snow angels

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nobodys pov.
As the final bell rang, students hustled out through the cold to their buses, vehichles, or ran with their friends, trying to make it home before the cold seeped into them. Snow had fallen throughout the whole day, leaving soft and untouched patches all around the area, which sooner or later would be covered in people's footsteps and car tracks. For David Miller, though, he dragged his friend the opposite way of their usual walk home, leading him to a large and empty field covered with snow. Today is the day he planned to confess his feelings to his once best friend turned crush, Exer Campbell.
Exer's pov.
"Why are we here, David?? It's cold out." I said, rubbing my arms and putting my ungloved hands into my pockets. "I- uh.. I had something I wanted to tell you. Aren't you the one who's been talking all winter about how we never get snow??" I rolled my eyes, staring at him. "Using my own words against me now, huh??" He grinned, walking over to me and shrugged his shoulders

"What? I'm just telling the truth!!" I picked up a chunk of snow, chucking it at him but failing as it flaked away before hitting him. He turned, his eyes wide and his hand filled with fury as he leaned over and began packing snow together to throw at me.

I started running, almost immediately tripping over from the amount of snow in my way. I kept going, hearing David behind me and watching icy chunks fly by. I ran into the forest, hiding behind a larger tree and hoping he hadn't seen me. "Oh, Exeeeeer!!!" He called out from the other side of the tree, and I had to hold in a laugh. He walked away, and I peeked my head around the edge of the tree, only to be surprised by David's blue eyes staring back at me.

Shocked, I jumped back, falling into the snow and giving him a perfect opportunity to hit me with the few snowballs he had left. I covered my face, unexpectedly catching a snowball and standing up, facing him. He realized he had nothing left, and turned around to run, but it was too late.

I threw the snowball at his face, distracting him, before I ran up, wrapping my arms around him. He froze, even stopping from wiping the snow off his face. "Exer?" He turned around, looking at me. "Sorry, I was cold." David smiled, his face looking a bit more red than usual, and then he shoved me a bit with his elbow.

"Y'know if you wanted a hug, you could've just asked." My face felt warm despite the cold, and I quickly thought of something to say back to him. "Nah, I had to get you back with the snowball anyway. It just so happened I was able to distract you enough to be able to hug you. It's all part of my plan." He laughed, covering it with his hand. "Alright, sure then, whatever you say."

We walked in silence through the trees, until we made it to the clearing again. It was still empty, with no new prints in the snow having appeared while we were gone. "Hmm.. should we head back now?" I turned and looked at him, and he continued staring down at the snow. "Oh, wait!! Didn't you have something you wanted to-" "Let's go make snow angels!" David yelled out, pulling me with him to the centre of the field, leaving an awkward trail of footprints tearing through the emptyness that once was there.

We stopped, and he let go of my jacket, allowing me to lay down and make my own snow angel, which he followed by repeating next to me soon after. I kicked snow onto him, and he did it back as we laid in the snow, laughing with eachother. I wanted to stay here with David for as long as I could. In this peaceful moment.

The only sound you could hear was the wind, brushing through the trees and knocking snow off of household rooftops. I moved my hand, and David did at the same time, leaving his hand resting on top of mine. I sat up, keeping his hand on mine, but he quickly pulled away, and I felt the warmth from it quickly fade into the harsh cold air.

"Soo.. what's the thing you wanted to tell me??" I asked, turning to face him.
His cold pinkish face turned to a deep shade of red and he turned away, mumbling into his hand. "What'd you say?" I asked, trying not to sound forceful in case he didn't want to tell me anymore. "It's nothing important!!" He called out, before standing up and continuing "We should head back, it'll start getting dark soon and it'll be colder aswell."

He walked quicker than usual, avoiding looking at me and rushing out of the clearing. "Wait, Day!!!" I ran after him, almost falling for the second time. "Wait!" I grabbed his hand, pulling it to turn him towards me. "Did- did I do something wrong?? I'm sorry for asking about it- I was just wondering- Please don't be mad!!" He looked at me again, and then looked past me into the endless glimmering snow.

"You- you didn't do anything wrong. It was me." I wasn't getting it now. "What do you mean?? I-" He squeezed my hand, staring up at me. "I- I like you, Exer." I froze, not knowing what to say.


I wanted to jump up and down with excitement, but I just stood there, unable to react. I saw David's face change from something that seemed to be a mix of anticipation and excitement, to sadness. And fear. "O-oh. I'm.. I'm sorry. I'll go now." David said, before letting go of my hand, as I sat there feeling the warmth slip away.

"Wait, no, David!" I ran up to him, hugging him from behind again."I- I like you too. A lot." I felt his hands move and he rested them on top of mine, letting the snowflakes falling from the sky land on his face. "You.. do?? Like, really do?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"Of course I do! I-I think I have for a while, but I just don't think I ever realized what my feelings were until you, well, said yours out loud." I laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me back around to the front of the school. I looked around quickly,  before placing a kiss on his cheek and walking ahead. "Come on, lets head to my place. Dad's cooking tonight, and it's way too cold out here to stay any longer." David smiled, and we walked hand in hand back to the comfort of my home.

IG I ALSO FORGOT A DAY SO TOMORROW YOU'LL GET A ONESHOT TOO!! (if i finish the last one lol)

thx for reading, and merry christmas eve!!

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