Chapter 8

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Authors POV

Everyone woke up the next morning ready for school. When Nina came down stairs everyone got quiet and stared at her. Mara was crying, Joy and Fabian gave her an evil look, Jerome, Eddie, and Alfie were digging into their food, Patricia and KT looked at her like she grew 10 heads, Amber pretended like nothing happend, as Willow just minded her own business.

"What's going on?" Nina asked.

"'Whats going on?'" Fabian quoted. "how could you do that to Mara?" He asked.

"Do what?" Nina asked.

"This" Patricia gave Nina her phone to look at. The screen pulled up an article on the school website under Nina's name that said:

"Mara Jeffray, the bitchiest girl in the school. I came back this year to Frobisher Academy. I was hoping to get together with this oh so amazing guy named Fabian. I loved him but found out that he was dating Mara. Mara is a player. First she dated Mick, then Jerome while she was still with Mick, then She dumped Mick for Jerome, an now she's with Fabian. I wish everyone could see that she's a slut! All she wants is attention from everyone, but they don't all realize that she's a fugly diva."

She looked up at everyone and gave Patricia back her phone and stared at everyone as they stared back.

"I didn't put that on the school website." Nina explained.

"Yeah right Nina." Fabian barked.

"I swear I didn't!" Nina protested.

"Then how do you explain an account with your name saying some terrible things about Mara on it? I mean that's low even for you Nina" Patricia snapped.

Nina was on the verge of tears. She stared at Fabian and then at Mara who was crying.

"I promise I would never do that. I don't even have an account. You can check everything I have." Nina begged.

"Oh come on Nina. You and Mara had a fight last night. So your saying your so innocent that you didn't wanna get revenge?" Joy asked.

"No. I mean yes I was mad at Mara but I would never do anything like this" Nina told them with tears running down her face.

"Nina Martin" Victor came though the room. "Mr. Sweet would like to see you in his office immediately" he announced.

She gave one last look at everyone and said "I didn't do this" and grabbed her bag and walked out.

When Nina left, everyone questioned each other.

"So do you guys really think Nina did that?" KT asked everyone.

"Yes. " Fabian answered. "I mean she was angry last night."

"Yeah, but this is Nina we're talking about. She would never do that" Amber told them.

"Yeah well people change" Mara snapped.

"Yes and you would know that wouldn't you?" Amber barked.

Mara gave her a death glare and continued to rub herself on Fabian "crying" on his shoulder.

"She's still a witch for doing that, even after I apologized to her last night" Fabian said.

"You did what?" Mara yelled.

Everyone stopped and starred at her. It was really quiet. Some of them began to think she was up to no good.

"But anyway. Dude you got to realize that this is nice, sweet, apple pie eating, Nina. This doesn't sound like her" Alfie broke the silence.

"Maybe someone framed her?" Joy mentioned.

"Was it you?" Amber asked. "cause you kinda have a history with that"

"Really Amber?" Joy rolled her eyes.

"Whoever it was ,whether it was Nina or someone else, needs to tell us the truth and needs to now!" Patricia announced.

In Mr. Sweets office, Nina sat there in the chair as he typed something on his computer.

"Mrs. Martin, are you aware that you posted this on the school website?" He turned the screen to her so she could see.

"Yes. Patricia showed me this morning but I promise I didn't put that up there! I would never do that to someone and you can check my phone, laptop, anything!-just please don't expelled me." Nina begged.

Mr. Sweet looked at her with compassion and he felt bad for her.

"Nina, I'm not going to expel you, because this is the first time that you have ever caused trouble." he told her.

"Oh thank you!-" she hopped out of her seat.

"-but I want a well written apology to Mara and I will get some technical advisers to see who exactly did this, because quite frankly I don't believe you did this" he explained.

"Then why do I have to write a letter?" Nina asked.

"Because the account was still in your name Mrs. Martin" he answered her. "now If you will excuse me I have some business to take care of" he opened the door for her and she exited the office as he closed the door.

When she stepped into the hall way, Amber was sitting there patiently and got up when she saw Nina.

"Hey" Nina gave a half smile.

"Hey Nens" she smiled. "how did it go?"

"How did it go?" She started walking along side Amber. "well Mr. Sweet is gonna higher tech nerds to find out who set up that account. And I have to write an apology to Mara and read it in front of the school" she told her.

"Listen Nina, I don't think you did that, neither does Alfie, Eddie, and Willow. But everyone else is convinced.-"

"Even Fabian?" Nina asked.

"Yeah" Amber looked down.

"Great. Who does he think I am? I haven't changed. It's M-"Nina

"-ara" Amber rolled her eyes. "come on, let's go to class. And Don't worry I got your back the whole way" Amber smiled.

"Thanks Amber" Nina smiled back.

They entered the class room and Nina was about to pass by Fabian and the empty seat next to him when Mara snapped...

"That's my seat so don't even try Martin" Mara yelled.

"Okay" Is all Nina could say with her calm, cracked voice. "you can have it. I don't want it" she stopped and looked at Fabian. "any of it" she gave Fabian one last look of regret and took her seat next to Amber.

Hey guy! I just wanna say thank you for your feed back and comments and voting ect. You guys are absolutely AMAZING! I love yall! Haha.
So how was this Chapter?

I know y'all probably hate Mara haha.
I hope you guys enjoy this!

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