white chrysanthemums and red spider lilies

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Kaneki Ken was sick.

Really sick.

How sick?

Sick enough that the nurse had asked him what his favorite type of flower was, and he told her he liked white chrysanthemums and red spider lilies, just to see her face freeze in that false smile; afterwards he reassured her it was only a joke, he didn't even like flowers, he was allergic.

He pointedly ignored the voice in his head crying out that he loved sunflowers, sunflowers were his favorite they were like the manifestation of the sunshine he never got to see, he had never had an allergy to anything in his life, he was lying, catch me lying, hate me, look at me, please don't leave me here-!

But she only laughed uneasily at his morbid humor and left the room as soon as possible, left him alone with his thoughts of lies and empty hospital beds and bouquets of white chrysanthemums and red spider lilies.

fun fact: white chrysanthemums are considered flowers of death or mourning in Japan, most commonly seen at funerals. so are red spider lilies, which used to be planted around graves to poison animals that tried to eat the body, like rats. trufax.

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