Chapter 1

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Ambers p.o.v
I'm your typical teen.Im smart,but that's where it ends that's what everyone sees.They don't see what I've been through,first my father left my mother when I was young,my mother worked 2 jobs to support me,and I was depressed.And not to mention I'm considered a nerd

I swear that damn snooze button of mine was hell.I dreaded reality,I dreaded getting ready for school and seeing people.I was a loner,for sure.But I finally got out of bed and when I did it was pouring rain and the thunder was piercing through the silence.I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans with a oversized shirt.I put on my glasses after I did my makeup,some blush,bronzer and mascara and I was ready.I went downstairs to find my house yet again empty.My mother was never here and I was used to it,I was dependent on myself every phone rung and it was my best friend,Jake.

I answered the phone and said,"So sup Jake?"

"Just getting ready for school,want a ride?"

"Yeah sure.I swear Jake you take longer than a girl to get ready."

"Hey handsomeness takes time Amber."

"Never in your wildest dreams Jake."

"I'll be there soon Amber."

"Ugh Jake talk to me I have nothing else to do and if I don't talk to you I'll fall asleep."

"Fine Amber."

"Thanks Jake."

After that we continued to talk about random video games and then he got to my house.I grabbed my keys and went outside my door and locked it behind me.I walked down in driveway to Jake's car when he said,"Psh and you said I was slow."

"Oh shut up you idiot."

We both started laughing after that because we were just best friends that understood each other and didn't even have to say anything to each other but we'd laugh like morons.Jake was popular and was on the football team so yes Jake was hot but we'd been best friends since kindergarten so the label difference between us didn't really matter to us.Jake was as sane as you could get and that's why we got along so well because he wasn't like the rest of the football players.We got to school and started walking inside,our lockers were on different sides of the schools so this is when we parted ways.

As I was walking down the hall way I bumped into someone and of course my books fell on the floor and I just so happened to run into James,our football teams captain.At first he turned around and said "Watch it ne-"
But he stopped before he could even say nerd.He immediately helped me pick up my books and offered a friendly smile."Hey,I'm James."

I hated talking to anyone but Jake,it made me feel awkward."Um hi,and yeah I know your the football captain."

"Indeed,that'd be me."

"I mean there's not a person who doesn't know you I this school so.."

Just then James moved his hand toward my face and moved a single strand of hair from out of my face.It felt romantic but awkward and I wanted to hide.When I saw Jake out of the corner of my eye I found an immediate excuse to escape.

I started walking to him and said,"Jake wait up."He turned around and stopped until I was next to him.

"So Amber what was that with James all about?"

"Oh um,I ran into him and dropped my books so he helped me pick them up."

"Amber you should stay away from him."


"He's not a good guy.He goes around school trying to get in girls pants and use them.I just don't think you should hang around that."

"Everyone makes mistakes Jake."

He murmured,"Not everyone's fucked the entire cheerleading squad."

I mean it's true not everyone has fucked the entire cheerleading squad.James was cocky in a sense that he thought he was irresistible.But Jake was the opposite of that,he was kind and not self absorbed.We finally went to English class before the bell rang.Jake and I sat in the back because he knew I hated to be noticed,and Jake didn't like the front.He sat next to me and we say closest to the door.This class was boring of course because it was English and it involved school.I didn't like school yet I loved the knowledge that I could learn by myself.

Jake whispered,"What's she even talking about?"

Jake wasn't he smartest kid but he wasn't the dumbest one.

"I'll explain it you later."

All of a sudden our teacher said,"For this last quarter were reading Romeo and Juliet.I need volunteers to play parts or I'll just pick them myself.Of course no hands went up.She said,"Jake you'll be Romeo" and as soon as he was Romeo every girls hand except mine shot up to be Juliet.The teacher looked around and said,"Jake you can pick who you want to be Juliet since so many girls are interested."I looked at Jake and have him a death stare that he better not pick me.

Jack said,"I think Amber would make a good Juliet."

I pulled my head down and started wishing I could hide form everyone.I hated the attention that this brought.

When the bell rang I darted at the door and Jake followed me,"Seriously Jake you had to pick me out of everyone?"

He smiled and said,"Yeah."

I playfully hit him the arm when I saw James walking by.James came over to me and started talking to me.James said,"Well well someone's looking hot today."

Jake said,"Bro mind not hitting on my friend when I'm around?"

James whispered in my ear,"I'll see you later."And as he left he winked at me.

Jake murmured,"What a dick."

"Jake calm down its okay."

"He's a flirt Amber and he shouldn't be flirting with you."

"Let's just go to our next class okay Jake?"

The day went down pretty slow and it was only a Monday.When the dismissal bell finally rang I darted out my class and went to my locker to get my bag and other needed material.Jake always came to my locker afterwards and he sure enough was there a few minutes later.We began walking to his car and of course drove to my house.When he was going to drop me off I asked if he wanted to come inside and play some video games before he had to go do homework and he accepted.I opened my door and dropped my bag at the door.As I went to grab the controllers Jake was looking at me.

I couldn't help but smile,"What dude."

He smiled like an idiot and said,"Nothing Amber."

We played video games for hours and eventually it got so late that we decided he'd just stay over for the night.He slept on the couch and so did I but we slept on separate sides of the couch.The next 4 days were basic,waking up,school,English class,and hanging out with Jake.But today just felt off.I woke up and of course got ready like usually and I threw some leggings and yet again another oversized shirt on.I liked oversized shirts if you couldn't tell already.Jake picked me up and let's just skip all the normal boring parts of my day and just go to English class.Yet again we read Romeo and Juliet but today when we started getting through half the act it said that Romeo and Juliet kiss and um you know.Our English teacher said we should of he's drop our grade for not doing the act right so Jake and I kissed.In front of the whole class.But it wasn't like a normal average kiss.When his lips connected with mine it was a natural more than just a kiss kiss,if that makes and sense.Finally the bell rung and I could escape the horror of having to speak in front of the class.

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