Chapter 9

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Authors POV

Later that day, Nina turned in her phone and laptop into the technical services that Mr. Sweet highered. After a couple hours of searching, they found nothing on her phone or on her laptop of evidence indicating that she wrote that article about Mara.

They went over to Mr. Sweets office and would now see who's email address that came from.
"Hey Nens" Amber walked in their room saying.

"Hey" she greeted as Patricia came in.

"Nina listen, I'm really sorry about what I said earlier." Patricia apologized.

"It's okay Patricia" Nina smiled.

"What did the nerds say?"Amber giggled a bit.

"They didn't find anything on my phone or laptop"

"That's good right?" Amber asked.

"Yeah. But they went over to Mr. Sweets office to see who the email address came from" Nina mentioned.

"Who do you think could of done that?" Patricia asked.

"I don't know and I don't care!" Nina shouted. "but hey I'm done with boys and people taking advantage of me" Nina stood up.

"Good for you Nina!" Amber locked arms with her.

"Now come on! I can smell Trudy's food!" Patricia stood up and locked arms on the other side of Nina.

At dinner everyone was talking except for Mara and Fabian. Mara was still angry at Nina for "writing" that letter about her and Fabian was depressed about what Nina said to Mara in class that day. He knew she meant it was about him and her relationship, and he knew he still loved her but he just didn't know who to believe.

"So Nina, how's your gran?" Joy asked.

Nina looked up at Amber, because she knew about it as did Fabian.

"My gran?" Nina asked.

"Yeah. How is she?" Joy asked again.

"She died" Nina told them.

"What?" Joy asked.
"When?" Eddie asked.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Patricia asked.

"She died a couple months ago and I was afraid to." Nina admitted.

"Awwww Nina" Joy got up and ran to her. "it's okay" she hugged her.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." she said.

"Miss Martin" Victor cleared his throat.
"A word please?"

She got up from her chair eyeing everyone as they stared at her.

When she entered the hall way, where Victor was he began to talk.

"Mr. Sweet has informed me that your no longer in need of writing that apology to Mara" he told her.

"So he knows who actually did it?" She asked.

"Yes. He will be here shortly to talk to you all. Now go on, off to dinner" he shooed her away.

When Nina walked in everyone was staring at her.

"Nina, what was that about?"Jerome asked.

"Umm, you'll find out soon" she smiled.

"Nina, why happend?" Amber whispered.

"Mr. Sweet found out who it was and he will be here to tell us soon" Nina told Amber.

When Mr. Sweet arrived at the Anubis estate, he had Victor sit all of the residents down in the living room.-Nina, Amber, Patricia, and Eddie on one couch, Willow in a chair and Alfie standing beside it, Jerome, Joy, and KT on the other couch, and Mara and Fabian standing beside it.

"It has informed me that an article was placed on the school website early this morning. I assure you that the actual bandit has been caught" he walked closer to the middle of the room.
"I'm not happy on the terms of who it was, but they will be punished because this is not the first time they have done this" he announced.

Everyone eyed Joy, because she wrote an article on Nina and her gran their second term.

"Hey! It wasn't me!" Joy shouted. "I would never do that to Nina, not now that she's my best friend" Joy smiled at her.

"No no I assure you it's not Joy, isn't that right, Mara?" He looked at her with fire in his eyes.

"What?" Joy asked.
"no way!" Fabian shouted. "there's no way Mara would do that."

"I think your overestimating her character" Amber barked.
Fabian through a "shut up Amber" expression and looked back at Mr. Sweet.

"So Mara, tell us why you did this? And to yourself" Mr. Sweet asked.

Mara sighed. "I don't know what came over me." she admitted.

"So you did write that?" Jerome asked.

"Yes! I was hoping it would make her leave and make Fabian hate her" she put her head down.

"But why Mara? I didn't do anything to you" Nina asked.

"Oh yeah? You came here and I knew he had feelings for you! But that didn't stop Nina Martin from getting to him!" She shouted.

Mr. Sweet cleared his throat, indicating to shut up and listen.

"Mara Jeffery, you are suspended for 5 days! And you will receive 0's in every assignment, class participation, tests and quizes, everthing! And I want you to take the article down from the school website! Do I make myself clear?!?!" He yelled.

"Yes sir" she cried.

"Good! Now goodnight to you all" he shook his head and left.

After he left Victor left, and then Jerome and Joy, KT, Willow and Aflie, Patricia and Eddie, and then Nina and Amber went into the kitchen.
The only two left were Mara and Fabian, who wouldn't even look at her but you could tell he had anger in his eyes.

"Fabian, I can explain-" she touched his arm.

"I think you explained enough!!" He yelled and faced her.

"Fabian I'm-"

"Sorry? Please Mara. I should've known better than to stay with you. You treated me like dirt! And then you took my actions out on Nina!" He yelled so loud Amber and Nina stuck their head out the kitchen door.

"Your right. And I'm sorry Fabian. I really am" she tried to calm him down.

"Mara." he paused and stared deep into her eyes. "we're finished" he said with a cracked sad yet calm voice and walked out of the room leaving Mara in tears, but soon enough she went upstairs to her room.

So theirs that chapter!! Haha it was kinda hard to write this lol but anyways questions----

•do think Fabian was too hard on Mara?

•what do you think Nina will do about this situation?

•do you think Fabian should get back together with Nina?

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Thanks to you all!

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