Chapter 7

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Rainfall blinked open her golden gaze and twitching her whiskers in amazement, she stood on her paws standing in the clearing of the Thunderclan camp.

She lashed her tail. "This is the camp..." she mewed. She lifted her nose to the air, but catching no familiar scents of her clanmates. She twitched her ears in slight confusion.

 Where is everyone...?

She remembered that Starclan had just granted her sleep from the Moonpool and began to wonder if this was the dream Starclan intended for her to have. She begun to pad towards the warriors' den to search for any cat, but was interrupted as the sound of excited squeals reach her ears, she whirled around to the clan's nursery. Her eyes widened.

"Ashkit is the badger this time! I'm the clan leader!" Rainkit declared, teasingly batting Ashkit's ears with her paws.

He turned to her with a protesting amber gaze. "But I'm always the badger!" he exclaimed, his tail straight in the air. "How come your always the clan leader, Rainkit?!"

Honeykit blinked her green gaze and the golden kit padded between them. "What's the problem? It's no fun when your not the badger, Ashkit!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Rainkit purred in laughter stepping back from them, she turned her head towards the nursery's entrance. Foxkit sat at the entrance quietly with a blank green gaze watching the clan's daily life.

She waved her tail over at him. "Foxkit! Would you like to play too?" she called. "...I'll let you play as my deputy as we face Ashkit the Badger!"

The dark-red kit blinked his green gaze silently and tilted his head to the side, Ashkit sniffed curling his tail as he glanced towards Foxkit.

"What's with him? He never plays and he just sits there and watches..." he mewed.

Rainkit wrinked her nose and bounded towards the kit, she purred and playfully flicking his ear with her tail-tip. Foxkit looked up at her with an expressionless face that she never had seen any cat wear before, she tried her best not to look away from his piercing green gaze.

"Come on!" she said, bouncing on her paws excitedly. "Just one game!"

"But... why?" he mewed. "'s pointless to act as if your clan leader if you might never even have a chance in really becoming one."

Ashkit and Honeykit exchanged surprised glances as they joined the two kits, they uneasily turned to Rainkit expecting the bossy kit to be angered and snap back at him, but their eyes widened in confusion at the laughter in her golden eyes.

"You say some really interesting things!" she exclaimed, her tail lashing.

Foxkit's eyes widened at the brightness in her gaze.

"It just makes me even more determined to be friends with you...!" she mewed, with a loud purr.

She fought the urge to not cover his face with friendly licks as he stared up at her with new warm green eyes.

"Look at that!" Honeykit purred. "He's actually adorable when you make him happy!"

"I see!" Ashkit agreed, with a purr.

"I... I think..." Foxkit mewed, slowly standing to his paws. "...I wouldn't mind participating for a little while in your games."

The three kits exchanged glances and purred toward Foxkit welcoming him with licks to his face. "Of course!" Rainkit mewed.

Rainfall sat a few fox-lengths away her tail neatly wrapped around her paws as she stared at the scene of the four kits her eyes warm at the distant memories. She let out a mrrow of laughter as she watched herself pounce atop Foxkit and and her chuckles grew louder as she remembered how shocked she was on how much stronger he was than her when he knocked her back over.

Her laughter died as she blinked her golden gaze, why had Starclan sent this dream to her? Was it a warning? A message? But... of what?

A chill crept up her spine and her neck-hair rose in alarm, she let out a faint hiss as a scent of another cat caught her nose. She flinched feeling fur brush against hers and instantly pulled back whirling around to face the cat.

"Jayfeather...!" she exclaimed, letting her fur lie flat again. "You nearly scared me half-to-death! Why are you here?"

"It shouldn't be too strange to have your medicince cat walk in your dreams..." he said, sitting down.

She sighed licking her shoulder and settling down beside him. "I've been having these strange dreams..." she confessed, quietly. "...but their nothing like this one. I would prefer dreams like this any day."

"What kind of dreams...?" he mewed, without tearing his sightless blue gaze from the kits in front of them.

"Horrible dreams..." she whispered, drawing her tail closer to herself. "'s full of blood and death and... I just keep running and running and no matter what happens or what I do the same things happen."

She lifted her golden gaze to stare at Ashkit who purred at Foxkit and Honeykit shaking dirt from her fur.

"I watch those three die before my eyes each and every time..."

Jayfeather jolted and turned towards her, his ears flattened against his head. "How long have you had these dreams?" he said.

She shook her head in response. "I don't know..." she mewed. "...they just came. Do... do you think Starclan has something to do with my dreams?"

Jayfeather twitched his whiskers in thought and he stood to his paws. "For now..." he meowed. "...I think we can just consider them has simple nightmares. Hopefully, this isn't a message as some kind from Starclan. I'll still discuss this Leafpool, though."

Rainfall stood to her paws and dipped her head towards the medicine cat in gratitude. "Could we keep this quiet from Foxtail and the others...?" she asked.

"I understand, I'll be sure to not mention this to them" he said, with a nod. "...we should be heading back soon."

"Heading back-"

~ ~ ~

Rainfall jolted awake, her golden gaze wide as she turned her head to see that she laid on the sandy ground at the edge of the Moonpool. The rest of the medicine cats stirred awake opening their jaws in wide yawns and standing to their paws to stretch.

She glanced towards Leafpool to see the tabby standing to her paws and shaking the sand from her fur. She looked down at Rainfall and Jayfeather, who was licking his chest fur, and flicked her tail.

"The clan will be glad to see your return home..." she purred, as the medicine cats begun to pad away from the moonpool's edge.

The conversation of her nightmares with Jayfeather lifted from her mind as her heart fluttered at the thought of being in Thunderclan again and to finally see for herself of Foxtail's conditions.

"Let's go already then!" Jayfeather said, padding past them.

Rainfall watched as Leafpool and Jayfeather walked ahead of her as she took the rear, a purr rumbled her throat as she remembered the sweet memories of her dream. The Thunderclan kits wrestling with eachother who grew up to be now proud Thunderclan warriors.

It was also the day she and Foxtail became friends.

She narrowed her narrow gaze as she also remembered the nightmares that haunt her sleep. The images of her beloved friend's dead bodies piled at her paws. Were they really not sent from Starclan? Should I really put them off so easily?

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