Chapter 1

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Authors POV

"Dont do this!"A familiar voice shouted.

"Stop! Please listen" A young girl shouted.

"It's the only way" another voice said.

"Nina don't!" The same guy shouted, but this voice was Fabians voice.

Nina put on the mask and Senkara devoured her. She almost shuck Fabian when Joy pushed him out of the way and it hit her instead.

Suddenly the scene changed to Senkara pulling Eddie down to the underworld with him and then...

Eddie Miller woke up to the sound of his alarm clock.
"I need to stop having these dreams" he thought.

He got up and got dressed for that day which happened to be his first day of collage.

Yes, it had been 5 months since he graduated from Frobisher academy.
In fact, his dad hired the building company to build a collage after graduation that was right behind the high school.

Mr. Sweet sent letters out to all the Anubis residents inviting them back for collage.

Eddie only knew that KT, Patricia, and Fabian were coming back , but he wasn't sure who would all be there.

When he got off his plane later that day, He grabbed his luggage from the trailer of the air port and made his way to a taxi to head to Anubis house.

Outside Anubis house stood a girl with dirty blond hair, green eyes, and a casual taste of fashion. She has a red suitcase with an American flag on it and little stickers of different things.

She walked up to the house and opened the door.

"Hello? " She called out.

"Oh who could that be?" She heard a pippy voice say from the kitchen. when she came out into the hall and saw who was standing there she ran to her. "Nina!" Trudy called out.

"Hey Trudy" Nina came and gave her a hug.

"How are you deary?" She asked.

"Good I guess. You?"

"Oh don't worry about me dear." Trudy smiled.

Nina looked around the house, remembering all the good times she's had there.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"Oh your early" Trudy said. "they should be here soon"

"Oh okay" Nina smiled.

"You go get unpacked now. And it's so nice to have you back" Trudy said before entering the kitchen.


Within the next hour or so Alfie and Willow came in and then Fabian and Mara and then Eddie and Patricia and Joy and Jerome.

They didn't know who was here, they just all came in one time.

Upstairs in Sarah's old room sat Amber and Nina talking and giggling.

"No way!" Nina laughed.

"Yes! I'm promise." Amber crossed her heart.

"There is no way you met Leonardo De Caprieo!" Nina said a little louder.

"I promise! Things happen when your in New York spreading the love of fashion" Amber looked as if she was staring off into the distance.

"Wow" Nina shook her head.

They laughed again and the room fell silent for a moment.

"So. have you talk to Fabian yet?" Amber asked.

"Not even! I won't dare go down there I'm too scared but shy and I keep getting these weird butterflies in my stomach everytime I think about it" Nina admitted.

"It will be okay Nina. At least your boo hasn't moved on" Amber rolled her eyes.

"What?" Nina asked.

"Yeah Alfie is dating willow now" she said saddened.

"I'm so sorry Amber!" Nina said coming to hug her.

"I'm fine. And I'm Hungry. what about you?" She asked.

"I'm starved!" Nina laughed.

"Well come on! I can smell Trudy's welcome home spaghetti already!" Amber exclaimed.

Nina and Amber went down stairs and into the common room. When they entered everyone stopped their conversation and stared at them.

No one knew that neither Amber nor Nina were there.

"Hi! I'm KT" KT greeted Nina.

"I'm Nina." Nina said.

"American" they said at the same time.
"Cool" they said again eyeing each other.

"Nina! What are you doing here?" Eddie asked walking over to her.

"Well your dad sent me a letter about the collage and um... I figured why not?" She answered.

"Well I'm glad to see you" Joy walked over to her and hugged her.

"Me to!" Patricia said and joined in on the hugs.

Nina looked around the room but didn't see what she was looking for which was of course Fabian.

She went out into the hall way and of course found Mara a kiss as they entered his room.

Nina turned around back at everyone else. they didn't see what Nina just witnessed, but they knew something was wrong.

"Nina are you okay?" Amber asked as everyone was staring at her.

"Y-yeah" she said. She walked back into the family room and sat on the couch between Eddie and Amber.

"So Nina, did Eddie tell you about everything that went on our senior year?" Jerome asked.

"Yes he did" she looked at Eddie. "something about Frobie Zombies?" She laughed as did everyone else.

"Dinner!" Trudy called.

Everyone in the family room walked to the dinner room except for Alfie, who ran.

"Trudy, load me up" Alfie swung his plate.

"Oh my" Trudy said to herself and went back into the kitchen.

Nina sat in her normal spot at the head. to her left was Amber, Joy, Jerome and to her right was Eddie, Parricia, Alfie, willow, and KT at the other head of the table.

Fabian came into the kitchen and asked Trudy...

"Hey Trudy where's mine and Maras plates?"

"In the microwave dear" she pointed.

Fabian grabbed some cups and pored some lemonade in them.

Right when he went closer to the door of the dinner room Fabian saw a familiar face...

"Nina!!" He yelled dropping the cups of lemonade.

Everyone turned toward him and then back at Nina...

This is gonna be one heck of a year.

Hey guys! So this is my first chapter! Sorry it took so long. I had exams all week but tomorrow is my last one thank God! Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Please comment how you liked it and vote! Thanks Sibuna

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