Chapter 30

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Authors POV

After lights out, Nina snuck past Victor, who apparently wasn't in the house, and down the stairs to Fabians room. She quietly opened the door, went in and closed it behind her. Lucky for her Fabian and Eddie were still up, so she didn't have to bother them.

"Hey Neens. Everything okay?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah." She said quietly.

"Are you okay, love?" Fabian asked.

"Yeah." She crossed her arms."I just don't wanna be alone up there with Amber. I'm afraid she's gonna you know, kill me." Nina giggled.

Eddie chuckled.
"So why are you here?" He asked.

"I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight?" She winked at Fabian.

"Haha yeah. We were just about to go to bed anyways." Fabian grinned.

Eddie scoffed. "Have fun you too, but not too much fun, or you'll end up like me and Patricia." He laughed and then stopped because he realized what he just said.

"What you mean?" Nina asked.

"Nothing, I was joking." Eddie let out a hard chuckle.

"She's pregnant isn't she?" Nina smirked over at him as she said this is her mind to him.

"Yep!" He rolled his eyes. "Just don't tell anyone please?"

"I won't, I promise." She said.

"Thanks." He thanked her and turned off the light.

"C'mon, you can lay here." Fabian quietly patted the bed for her to lay down.

He covered her up with his blanket and they kissed a little bit. He pulled her closer to his chest and he could feel that she didn't have a bra on, because it's a night shirt. He stopped and stared at them and slowly started playing with them, as the nipple got harder and harder and she got hornier and hornier. He pulled her shirt off and rubbed up and down her back and touching her butt.

"I love you." He whispered to her.

"I love you to." She let out a soft giggle.

She laid her head on his naked chest and fell right to sleep with a big smile on her face.


Darkness filled Nina Martins head as she fell into a deep sleep.

"Nina!" Fabian shouted at her.

She looked around her and noticed she was in the school library. She had just put on the mask of Anubis, and Senkara reigned over her body, and was controlling her every move.

"Nina! Somebody do something quick!" Amber shouted.

"Nina! Please!" Fabian pledged but she looked at him and through out her hand.

Joy quickly stepped in front of him as Nina through a lightning strike at him and it hit Joy and she fell to the ground.

"Joy!" Patricia yelled and ran over to her friends side.

Nina was watching all these things come abroad from a third person perspective. She looked to the side of her and saw Sarah Frobisher Smyth watching everything as well. She turned to Nina and said,
"Do you really want to put your friends in any more danger, Nina? If you don't turn yourself in, Caleb will hurt everyone you love, just like Senkara did."

"Yes but she overpowered me. If I turn myself in the same will happen" Nina answered.

"Yes, but you have the Orsirin. And Nina Dear, would you rather sacrifice yourself or sacrifice everyone you love." Sarah said before she faded away.

"Wait, Sarah!" Nina begged but she was gone.

Nina looked back at everyone and saw all of them dead on the floor, except for the possessed Nina.

Nina quickly woke up and checked her clock. It was 4:30am, and she was determined to finish this once and for all.


Later that morning at Lunch, Patricia was doing some online shopping. Yes, Patricia Williamson, the gothic girl who hates shopping; but she was shopping for her prom dress which was next Friday.

"Hey, babe. What cha doing?" Eddie came over and rubbed her shoulders.

"Shopping." She quickly answered.

Eddie choked on his sandwich.
"What?" He asked, shocked.

"Haha, yes I'm shopping, you know for prom next Friday." She laughed.

"Oh, yeah. We've been so busy with Sibuna and the surprise," he winked. ",that I forgot about that."

"Yeah. How do you like this one?" She asked.
He stood behind her and looked at the screen.

"Hmm. I don't know. I really like this one." He said flirtsy and kissed her lips.
She strangely pushed away.

"You lips taste like tuna salad." She said grossed out.

"Well then." He laughed.

"But seriously! All the girls already has there prom dress." She reminded.

"Yes, I like this one, babe. But you don't need a dress to make you feel beautiful, your already beautiful the way you are." He smiled and made her blush.

"Aww, that's the sweetest thing any weasel has ever said to me." She laughed and hugged him.

"Hey! Have any of you seen Nina?" Fabian rushed over interrupting their moment.

"No, why?" Eddie asked.

"Because she wasn't in our room when I woke up this morning, she didn't eat breakfast, and she's not at the house or here." He stated.

"Whoa whoa! Back track! Why was she in your room!" She glared at Eddie.

"Because of Amber. Don't worry, she slept in Fabians bed." Eddie quickly said and turned back to Fabian.

"Eddie, what if they got her or what if she left on her own. How are we gonna find her.?" Fabian panicked.

"Don't worry Fabian, I'll figure something out. I'm gonna go get KT and we are gonna search for her-"

"I'm coming with you!" Fabian cut him off.

"No! I need you to take care of Patricia, just in case something happens."  Eddie said.

"I can take care of myself, thank you." Patricia scoffed.

"No. Both of you stay here, got it?" They both nodded. "Great. I'll keep you posted man." He padded his shoulder. Eddie hugged Patricia and kissed her on the lips. "I love you." He whispered.

"Be safe." She hugged tightly.

Hey guys! I know it's been a while but I've actually been working on this for 3 days! First I wrote about 300 words then 600 more and then I looked over it! But I've put a lot of effort in this so I hope you guys enjoy. Love yall!

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