Chapter 4

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"Foxtail you and Rainfall can join Lionblaze's patrol" Squirrelflight said, flicking her tail towards where Rosepetal and Bumblestripe were surrounding Lionblaze. "Make sure you don't get distracted, Rainfall."

The siamese cat's pelt prickled with annoyance and Rainfall snorted. "I'll be just fine!" she hissed. I know Squirrelflight was my mentor, but she has no need to treat me like a kit anymore now that I'm a warrior!

Foxtail twitched his whiskers and nodded to the deputy. "Shall we return with some fresh-kill while were out?" he suggested, indicating to the shortage of the fresh-kill pile with his fox-like tail.

Squirrelflight dipped her head in gratitude. "Actually, that'd be helpful. Thanks" she meowed, she flicked her ears toward the patrol. "Now, off you two go."

Rainfall lashed her tail in irritation, that everyone thought Foxtail was such a great warrior. Well he is. Rainfall would never swallow her pride enough to admit it. They bounded up to join the patrol and Foxtail murmured into Lionblaze's ear and the golden warrior nodded in approval.

"All right, were going" Lionblaze said, beckoning to the patrol with his tail.

~ ~ ~

Rainfall returned back to Lionblaze's side and nodded to him. "The Windclan side is peaceful" she reported, flicking her ears toward the stream that separated their territory. "Would you like me and Foxtail to remark the scent markers?"

Lionblaze shook his head and stood to his paws. "They should still be fresh from the dawn patrol" he said. He glanced towards the sky and twitched his whiskers. "...the sky got awfully dark."

"It looks like it'll rain soon..." Rosepetal mewed, padding up to the two. "...we should return to the camp soon."

Rainfall looked up and narrowed her golden gaze... the clouds were slowly covering the sun and the sky turned gray. Foxtail and Bumblestripe joined the warriors and Foxtail twitched his ears. "If we hurry we could catch some prey" meowed Foxtail, turning to Rainfall. " we'll have some prey for every cat."

She glanced uneasily back towards the sky... the idea of getting her pelt soaked with soggy fresh-kill didn't sound too pleasing to her. Bumblestripe parted his jaws taking in the earth's scent and he purred at Rainfall. "Don't worry, Rainfall. It seems it won't rain until after while" he mewed, he nudged her shoulder with his muzzle. "Go on and hunt with Foxtail."

Rainfall blinked in surprise at her clanmates' mischevious gleams in their eyes and purrs of amusement. She tilted her head to the side. "Alright..." she mewed, turning to Foxtail. "...we'll return before the rain falls."

"Sure! Take your time!" Rosepetal purred, following after Lionblaze and Bumblestripe who already started padding to the camp. "...we wouldn't want to disturb your time together!" she added.

Rainfall's pelt burned and she turned her wide golden gaze to Rosepetal who let out a mrrow of laughter. First, Ashtail and Now Foxtail!

~ ~ ~

Rainfall let out a soft sigh as she had the dark-red warrior padded side by side scenting for prey. She glanced towards the way they had come from the Windclan stream that separated their territory, they walked pretty far from the camp. She twitched her ears as she caught the sound of faint rustling in a fern bush that was fox-lengths away. "Mouse...?" she murmured.

Foxtail blinked his emerald gaze and glanced down towards her. "Are you sure..." he mewed. "'s steps sounded quite heavy for a mouse."

She surpressed a hiss of annoyance. Don't talk as if you know everything, mouse-brain!

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