Chapter 8

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"It's Rainfall!"

Yowls erupted from the Thunderclan camp as Rainfall padded into the camp followed by Jayfeather and Leafpool. Her clanmates circled the three cats with purrs and wide eyes. Poppyfrost, Rainfall's mother, was the first cat to step forward to Rainfall covering her ears with frantic licks.

The moon was high in silverpelt by the time Rainfall, Jayfeather, and Leafpool had returned to Thunderclan camp.

"Where were you, Rainfall?" she exclaimed. "You had me and Berrynose worried sick!"

"I'm sorry to have worried you all!" Rainfall mewed, purring at a sharp cuff around the ear from Berrynose as he joined his mate and daughter.

They blinked as yowls sounded from behind them and turned to see Honeyfur and Ashtail bounding forward, Ashtail pressed his muzzle against Rainfall's and Honeyfur licking her friend's cheek and entwining their tails together.

"Rainfall!" Honeyfur whispered, looking up at her with soft green eyes. "We all begun to thought you were killed by the fox!"

"But it looks as if you were lucky enough to just escape with this..." Ashtail said, giving Rainfal's wound on her side a quick lick.

"As if I would let a fox kill me so easily!" Rainfall said, she swiped the air with her sheathed paw. "Of course I didn't let it injure me without a few scratches it would remember me by!"

Purrs rumbled in her clanmates' throats at her return home, Squirrelflight stepped forward and licking over her former apprentice's ear. "We're glad that your safe, Rainfall..." she mewed, they shared a moment of silence together gazing in to eachother's stare until Rainfall put her nose to the deputy's.

"It's good to be back..." she said.

"So you say, but you never told us where you were hiding at, you mouse-brain!" Spiderleg mewed, his tail-tip twitching.

"I am also interested, Rainfall."

She lifted her gaze to see Bramblestar joining his clan and dipping his head towards Rainfall. "Welcome back, Rainfall."

She returned his nod and nodded to to her clanmate's. "I drew the fox all the way to Riverclan territory-"

"All the way there?!" Rosepetal gasped, her ears twitching in surprise.

"Yes, I didn't quite notice until I was drowning in their river...!" Rainfall sighed, her tail-tip twitching at having to tell of such an embarrassing mistake. "...but, Silverstripe and Flowerleap of Riverclan rescued me and Mistystar had allowed Mothwing and Willowshine to mend my wound and let travel me with them to the Moonpool where I could return back to camp with Jayfeather and Leafpool."

"I see, I'll have to thank Mistystar personally at the next Gathering..." Bramblestar said, standing to his paws and to pad in front of Rainfall.

He licked her atop her head and nodded. "I can see how tired you must be and including you injury, but... I assume you won't rest until you see him" Bramblestar said.

Rainfall nodded and narrowed her golden gaze. "Where is Foxtail?"

Honeyfur and Ashtail stood to their paws and Rainfall turned towards them her ears flattened against her head.

"Come, Rainfall" Honeyfur mewed, waving her tail. "...he's in the medicine cat's den."

~ ~ ~

Rainfall padded in to the den and whirling her head around as she caught the familiar scent of Foxtail reach her, she found him lying in the bedding, his foz-like tail curled over his body as he slept. She padded to loom over him and twtiched her whiskers, she irritably cuffed him around his ear sharply and he flinched awake wincing at the stinging pain in his ear. He looked up with a green glare and his eyes widened.

"Rainfall...!" he breathed.

"And here I was worried sick about you and your in here sleeping peacefully!" she exclaimed, her tail lashing.

Foxtail flattened his ears and weakly stood to his paws and wincing slightly. "It's not like I didn't want to go search for you!" he retorted. "Jayfeather and Leafpool wouldn't even let me leave the camp!"

Rainfall opened her jaws to snap back at him, until her eyes widened seeing the painful wound on his shoulder where the fox had bitten him. She flattened her ears against her head and pressing her muzzle into his fur. The healing wound, where the fur was clawed off having nothing to hide in her sight.

"I'm sorry, Foxtail..." she murmured, drinking in his scent that smelled of herbs and dried blood probably caused by his treatment of his wound.

"For what...?" he said, his usual expressionless face showing as he peered down at her.

She pulled back from him slightly and staring at the scar on his shoulder and licked it gently. "It's my fault you were hurt..." she mewed. "...if only I listened to you and just-"

Foxtail rested his tail over her muzzle and silencing her words, she looked up at him with guilty golden eyes. "I do not regret sacrificing myself to have this scar on my shoulder..." he mewed, slowly letting his tail drop. "...if it was for, Rainfall, I would sacrifice even my final breath for you. So please, don't apologize."

She dug her claws in to the medicine cat's den's ground and turned her gaze away, she pressed her body closer to him and brushed their flanks together. "Don't act as if you're the only noble one here!" she hissed, flicking his ear with her tail-tip standing to her paws and blinking at him with gleaming golden eyes, she purred and pressed her muzzle against his.

The handsome dark-red tom blinked his emerald gaze and returned her purr licking her shoulder in return.

"Bramblestar should change your name to Foxscar, instead now" Ashtail said, standing at the entrance of the den with Honeyfur at his side. The golden she-cat gave him a cross glance and nudging his shoulder.

"Don't make jokes like that, you badger!" she mewed.

His amber gaze widened and he turned irritably to her. "I haven't been a badger since we were kits!" he hissed.

"And why should you stop now?" Rainfall purred, padding over to them with Foxtail at her side.

"It's true, it was quite amusing when Ashtail was the badger" Foxtail agreed, with a nod.

"Quiet, Foxscar" Ashtail growled, as he stepped forward and playfully nipping Foxtail's ear.

Honeyfur purred and stood beside Ashtail, Rainfall blinked her golden gaze in surprise to see their pelts brushing against one another, they sat a little much closer together than usual, Rainfall had observed. She stifled a purr of delight and blinked her golden gaze at the two.

It seems Thunderclan will be having a litter of kits soon.

"Ah, as I thought...!" Rainfall said, stretching in to a long stretch and ignoring the slight sting of her wound. " just doesn't feel as if it's home without you three mouse-brains!"

Honeyfur blinked her green gaze and glanced towards Foxtail and he purred along with Ashtail. Honeyfur returned back twards Rainfall and pressed her muzzle to hers.

"It really was too quiet without you around, Rainfall!" Honeyfur said.

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