Chapter 9

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Authors note because why not. I'm low key writing when I can, aka in school when I shouldn't be. 😂 Here I am in biology writing instead of whatever were doing. Anyways I love you guys 💫.

Chapter 9-

Jade. Then I woke up. I sat up breathing like I had just ran a 5 K, but it's okay it was just a nightmare. I sat there rubbing my forehead to awaken in Jake's bedroom then said, "What's today?"

Moments later a nearly unclothed Jake arose from his bathroom attached to his bedroom. "Saturday. But the princess finally woke up, at 2 pm, well done.

"Oh shut up." I groaned as I threw a pillow at him. Asshole. He left the room and that's when I thought I was good to get up. I decided to get up and went to the bathroom, God I looked horrible. I let out a sigh and continued looking in the mirror.

"Shush you look you beautiful." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's too early for this Jake." I said rolling my eyes just wanting to go back to sleep. If it was possible to be addicted to sleep, I was. I reached for my makeup bag because I always had a spare one since I practically used to live at his house.

But he, he didn't like that so much. "Don't. You look beautiful already you don't need that shit."

"You're really not going to let me wear makeup?" I said scowling.

"You've got that right."

"You asshole." I murmured to myself and walked down stairs getting some cereal because the way to a women's heart was definitely food. Afterwards I went to go check on Jade, she was awake as I sat on the edge of her bed looking at her tiny figure.

"My brother really loves you, you know that right?"

"He doesn't. He likes me as his best friend nothing more Jade, don't be crazy." Telling her we were just friends hurt my heart, I loved her brother but he didn't love me back.

"He has and he always will. After the incident he came to me crying because he thought he lost you for good. He thought you would never forgive him, and you know why that hurt him? Because he loves you." She said with so much emotion in her voice, I never knew he cried to her that night. I never knew that he cared if he lost me.

"I love him. I really do but he doesn't feel the same. Of course he'd be upset we've been best friend for forever now. I don't want to get my hopes high but for them to be crushed, I've already come to the realization that he'll never love me."

"Everyone gives him a bad reputation, saying he can't love anyone because that's not him, news flash he loves you. Only I see the way he looks at you or has an unquenched desire to make sure you're happy and safe. He loves you and you can't deny it anymore. Tell him you love him."

I sighed, "it's harder than that-" but I heard footsteps belonging to Jake nearing her room so I stopped talking.

"Whatever you do just don't date James, he doesn't have the right intentions." I nodded at her. Maybe James didn't have the purest intentions but I at least knew he could love me and I wouldn't be stuck in the friend zone, but I didn't like James and I knew I never would. I love you Jake.

I went down to binge watch Netflix because I was in that sappy lovely dovey mood and only Grey's Anatomy could fix that. After about some amount of episodes Jake came down and sat next to me watching the show as well.

"This is stupid, I'm shocked you watch it."

My jaw dropped at that statement. My show was not stupid, it was the greatest show of this damn generation. "You did not just insult my show."

"I did." He smirked

"Take it back." I said as I grabbed a pillow hitting him with it. It's like we were pillow fighting back then but when we were younger he refused to have a pillow fight because he thought hitting a girl was wrong, it's quite sweet now that I think about it.

"Make me." He murmured as he grabbed the pillow away from me, throwing it on the ground, and making sure we were quite close. Our noses were touching that's how close we were.  "Can't make me?" I nodded in response, being this close to him made my heart beat a thousand times faster than usual. He smirked before he stared at me while doing nothing. When Jade decided to walk into the living room, I tried to move away from him but his grip was on me.

"Kiss her already Jake, it's long overdue. I'll even leave." Then she left without a response from him. I was tempted to tell him I love him but I couldn't anything to come out of my mouth.

"Shhhh." He said when I tried to speak.

"Either kiss me or-" and that's how far I got before his lips joined with mine, it's like our lips were doing the Walt's dance because they moved in unison. He kissed my neck afterwards and I'm pretty sure there would be hickey marks there in the morning, guess I'm wearing turtlenecks for the rest of my life.  Then after he realized what he had done he left bolting upstairs. He hadn't returned so I went upstairs to make sure he was okay but he wasn't in his room, so I checked Jade's room and found them talking.

"I can't do that to her. I kissed her. I kissed my best friend, that's not okay. She deserves to kiss a guy she really loves not her best friend. I just got caught up in the moment and then I kissed her, I fucked up, what if she doesn't want to be my best friend after this? I was an asshole and I ran away after I kissed her, she probably hates me." Jake said and I swear I could hear him crying.

"She loves you, but you're too blind to see. She told me she loved you this morning but she didn't believe me that you loved her. If you want to keep her then keep her but not as just your best friend, you've had a crush on her for how many ever years, you both want each other so stop being scared and ask her out. You deserve happiness and that's what she is. Be her boyfriend then you can freely kiss her and love her to your hearts desire, just do it, because you guys share the same emotions towards each other." She said trying to comfort her confused brother.

"I love her Jade, and I can't afford to lose her."

"Then tell her what you just told me brother and love her freely." Jade said, she really was good for advice, one day she might be a therapist. I raced back to his room silently when I saw him wiping his eyes and getting up about ready to leave. I jumped on his bed acting asleep while my heart was beating a thousands beats per second, he entered through the door frame moments later and kissed my cheek.

"One day you'll know everything, I promise." He said in my ear.

Maybe that kiss was the start of something new. Or maybe it just ended in tragedy you never know because this isn't a fairytale, this is reality.

I can't even think straight writing this, I'm stressed but hey I got a chapter out so yay. Too many days of procrastination will follow this.

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Check out my latest story "Batters Up" it's a new story in working on and I have so many things in store for that book & of course this book as well.

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Love you lots 💗

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