Chapter 9

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"Are you sure you should be moving around so much?" Honeyfur mewed, lifting her head from her concentration on scenting prey.

Rainfall removed her nose from the ground from scenting a vole and flicked her ears at Honeyfur in reply. "I'm perfectly capable of hunting for my clan, Honeyfur...!" she mewed, with a teasing flick of her tail on the golden she-cat's shoulder.

Honeyfur frowned uncertainly as she watched, Rainfall lift her head and twitching her whiskers as she cat sight of the vole under a tree root feasting on a nut, she lowered herself into a hunter's crouch and swished her tail as she silently crept across the forest floor. She surpressed her purr of excitement noticing th evole hadn't scented her yet, she pounced powerfully from her hind legs, her claws unsheathed and her paws outstretched to swipe at the vole. Rainfall let out a yowl of triumph seeing that she would catch the prey before she felt a jolt of pain run up through the side where the wound the fox had given her was at. She hissed landing on her paws and wincing as she crouched to the ground, the vole dropped it's meal and scurried away in terror. Honeyfur bounded to Rainfall's side and nosing her wound anxiously with a lashing tail.

"See? I told you! You should be resting back at camp with Foxtail!" Honeyfur exclaimed, pulling back and ruffling her fur at Rainfall.

Rainfall flattened her ears and giving her healing wound a quick lick, she stood to her paws and turned to Honeyfur. "Honestly..." she sighed. "...I'm fine, really."

Honeyfur still look unconvinced as she lifted her muzzle, Rainfall let out another sigh and stretched out on to the forest floor stretching her limbs. "Forget about me..." Rainfall purred, lifting her head from the ground. "...I was gone for a night and look what you and Ashtail done. So?"

Honeyfur's green gaze widened and she flattened her ears against her head, Rainfall purred at the pretty golden she-cat. "Are you not going to share with your new with me?" she mewed.

Honeyfur hesitantly settled down beside Rainfall wrapped her long-furred golden tail around herself she shuffled her paws shyly on the topic. "W-Well..." she purred, with glancing up at Rainfall. " was quite strange, to be honest, you and Foxtail were always with us when were together and... it just felt strange to suddenly be alone with him without you and Foxtail with us..."

"What? Akaward?" Rainfall guessed, with a tilt of her head.

"No! Nothing like that...!" she said, lifting her head. "...we were really worried, you know, you two hadn't returned and when the clan found Foxtail in that condition alone where you nowhere to be found... I was scared you were dead."

"Dead...?" Rainfall echoed, with a blink of her golden gaze. "...well, I suppose that would've been a possibility."

"I'm being serious, Rainfall..." Honeyfur mewed. "...what do think we would do if you died? Especially Foxtail... what do you think would become of him if you died so recklessly like that?"

Rainfall twitched her whiskers at the sudden frown Honeyfur wore. Why... was she bringing up Foxtail so suddenly? Why would her death effect him so much?   "You didn't realize your feelings for Ashtail..." she mewed. "...until you imagined a life if I died?"

"No, we both realized we cared for each other..." Honeyfur said, gazing down at her paws. "...Ashtail that night realized that night that he could not stand by your side, Rainfall, he decided he wasn't strong enough to stay with you as a mate."

"Eh? Mate...?" Rainfall repeated, her eyes widening. "...but, Ashtail doesn't see me-"

"He did..." Honeyfur said, with a flick of her ears. "...Ashtail was in love with you, Rainfall, your such a mouse-brain."

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