Chapter 25

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Authors POV

The next day after school Nina, Fabian, and KT went to the gatehouse to do some "snooping".

"Does anyone know the combination lock?" Fabian whispered as they walked up to the front door.

"I got a better idea" KT wrinkled her nose. "Come on." She whisper screamed.

She lead them to the opposite side off the gatehouse and went through an underground vent.

"KT." Fabian whispered as they all three climbed though. "How did you know about this entrance?"

"While you and Patricia were busy burning down he school, Harriet , Mrs. Denby's sister, showed me and Eddie this hiding spot.

When she finished the sentence they reached to the end, and all crawled out of the vent, one by one, and stood to their feet.

"Okay, KT, you keep a look out while me and Nina go up the stairs and into the room where the tank used to be Okay?" Fabian asked.

They nodded and raised their hands and said..."Sibuna".

Nina and Fabian walked up the steps and opened the wooden door leaving a creek sound that cause Nina to shiver.

"You okay?" Fabian asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said crossing her arms to keep warm.

When they entered the room, there wasn't hardly anything in the room, but a bulletin board with Nina,Eddie, Fabian,Amber, Alfie, Patricia, and KT's picture in it with notes under their name or references pointing out who they really are. And still there stood the sarcophagus' that once held every sinner. Everyone of them were empty except for one.

"Mara" Nina gasped and ran over to it.
"What happened to her?"

"It's okay Nina. It's the good part of Mara trapped in there." Fabian reassured.

"What are we going to do? And these notes? I mean look at this..." She went over to the board. "He wants to turn me evil and take over the world."

"Nina it will be okay, I promise." He hugged her. But their little moment was taken over when KT stepped through the door.

"Guys , you gotta come see this" her eyes widened.

~Back at Anubis~

Patricia was in her room with Amber doing their home work when all a sudden she felt like she was going to be sick. She ran to the girls bathroom and through up all in the toilet. She continued this again and again and winced with pain everytime.

"Trixie?" Amber rushed after her.

"Uh...A-Amber don't c-come in here" she cried; but Amber went in anyways and pulled her hair back as she through up again.

When Patricia was done she sat on the toilet and put her head in her hands.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything." Amber asked.

"Y-yeah Amber I just need some time alone, okay?" Patricia said and Amber left the room, closing the door behind her.

Patricia didn't know why she got sick like that all a sudden or how because she didn't feel anything before, it just happened. But then she had a thought, maybe she was pregnant?

(A/N: I know it usually takes two weeks, but just go with it.;))

She grabbed a pregnancy test and waited until it beeped. And better yet when it did it was positive that Patricia was pregnant.

She kneeled down to the floor and began to cry with her head in her hands. A million thought were going through her mind right now. Such as: what am I going to do? How will Eddie react? What will his dad think of us? Or me? What will my parents do? What will everyone else think? What if Eddie doesn't want me anymore.? Should I tell him?
All of that just made Patricia cry more until there was a knock on the door.

"Trixie? Dinners ready." Joy said through the door.

"Be there in a minute"she said as straight as she could and got up and fixed her makeup. She will tell Eddie soon about this, or better yet run away.


"What is it, KT?" Fabian asked.

"Come one" she begged and Nina and Fabian followed her down into the living room area.

When she opened the door behind the Orgin, they saw something that Fabian and KT never thought they would see again!-Mrs. Caroline Denby.

She was in the tank, just like Frobisher was their senior year.

"What is going on?" Fabian whispered.

"Who is that?" Nina whispered back.

"We will explain later, Nina. But Fabian what do you think this means?" KT whispered.

"Will someone please tell me who that is!?" Nina shouted.

Fabian and KT shushed her but heard something moving downstairs and their eyes widened.

"Hello? Whose here! " the person yelled. It was Caleb. "Whose up there? You better show yourself." The voice got closer as if it was on the other side of the door.

I think Sibuna was screwed.


So this was a stupid chapter really but I just wanted you guys to have an update. Tell me what you guys think and thanks for reading!

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