Chapter 10

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"Eh? You're leading us to Thunderclan camp, Rainfall?" Mothwing mewed, with a tilt of her golden head. Rainfall nodded and stood to her paws, waving her tail for them to follow her as she lead the way to the camp, Willowshine flattened her ears against her head uneasily and Silverstripe nudged her gently with his muzzle.

"Come, Willowshine..." he mewed. "...I'm sure, Rainfall, won't let anything happen to us."

Rainfall glanced back with a flick of her ears as they followed close behind her. "Y...Yes..." she purred, trying to reassure the medicine cat apprentice. "...the clan won't be hostile as long as you're just here to speak with Jayfeather and Leafpool."

But... I don't know how they'll react to Silverstripe... a Riverclan warrior in Thunderclan camp, she thought casting the beautiful silver-striped tom a uneasy glance.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Rainfall entered the Thunderclan camp with the Riverclan cats close behind her, she flattened her ears as hisses errupted from the Thunderclan warriors, Spiderleg's fur bristled as he unsheathed his claws, Mousewhisker and Rosepetal copied his actions. Rainfall felt Silverstripe tense and his neck fur bristling as he stood closer to his medicine cats. Rainfall let her golden glare rake across her clanmates until it ceased slightly as her eyes fell upon Honeyfur and Ashtail, they were standing to their paws stopping their sharing-tongues in front of the warriors' den. She flicked her tail-tip as her gaze met theirs and their gazes shifted to the Riverclan cats she stood in front of. She dugs her claws in the earth feeling irritated...

"Get out! Rainfall, why did you lead Riverclan cats here?" Birchfall growled, stepping forward until his and Rainfall's muzzles were inches apart.

"Be quiet, Birchfall, you have no right to order any cat around!" she hissed, her clanmates blinking in surprise at her sudden aggravation. "...Mothwing and Willowshine are here to speak with Jayfeather and Leafpool, you can't disrupt peace between a medicine cat and a clan!"

"Oh, then explain him!" Blossomfall exclaimed, angling her ears towards Silverstripe. "...why is a Riverclan warrior doing here? He isn't a medicine cat!"

"That's right...!" Molewhisker growled, he unsheathed his claws taking a step closer to Silverstripe. "...they may be here to spy!"

Rainfall hissed at the brown-and-cream tom and let her fur bristle. "Stay back, you mouse-brain!" she snapped. "...don't touch him, I told you-"

"Sheath your claws, Molewhisker."

The clan turned their heads to see Bramblestar with Squirrelflight at his side, the Thunderclan warriors dropped their head in shame as their leader stared down at them in disapproval. "I must say, I am dissappointed that my clan acts this way toward medicine cats..." he mewed, Bramblestar waved his tail towards Rainfall. "...and to doubt the judgement of their clanmate and act that way towards her."

"Bramblestar..." Mothwing mewed, stepping forward and dipping her head in apology. "...we are truly sorry to have come her so suddenly and to cause such a commotion in your clan. Please do not be worried about, Silverstripe, we saw it best that an warrior accompany us as we traveled through other clan territories."

"Please, don't let it trouble you..." he mewed, returning her nod. " and Willowshine will always be welcomed here and I understand the need to protect a clan's medicine cats, I will be sure he isn't harmed."

"Thank you, Bramblestar..." Mothwing sighed, her tail drooping in relief. "...Rainfall has assured us she would explain everything to Thunderclan, but..."

"The mouse-brains overreacted!" Rainfall mewed, to Squirrelflight as the deputy padded forward to join her former apprentice. "...who put their fleas in their fur!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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