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It was the school's Christmas party (Which I really didn't feel like going to, especially after the fiasco of the Halloween dance) but went to solely because David didn't want to go alone.  Him and Brenda would have gone, but she was going with Pamela, which left David with nobody else to go to but me (Ron was busy at the store, as usual.).

I rode my bike over to David's house to pick him up, and we left. I would've taken the car, but Dad wasn't back from work yet and we were already too late to wait for him. We talked about random stuff. Schoolwork, Christmas break, Christmas itself, too. Now that I think about it, I still
needed to get him a gift. I need to remember to ask him what he wants.

We arrived and I chained up my bike and David led us inside.
Our school always went all out for Christmas, covering the school from head to toe with trees, tinsel, candy canes, and anything else you could think of using for Christmas. We went into the crowded gymnasium and sat down in a corner with some food. There was alot of people there, and the room was decorated with large snowflakes, fake snow, and countless lights and trees around the room.

Ever since the Halloween party, I always felt so different in crowded places than I did before. It made me feel nervous, and kind of sick, almost. I sat there next to David with my drink, watching everyone pass by. We weren't the big deal that we used to be, and I was ok with that now.

"Ooh, Campbell and Miller! Looks like they're on a date!" Before I even looked up I knew it was- you guessed it, Ricky and Marty. "Jesus, can't you guys just leave us alone for once?" They laughed and kicked over David's drink. "Aw, sorry for ruining your date, lovebirds! We'll get going now, have fun!" They walked away, laughing like wild coyotes. "Hey, Exer, it's ok-" "Can we go get some fresh air? Please?" I stood up before he even answered and headed towards the door. David stood up and walked with me.

I walked down the hall to the stairs and sat under them with him. I dropped my head into my hands, feeling so frustrated and annoyed at them. Why, though? Why was I so mad at them? They kept doing this, but I don't think I was mad at the fact that they kept joking about me and David being together. It was because they spoke about it as if its a bad thing. "Hey, Exer, are you ok?" I sighed and then looked up at him. "I'm sorry, Day.. they just make me so mad, and I really didn't want to end up messing up the party again, and-" he leaned over and hugged me. I hugged him back, and we stayed like that for a while. He let go after a bit and so did I. We sat in silence for a bit, before David stood up, pulling me up by my arm. "C'mon, lets get out of here. This party sucks."

We stepped out from our hiding place under the stairs, and I walked a bit ahead of him. "Last one to the back door is a rotten egg!!" and with that, I took off running towards the back exit. "Hey, no fair!!" I heard David's thumping footsteps behind me, but I had always been a faster runner than him so I stayed in the lead.

I turned the corner and saw a group of kids huddled up whispering among eachother but I ran past them and heard them yell something at me. I kept running, finally turning the last corner and making it to the door. I stopped in the doorway and waited for David to catch up. He made it soon after, gasping for breath after running full speed around the school.

I laughed, but froze when I saw what was above us. We both stood next to eachother in the doorway, with a mistletoe hanging down from above us. David seemed to have noticed too, because he had went silent and he stared at me. Without thinking, I leaned over and kissed David on the cheek. Wait- why did I do that??! "I- uh, I'll see you over at my bike. Bye!!!" I walked out the door and left towards my bike, leaving David flustered in the doorway.

davids pov
Oh my god, he just kissed me, didn't he??? He did that because we were under the mistletoe, right? That's the only reason he did that, yeah. It was a joke, he didn't mean it as anything.

I walked out after Exer and saw him leaned against the wall next to his bike. He looked up at me, and I watched his face light up with red and he looked back down towards the ground and climbed onto his bike, motioning for me to get on. I got on, and decided I had to ask him now.

"Why'd you do that, Exer?" There was silence. "Exer?" "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done it. I don't know why I did it, I just-" At that point I didn't know what to say, so I just stayed silent. "Sorry." We had now made it my house, so I climbed off the bike and thanked Exer for the ride. I stepped inside and set down my bag.

"Hey David, how was the party?" My dad called out from the kitchen. "Oh, it was...." I stopped and looked out the window and saw Exer turn and start pedaling away. I couldn't let him leave. We had to talk- or he had to atleast give me a reason as to why he did that. I wasn't mad about it, but I just needed to know.. if it was just the mistletoe, or.. something else.

"I'll be right back, Dad!!" "What? David? David!" I ran out the door, hoping I'd be able to catch up to him before he had gone too far. "Exer, Exer!! Wait!" He stopped and turned around, climbing off his bike and looking at me. "David? Whats wrong? Did you forget somethi-"

I looked around quickly and kissed him on the cheek, the same way he had to me. I smiled, turning back around to run back home. I waved to him and called out "Merry Christmas, Exer!!!" before heading back home and dissapearing as quickly as I had arrived, leaving Exer flustered on his bike at the side of the road.

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