Chapter 23

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Authors POV

Wednesday morning, everyone was laughing and eating their breakfast before school. It was peaceful for once, yet Nina and Eddie both had that feeling in their gut, the feeling that something interesting is about to happen.

"Hey. Has anyone seen Mara?" KT asked walking in the dinning room door.

Everyone shook their heads no.

"That's crazy. I didn't hear her walk through the door last night." She said.

"Maybe she left early?" Joy suggested.

KT shrugged and walked to school.

Nina and Eddie quickly made eye contact.

"Do you think-"


"She's a sinner?!" They said to each other in their minds.

"Eddie please don't tell me that she is after me! I mean really why me!" Nina slammed her hands on the table making everyone stare at her symotamiously.

"Neens are you okay?" Amber asked.

"I-I'm fine!" Nina got up and went to school without saying anything else to anyone.

Nina was already halfway to school until Fabian called out for her.

"Nina!" He yelled. "Nina!" He yelled again.

She turned around to face him with tears running down her cheeks.

"Oh, oh Nina" he pulled her into a hug. "Are you okay?" He asked after brushing his fingers through her hair.

She shook her head as they let go.
"I'm just, I-I don't know if I can do this anymore." She stuttered.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Are you quitting Sibuna?"

She sat down on a nearby bench along with Fabian beside her.

"It's not just Sibuna" she cried.

"Then what else is there?" He asked.

She cried even harder and held her stomach. It was like the more she looked or even thought of Fabian, the more it hurt.

"I just can't be with you Fabian." She finally said.

"W-Why?" He asked.

"Because it's just getting hard, Fabian. Mara's always after me and I just can't right now." She said.

"But Mara hasn't done anything lately." He begged.

"Fabian, she didn't come home last night, me and Eddie have a feeling that-" she started but Fabian cut her off.

"This is about Eddie isn't it! You've been seeing him haven't you!" Fabian shouted.

"No Fabian! We can read each other's mind remember?! That's what the whole thing at the table was. I was mad because we think Mara was kidnapped and turned into a sinner." She explained.

"Oh..." Is all he could say.

"Yeah. I just- why would you accuse me of that?" She asked. "You know I love you"

"Then why are you breaking up with me!" He shouted.

"BECAUSE I CANT DO IT ANYMORE!"she screamed. "Mara is always trying to break us up! Then the mystery that's started and you thinking That I'm on cheating you all the time! You obviously don't trust me, Fabian. I mean I leave for one year and come back and it's like your not who I thought you were." Nina jumped up and ran the rest of the way to school leaving Fabian to a single tear running down his face.

Eddie was exiting the dinning room and was about to head to school, when Patricia stopped him.

"Hey weasle!" She shouted.

"You never change Yacker" he turned around and smirked.

"Ha. Cute" she scoffed. "Anyway what was the whole Nina thing about? I mean one minute you two were staring at each  other and then the next she stomped out of the room."

"Oh, you know that thing we do? Where we read each other's minds?" He asked.

"Yeeaah" she looked confused.

"Well that's what we were doing. We were talking about since Mara didn't come home last night then Maybe she's a sinner." He explained.

"Who is what now?" Jerome butted in the conversation while exiting the dinning room as well.

Patricia and Eddie glanced at each other.

"Ohh..." Eddie started.

"Psst ya know..." Patricia tried.

"Patricia is just a stalker. I mean really Yacker can I have my speedo you stole?" He put his hand out, trying not to laugh."

"Eddie" she nudged.

"Uh. Okay. Well remind me to put a pad lock on my door." Jerome looked awkwardly and walked out the front door. Patricia and Eddie smirked at each other.

"Really, Eddie? A speedo?" She laughed.

"Well soorry" he scoffed.

"Haha well you could of came up with something better! Now he thinks I'm a stalker." She giggled.

"Well..." He played.

"Eddie!" She pushed.

"Haha I'm kidding" he put his arms around her waste and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

Nina, Jerome, Joy, and some other Isis' house kids were the first ones to class-that was until Mara came in.

Nina was sitting reading her book when Mara came up to her and took it away.

"Hi. Remember me." Mara smirked.

"Mara please just go away." Nina pleaded.

"Not till I get what I want." She slammed her hand on the desk.

"Look, I broke up with Fabian alright? So you can have him. You win." Nina looked down.

"You honestly think I want Fabian? Pttss. What I want is for you to suffer." Mara smirked.

She grabbed a bunch of papers out of her bag and headed into the hall. She stuck the papers in lockers, on the wall, under class room doors, and all over the floor as the rest if the students walked in reading what was on it.

"What did you do!?" Nina asked as she looked at the papers, at everyone else reading it, and Mara who was watching the action.

"What do you think? I exposed you for the rat you really are." Mara smirked.

The papers read:

Dear diary,

So much has happened this first year of collage. I found out Mara was dating Fabian, ouch that was a sight, and then Fabian broke up with her because she is a bitch. Then of course I finally got him back! But I've been seeing Eddie. He's my "protector". But he's dating Patricia,the queen of bitches. I mean really? She thinks that Eddie loves her but he don't. He's in love with me. But anyways. Joy and Jerome are together I mean, ugh, Jeroy, they are so gross. And then Amber came back so that's good, not! She's such a stupid blonde I mean really? But whatever. Hopefully people will understand one day.

"I don't understand! What is this?" Nina asked.

"You diary babe" Mara laughed evilly.

"Hey! We aren't gross!" Joy shouted after looking at the paper.

Everyone in the whole school was surrounding Nina. Some were angry, some were furious!- and some didn't know what the heck was going on. But Nina knew one thing, she was screwed.

Sooooooo.... There's that chapter!
Do you really think that Nina wrote all of that? Ptss well I think she's screwed😂 but I really hope you guys like this chapter! And I'm trying to through Peddie in there but I need some help with that! Thanks for reading and commenting guys!
Love y'all!

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