snow next year. It's only snowed three times while I've been alive, David, theres no way I'm just gonna hope that it snows next year! Fine, guess I'll just ask Brenda then- hey, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!! You'll come? Seriously? Yes!! Ok, meet at my place in thirty? Alright, bye Day!!"

I set the phone back on the wall and ran to get changed. I didn't think he'd ACTUALLY want to come- but I wasn't complaining.

I grabbed a knitted sweater he had given me and some sweatpants and left my room. "Hey, Exer, where are you heading?" My dad was sat at the table with some coffee. Lucy was on the ground eating her food. I assumed that he had fed her.

"Oh, David is coming in a bit, we're going sledding." I said as I grabbed my backpack and put some snow gear inside. Gloves, a hat, and a scarf. I grabbed an extra pair of gloves, remembering how David always forgets his.

"Oh, really? Well, I'm glad you two are friends again. You seem alot happier when you're with him, you know." I felt my cheeks warm, thinking about all the time me and David had spent together. At the café, watching movies, going on walks. Almost everyday we were hanging out now.

"Haha, yeah, we're best friends again!!" I quickly said before turning and heading out through the back door with my bag. I didn't know how I felt about David, but I knew something had changed since we became friends again. I couldn't accept how I felt, and couldn't bare to think about it any more. I sighed, and broke the ice on the shed door to search inside for sleds.

I looked for a while, but couldn't find any until I saw them back behind a large and heavy box. I tried to move it, but suddenly a rat came out from under it. I jumped, and slipped on a spot of ice and began to fall backwards before I was caught.

"Ah, Exer, are you alright??" I looked up to see who has caught me, and saw David, with his concerned blue eyes looking down on mine. "O-Oh, yeah, sorry!! I just, uh- saw a rat, and it scared me." He helped me up and then let go of my hand. "Pff, of course you're scared of rats!!!" He started laughing and covered his face. "Oh, shut up and help me move this!!!"
It took us about ten minutes to get it moved enough for us to reach the sleds. I climbed behind the box and pulled out two sleds, one of them being newer and the other being worn out and slightly cracked. Oh well, it'll still work the same.

We headed out, locking the shed door behind us and dragging the sleds across the unshoveled ground. We went out the back gate of the yard and followed a path down the alleyway that eventually opened up to a wide empty park.

There was a large hill there, perfect for sledding on. Me and David had come here a few years ago to go sledding. Thats the last time I saw snow.

Despite not experiencing it much, winter was my favourite season. All the glittery snow and the Christmas decorating and the ice skating- it all added up to create a beautiful season of joy and happiness.

I admired David as he took in the mass of the area. All the snow here was basically untouched. "Well, you ready?" He looked at me "Yeah!" 
We climbed up the hill, dragging the sleds behind us. The downside of the snow not being packed down is that it made it 10x harder to get up the hill. We finally made it to the top of the hill and I sat down on the sled. David made it up behind me and sat down next to me. "Finally, god, that probably took more energy than we'll use actually sledding." We laughed and then he looked down at his hands.

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