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Tanjiro's Pov

"How am I going to do it?" I mumble to Nezuko while frowning. "What if I get killed by a demon on my way back.. And then they have the flowers!"

My sister rubbed her head against my arm, calming me. I sigh, slightly smiling. "Mind coming along, Nezuko?"    "Hm!!"

I pull out a map, laying it on the floor, it's a bit big so I can't put it on a table.. I point to a spot on the map. "That's home." I then slide my finger to the other side of the map. "That.. is where we are.. If we were to leave at nightfall, we'd get there after two days at dawn.. Right? I mean, we can stop in that small town for a rest.. So.. Maybe three days?" I pause, and sigh. "I can't do this alone.."

"Do what alone?"

Startled, I flinch and turn my head to see Shinobu, along with Mitsuri who was eating what looks like Sakura mochi. "You two scared me!" I laughed hesitantly. "Sorry, we were checking up on you and the door was open.. We can come back later--"

"No no! Please." I frown. "I'm terrible at this thing.. Please help me."

Mitsuri and Shinobu glance at eachother before sitting down near me.
"I'm trying to sigure out how long it takes to get from point A.." I point to the butterfly mansion on the map. "To point B." My finger lands on where my home would be.

"Hm.." Shinobu mumbled.
"I'd say.. A day? I mean, if you're quick you can totally make it there by nighfall if you left soon, but that's without a rest stop." Mitsuri smiled. I took a sigh of relief. "Thanks.. I need to get there quick."

I roll up the map. "Where's point B anyway?" Shinobu asked as we all stood up. I pause. "Uhm.. Just a mission."
"Ooo! I'm free for a couple of days, mind letting me tag along?" Mitsuri asked with an enthusiastic tone. "I don't mind coming too." Shinobu smiled.

"Oh.. Uhm.. Well, it's probably not a powerfeul demon--"
"No problem! Wait here a second, I'm going to get my sword!" Mitsuri began to walk out.

"Wait!! I.."
Lying sucks..  Sighing, I lower my head. "I'm not going there to defeat a demon.. Lady Amane told me to retrieve the Blue Spider Lillies to ensure nobody can get them. It's a secret, I intended to go alone.."

"I see." Shinobu mumbled, she looked like she was thinking.
"Let us help you." She then mumbled. "If you're on a dangerous mission like this.. We need to ensure yours and the flowers safety."

"Mhm-- What she said!!" Mitsuri smiled brightly. I smiled back. "Are you sure?"
"Of course we are!" Shinobu chuckled lightly. 

"Like I said before, we get there at nightfall if we leave soon, meaning SOON soon, so I'll get my sword then meet you two near the exit!"

I quickly put on my haori, Nezuko crawled into her box as I put it on my back, and I put my sword in the scabbard attatched to my belt and left, keeping the map with me just incase.

~  ~  ~
Wtf am I supposed to put here?
~  ~  ~

"Ara ara.. You're slowing down Tanjiro!" Shinobu giggled. "Tired?"
I shook my head, a calm smile on my face, we were in the view of a town.. My home town. "You've been here before?" Mitsuri asked. I nodded. "I have.."

"Ooo, so we've arrived?" Shinobu asked, we walked into the town, the other two looking around, I smiled brightly as I recognised many people here, and they also recognised me, because we were getting lookes and stares, I heard my name mention in conversations as we passed. "You're well known here Tanjiro." Shinobu glanced to me. "Is this.. Where you grew up?"

"It is!.. We had to leave so I could be a demon slayer though.. I didn't want to bring Nezuko back here.. But I can't leave her alone." I spoke in a clear tone.

"Uhm.. Is it just me, or is it suupper hot here?" Mitsuri mumbled, waving her hand near her face. She ended up taking off her haori. "I have to agree with Mitsuri, it is quite warm in this town." Shinobu replied.

"Oh. Yeah, warmth is a big thing here. Since winter is a few months away, everyone is cooking up charcoal and coal to prepare for the cold weather." I shrugged. "You get used to it after a while."

"Hey, so where's your house? I'd love to meet your f- I'd love to see it." Mitsuri covered her mouth. I chuckle. "My home isn't here."
They both looked at me. "My home is in the mountains." I pointed the the large mountain closest to the town. Mitsuri frowned. "Please don't say we have to climb that thing."      "I think we do."

She buried her face in her haori. "Nooo..!"

"It'll be fine!" I chuckle again. "Let's hurry, we arrived pretty early, but it's getting dark."

We began to journey up the mountain, Mitsuri seemed to need quite a few breaks. We came across a small house, and a man pierced his head out. It was Saburoujii, he was the man who warned me about demons the night before I came back home from selling coal.. "Tanjiro?" He asked, then left his house. "You're alive?!"

"Saburoujii-San, uh-- Hi.." I nervously mumble.
"I tried to tell them, I tried to tell them the oni did it!" He then spoke more sternly. "Is anyone else alive?"

"Nezuko is.." I slightly smile. "Where is she then?" He replied, the same stern look on his face. "She's sleeping right now. We're just trying to get home." I pointed towards the direction we're going. He nodded.
"It's getting dark, you three should stay here for the night."

"No thank you Saburoujii-San, we can protect ourselves, good night." I smile to him as I go to leave. "Ah, so you joined the demon slayers! good luck, and good night." He nodded, entering his house.

We continue venturing up the mountain, we eventually make it to the house, it was dark and empty, but I set up a couple oil lamps and we got some rest.

Akaza's Pov

"Master." I mumble. I managed to get a word with him in private, which is rare now-a-days. "What is it Akaza."
"You know where the Kamado house is.. Right?"

He seemed to be more interested now. "I do. Why do you ask?"
"..Can I have the location of the house? I'd like to visit it in my free time." I explain with no detail, but enough to let him think about it.

"I guess so.. I'll give you the co-ordinates..."


I don't know if bringing Shinobu is going to be a good idea in the future chapters  :D

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