christmas dinner

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"Hello, Mr and Mrs Miller! You can set your stuff there. Food will be ready soon. Hi, Brenda!" Everyone walked inside, chatting with eachother and setting down their things.

"David!!" He came in last after everyone, carrying a small red box in one hand and his jacket in the other. I ran over to him and hugged him, taking his jacket and putting it on the rack next to us.

"Merry Christmas, Day!!" He smiled, setting the box down on the side-table next to us "Merry Christmas."

I led him to the kitchen, where everyone else was already seated. "Oh.. the table's full in there. Do you want to sit in the living room?" He stared into the room blankly, before blinking and smiling at me, nodding his head in response. We left the noisy kitchen, and David walked ahead of me, leaving towards the living room when I reached forward and grabbed his hand

"Day? Are you alright? Something seems off with you." He looked back at me, staring at our intertwined hands before looking up at my face. I let go of his hand and looked away. "Its- just, uhm.. something my dad told me. That's all. Sorry if I'm wrecking your night. Y-you can go see everyone else if you want. You don't have to hang out with me.."

I frowned. "Day, I-" "Hey, you two!! It's time for food!" I heard my Dad yell from down the hall, meaning it was time to go. "Come on, lets go."

We rejoined the group with everyone else, and all of us sat down at the table talking and eating. "So, Exer, David's told me you've quit the football team? And you're in detention now too, huh?" David's father asked, picking up a piece of ham. I saw my Dad's face tighten at the mention of it and I held my breath.

"Well, uh yeah.. some stuff happened and... yeah.." I continued eating and there was a noticeable silence. David was sat next to me and he side-eyed me, questioning me. I looked back, mentally shrugging and he seemed to get it.

"So, David, are you still on the team? Or did you leave aswell?" My dad asked, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over the table. "Oh, uh.. I'm still in it right now, but I've been thinking of quitting for a while now." I saw his dad's eyes open wide, and his mom looked at him with a face of concern.

"Well, thats good then. Do what's right for you." "Yeah." There was a bit more of a silence as we kept eating. Less awkward than the last, though. I cleared my throat, preparing to attempt to strike up a conversation.

"Well, uh, what's everyone doing for Christmas?" The twins looked up from their plates, along with their parents.

"Well, we're going to look at Christmas lights, but David was being dramatic and didn't want to come." I saw David try to hide his face as Mr Miller was about to continue. Mrs. Miller elbowed him, and he looked at her, annoyed. "What? I'm just being honest. He severely overreacted. This is why we shouldn't of told him. He can't handle simple things."

David looked like he was about to start crying. Everyone turned and stared at him as he stared down at his hands.

"Can we all just finish eating, please?" I said, slightly louder than I should have, trying to move the attention from away David. David smiled, and we all finished eating soon after.

"Let's go to my room." David grabbed the red box from the table, and we silently left the small, crowded dining room. In my room, he sat on my bed and I sat down at my desk. "So.. do you wanna talk about what's going on between you and your dad?"

He stayed silent for a bit, fidgeting with his hands before he sighed and closed his eyes.

"My dad said that I have to move with him when I graduate." I was confused "He's moving for work next year, and he says I have to come work with him."

I could see why he was upset, but I decided to try and point out some of the highlights of it for him. "Well, you could find good work there! Or school!"

"You don't get it. I-I don't want to leave this town, or my home, or- or you. But he won't give me a choice. He says I have to go."

I was quiet for a minute, trying to think of something to say.

"Well.. then, I'll keep working! I'll get another job if I have to, and I'll get us a place together. You'll be able to stay here, and he won't be able to make you go because I'll convince him not to take you."

David looked up at me, teary eyed. I walked over and sat down next to him on the bed, wrapping him in a tight hug. "If you really don't want to go, I'll make sure that you get to stay here. No matter what."

He hugged back, and we stayed like that for a bit until a booming voice down the hall shook us out of our relaxed state. "Hurry up, David, It's time to go!"

He stood up quickly, turning the knob on the door, but stopping and running back over to me. He handed me the red box that he'd been carrying around all evening, and then opened the door and waved back to me, mouthing 'Merry Christmas' and leaving down the hall.
I looked towards the red box on my desk, afraid to open it. He hadn't said anything, only handed it to me, so I wasn't sure if it was good or bad. It was probably good, but theres still a chance, you know?

I cautiously unwrapped the silver ribbon holding it shut and lifted the top off to reveal a necklace. There was a charm attatched to it, containing a translucent pink crystal. It looked something like rose quartz, and i put it on, looking at myself with it on in the mirror.

I smiled, and took the necklace off and precariously placed it back in the box. 'I'll have to get David something in return for that.' I thought. I flopped over on my bed, holding the box to my chest and shutting my eyes before I fell into a calming sleep.

CC: I feel like I could've written this better.. maybe I'll come back and fix it sometime when im not busy
anyway ty for reading, cya tmr!!

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