gift exchange

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"Damn it!!" I yelled out in frustration, putting my hands over my face. I flopped down onto my bed and let out a sigh. "Exer? What's wrong?" My dad asked, poking his head into my room. He was getting ready to leave for work, and was holding his breifcase and shoes. "I can't think of a gift for David, and I've been trying all morning!" I sat up, trying to clear my mind. What would David want? We had never really talked about Christmas and what we wanted, and now it seemed to be too late with Christmas coming up in only 4 days.

"Well, won't he like anything you get him?" I rolled my eyes "Thats the problem, is that he will like ANYTHING I get him. So I don't know what to get." He walked into my room and sat down on my bed next to me, messing up my hair with his hand before thinking for a minute. "Hmm, well, since he'd like anything you get him, just get him anything! Go to the store and get him whatever you see. Get something that reminds you of him, and I bet he'll like it no matter what."

He looked down at his watch, and stood up. "I have to head to work now, but I'll be back tonight." He left my room, putting on his shoes and opening the front door. "There's leftovers for you in the fridge!" And he left.
Well, this is just great. What am I supposed to do now? "Something that reminds you of him"? Well, when I look at David, I think of a flower field. Full of daisys. And chocolate, too. He likes chocolate. Hm, yeah, I'll get him flowers and candy!! This'll be perfect!
David's pov:
"Come on, David. You know he'll love it. You've been worrying about this for weeks." Brenda laughed as I threw my head into my hands and spun in my chair. "Yeah, but- what if-" "SHUSH!! I won't listen to you talk about this anymore! He'll love it!" I looked up at her "But-" "End. Of. Story." I sighed and spun back around, looking down at my desk and the nicely wrapped gift that lay upon it. I had gotten him a hoodie. It was one he'd been wanting for a while, but anytime I offered to buy it for him he'd say he was 'waiting for the right time', so I never did. But when I realized Christmas was coming, I realized I could get it for him. It would be perfect!

We couldn't celebrate Christmas together because Exer was going to be gone visiting family, so we were meeting up with eachother tonight at his place to exchange our gifts. I knew I shouldn't be worried, but I still was. And of course, Brenda just thought I was overthinking it (which is half true), but the real reason is because I kind of sort of.. have a crush on my best friend/Exer- and I just want everything to be perfect. Well, like Brenda said, he'll probably love it. Only time will tell, I guess.
Exer's pov:
I heated up the leftovers and sat down at the table, preparing to eat before David arrived. Suddenly, the phone rang and I got up and quickly answered it.


"Hey, Exer!!"

"Oh, hi David! What's up?"

"Well, I thought I should just call to tell you I'm leaving, so I'll be there soon!"

"Alright then, see you soon, Day!!"

"Bye Exer!!"

I hung up and my mind starter racing. Is he even going to like the present? Is he going to think its weird? What if I didn't get him enough? I sat down and let out a breath it felt like I'd been holding in forever. I finished eating and cleaned myself up a bit before I heard the doorbell ring. I skipped down the hall and hesitated before opening it. But I knew I had to get it over with so I opened the door and let David inside.

"Soo, what did ya get me?" David asked peeking at the gift bag sitting next to the couch. "You don't get to find out till you open it, dummy." He handed me a box that was wrapped and adorned with ribbons and colourful bows. The wrapping paper had small candy canes and cats on it, and I failed to hold in a laugh looking at it. "Hey, what're you laughing at it for?? Is it that bad??" I covered my face with my hand, trying to hide my already-seen laugh. "Nono, that's not it. It's just that I really like it. It's cute." I said, and then I untied the ribbon and very carefully peeled the wrapping paper off the box, trying my best to not rip it and leave it intact.

I eventually got it all off and lifted the lid from the box, revealing what was inside. I immidiately recognised it. It was the sweater from the store on the corner! I lifted it out and couldn't hold in my smile. "You- you remembered that I wanted this?" I asked him. David was sat down next to me, his glance switching from the sweater to my face. "Yeah, duh, with how much you mention it." We both laughed "Try it on!" I put it on over my t-shirt and looked over it a bit. "This is perfect!!" My smile was spread across my face, and even if I didn't want it there I couldn't get rid of it. I reached over and hugged Day, almost surprising myself with it.

I leaned back after a few seconds and picked up my gift to him off the floor next to me. "Ok, u-uh- here's yours!" I handed it off to him and looked away as he unwrapped the flowers from their protective paper. "Daisies?" He held them in his hand, staring at them and looking like he didn't mean to say that out loud. "I- uh- I asked someone for help because I wasn't sure what to get you- and they told me to get something that reminds me of the person I'm getting gifts for, and well, when I look at you, you kind of remind me of a flower field, so I thought it would be a good gift. I'm sorry if-"

He was smiling, maybe even more than I had been for my gift. "Aw, don't apologize, I love these so much!!" He looked down at them, and then looked into the bag and reached in to pull out another gift. Lucy-furr jumped up onto my lap and laid down. David pet Lucy and then unwrapped the gift. "Ooh, chocolates?? Getting fancy now, are we Exer?" We both laughed, and then talked some more about Christmas a bit.

"Ah, crap, I have to go, my dad says he's having some work party thing tonight I have to be at." I nearly frowned. I didn't want him to leave, then I'd be alone until my dad got home. But then again, even when he got home, he almost immediately went to sleep, so there wasn't much talking to him, either.

"Oh, alright then.." I set Lucy down next to me on the couch and walked with David to the door. I handed him the bag with the flowers and chocolates inside and waved goodbye to him. As I was about to turn around and shut the door, David came back and stopped infront of me. "Did- Did you forget something?" I said, confused. Our faces were inches away from eachother, and he looked down and dug in his bag until he pulled out one of the flowers. He lifted my face up and put it in my hair, moving the loose curls away from blocking my eyes.

"There you go. Merry Christmas!!" He turned and ran down the street, the bag flying with the wind behind him.
I heard the front door open, and ran to greet  my dad as he arrived home from work

"Ooh, d'you got a secret girlfriend I don't know of?" My face went red, and I looked down towards the floor.

"What- I- uh.. yeah- well, sorta. Something like that."

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