late night walks

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After a long day, we were finally able to head home. I waved back to everyone as they turned the corner and went on their seperate ways from the cafe. We had detention after school and I got called to work right as we left, so David had decided to tag along with me. Me and David strolled down the sidewalk, laughing and ranting to eachother about how tiring today has been.
"-and Day, you know you really didn't have to come to work with me, right? You should've went home after detention with Brenda."

I yawned and heard David chuckle and let out a sigh. "Come on, man. You know I don't mind being there for you, right? I mean, unless you don't want me to come, I'll always prefer being there than home." I smiled, taking a note in my mind, and we continued walking.

It wasn't that cold that evening, but it was cold enough for it to be considered winter outside. The chilling air was still and quiet, especially this late at night. The moon peeked down through the clouds, illuminating our path we took home.

"It's Christmas next week, isn't it?" I turned to look at Day, who seemed to be focused on the now-falling snow. I watched his face light up and he whipped his head towards mine. "Exer, look!! It's snowing!" I stared at him. He looked back at me with a huge grin on his face, and I couldn't contain my own smile at the sight of the boy and his excitement. "Come on, I know a quiet spot where we can watch the snow." I grabbed David's hand and lead him into the trees.

We walked through them at first, being weary of branches and roots to make sure we wouldn't get hurt. Soon after though, I took off running, leaving David behind me as he rushed to catch up.

After a while we were in a clearing away from everything else where the only source of light was the moonshine that trickled in through the trees.

There was no streetlamps or buildings, and through the thick leaves was a partially-cloudy sky full of stars. There was already a layer of snow on the ground, and I sat down against a tree and patted the ground for David (who had just finally caught up) to sit next to me. We sat there for a while, talking occasionally, but mostly admiring the scenery of the forest.

Things started going blurry, and my eyes fluttered closed, leaving only the sound of Day's cheery voice behind.
Davids pov:
Me and Exer were talking, sitting against the tree. It was all so quiet and peaceful. I wanted to stay here forever. I wanted to stay with him forever. I let out a sigh and turned to see his slightly red face with shut eyes.

The moonlight lit his cheeks, reflecting off his hair, his (now closed) eyes, his nose, his lips. His small breaths made clouds of fog infront of him, which quickly dissapeared into the icy air. He leaned over, resting his head on my shoulder, our hands intertwined, and I shut my eyes.
I'll just stay here for a minute, maybe two if im lucky. Just to let Exer rest.

Just to save this moment.


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