gingerbread house

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"DAVID!! WHERE'S THE ICING??" I yelled to him while he stood at the counter, separating the small bags of candy into bowls. "I don't know!! Look- there it is, go grab it yourself!" I rolled my eyes, reaching over to grab it, trying not to drop the pieces of gingerbread that I was holding together. I failed, though, and they fell over, completley deconstructing the small house I had began to build.

I sighed, recollecting the proper squares and positioning them into place with the sugary icing. "Ok, here we go, I got all the candies sorted into these different bowls." David said, stacking them on top of eachother and carrying them over to me. He placed them on the counter, putting them inbetween us so we'd both be able to reach.

"Day, can you hold this piece?" I pointed to a section on the roof with one hand, holding the other half together with the other. "Alright, sure. Here?" I put icing inbetween the gaps, moving it past David's hand, which covered an area of the roof. "Ok.. there, that should work.. I think you can let go now." He slowly removed his hands, but the roof started slipping and we both instinctively grabbed onto it, my hands cupped over his.

"Oh- uh- sorry." I let go, leaving his hands there, empty. "If you hold it for a bit longer, the icing will probably work a little bit better." He looked up at me, staring into my eyes for a few seconds. He blinked, shaking his head and looking down towards the gingerbread house. "Oh- yeah, I'll do that. Then we can start decorating." I smiled at him, walking past over to the selection of multi-coloured icing we had to help with the decorating process. There was blue, red, yellow, and obviously white.

"Which colours are we gonna use?" David asked, carefully letting go of the roof as the icing was now able to hold it in place. "Hm.. well we could use all three. They are primary colors, so mixing them can make any other colors we need." David looked at me, stunned. "I learned it in art class." He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, well atleast you learned something from being in art for two years!" I frowned, waving my hands in the air. "Hey, I've learned other stuff too!!" I grabbed the icing, tossing the four small bags of it towards him.

"Hm? Like what?" David said, struggling to catch the bottles that were flying towards him. I tried to think of what we had learned, but I couldn't recall anything big. "Ha!! See? I told you!" He pointed at me, laughing and dropping the icing onto the counter. I rolled my eyes, and walked over to stand next to him. "So.. what are we gonna do?" He asked, looking towards the roughly built house.

"Hmm.. well, we could both do a half." I said, sitting down across from him. "Alright, sure." We positioned the house in the middle of the countertop, giving both of us an opportunity to decorate. We were silent for a while, working on our own halves and making them the best we could do. "Hey, Exer?" David said my name, and I looked up, jumping back in surprise when I realized how close we were. We had leaned towards the house to decorate, and when I looked up at him, our noses were basically touching.

"O-oh sorry, what's up?" I grabbed the blue and yellow icing, mixing it into a green color to use for the bushes on my side of the house. I could see David staring at me, but I continued icing for a bit before looking back at him. "Day?" He blinked, looking back down towards the icing "Oh, yeah, sorry. What do you want for Christmas?" I thought for a second. "Hm.. nothing?" He frowned. Clearly not the answer he was expecting. "I don't need anything. Right now is probably the happiest I've been in a long time. I have everything I need, you know." David rolled his eyes.

"Well, there has to be something you want." I laughed, continuing to ice my side of the house. "Nah. Seriously, there's nothing." David shrugged his shoulders, continuing in silence as we both finished our halves of the house.

"I'm finished my side. What about you, Day?" David looked up at me, his eyes wide. "Wait, what?? You're done? How?!" I laughed, getting up and walking over to him. "If you want, I'll help you." He nodded, and I pulled a chair over next to him and sat down. "Ok.. what's your plan?" I asked him, bringing the icing over from my half of the counter to David. "Uh.. we can put some red over here, and green here.." I grabbed the green icing I had mixed and began putting it on the house where he directed. "Here, you try." I handed the bottle to David, letting him try after I had shown him how. He tried, but the icing slid off the roof. He tried a few more times, (to no avail) and he leaned back in his chair, covering his face with his hands.

"See, Exer?? I told you! This is why I quit art!" I laughed, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Aw, c'mon, you're not THAT bad.. remember the girl I told you about last week?" He thought for a minute, before bursting out laughing recalling the memory. He sat up, picking up the icing bottle. "Hm.. maybe your right. I can't be that bad.." He held the bottle, squeezing it and watching as the icing slid off the gingerbread wall and onto the counter. "Wait, let me help you- if you hold it more like this.."

I placed my hands over his, holding the bottle with him and applying the icing to the house, where this time it stayed.

(art by me)

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(art by me)

"See, Exer, I think the problem is just me at this point." David said, rolling his eyes. "Noooo, don't say that!! Look, try it how I did." I let go of his hands, letting him try.

Surprisingly, the icing stayed on and I watched David's face light up. I smiled, getting up and walking back across the room to the other side of the counter. "Alright, I'll finish my side now if you're good, Day." He looked up, the concentration on his face easing away as he smiled. "Yeah!"

It took about another 40 minutes for David to finish his side (as he wasn't able to accomplish much before) and by that time it was late in the evening. "Ughhhh, finally!! That took way too long.." David said, looking up at the clock on the wall, which read a time of around 11:48. It was pitch-black outside, and I sat across from him, admiring him through my half-closed eyes.

"Exer?" I blinked, trying to hold in a yawn and failing. "Huh? You finished?" Day looked up at me, spinning the house around to show his side. It was colourful, much more than mine, and had lots of small details he had made from the icing after I had helped him. It was surprising how good it was, honestly.

"Oh, wait- theres one more thing!!" He  grabbed the gingerbread man I had given him to decorate off the plate infront of him, and showed it to me.
"Is that... me?" I asked, staring at the intricately decorated cookie. "Yes!!! You got it!" David's smile spread across his face, and mine nearly did aswell.

"So that's what took you so long."

"Shut up!! I was just trying to make it look nice!"

"Well, I guess it does look nice- but it's not nearly as handsome as me!"

"So is it innacurate then?"

"Yes, very innacurate."

"Guess I'll just have to try harder next year."

"Well maybe if you hadn't quit art-"

"Shut up!!"


cc: and that's it!! that's the final oneshot of this series!
this has probably been the most fun i've had writing in such a long time, and i'm really glad i was able to fully complete the series and create something that so many people like!!
i think that i have grown a lot as a writer during these days. i personally think that ive improved a lot honestly. i hope that it shows in the writing lolll

well then, thank you for reading!!!!
i have to thank everyone that's read this and tuned in everyday for supporting this story and coming back everyday.
I'd also like to thank my friend humourous for their amazing drawing!! there was a few people that reached out and offered to make drawings and art for this and it made me so happy so ty to everyone that reached out!!

that's all for now though.. im not sure when im going to update any of my stories right now (im probably taking a break from writing lol) but ill be back soon!!

ily all, merry christmas!!!

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