Chapter 6

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Just a quick little note,I'm sorry for not updating I'm not going to list excuses because there life and things happen so I'll be trying to update every week if possible.This was a bit rushed as I have school tomorrow (today by the time your reading this) so I'm sorry for that.Okay now onto the story.

The rest of the night was a blur when I woke up.I still didn't know if Jade was okay because I was too stubborn to open the voicemail from Jake,but I didn't want to open it because if she was dead I'd never forgive myself.I wanted to know but I didn't.When I finally dragged my sorrow ass out of bed I picked out some sweatpants and a black crop top because I didn't give a single damn if I looked good today.At this point fuck my reputation as a nerd I'm going to wreak it.I went directly to my mothers bedroom and found her makeup in her vanity,I grabbed all the goodies I could find and a makeup bag.5 minutes until school would start but guess who didn't care if she was late because as I said about my reputation before I'm about to wreak it.After I applied all of the makeup in the bag onto my face I took a look in the mirror pleased with my work.

My phone buzzed with a text from James and the text read: Where are you?I didn't see you at school.

I responded: Made a few changes to some thing's.See you next bell James I can't wait till you see my surprise.

As I headed downstairs I noticed my mother was still home so I politely asked for a ride to school,she was stunned but she unapproved my new look.As much as I love my mother I wasn't going to try to make her happy I was finally happy.When we arrived to school she said,"Have a good day but honey please don't act like this.Your a good girl not a rebel."

I shot a look at her and spoke,"Fuck the good girl reputation.I define myself however I want so don't try to change me."

I walked into school and got a tardy pass so I could begin to head to my next class and show everyone the new and improved me.As I was walking to my class I saw Jake headed towards then Men's restroom so I quickly hid.Jake couldn't see me now not like this after yesterday's incident.When I finally reached class I walked through the door and all that escaped from people's mouths were Ooo's and Ah's,while on the other hand my teacher looked most displeased.

"Amber may I ask you why your late?",My teacher spoke in a angry tone.

"You may but I won't answer you just heads up."

Mrs.Whatever her face is spoke back,"What's gotten into you?You were a perfect student before and now your just.."

I spoke almost yelling,"I'm just what?Not the one who sucks up to you?Well doesn't it suck to be you know because I'm not that girl you used to know."

The bell rang interrupting our argument so I darted out of the class not giving her a second to say a word back.James stepped in front of me and said,"What happened to the Amber I knew?"

I spoke almost gritting my teeth,"I changed for fucks sake."

James let out a sigh as if he almost gave up,"Amber just talk to me about this because I know you weren't like this before the incident."

I didn't want to talk about the incident.I quickly sprinted away from him and as the hall seemed to shrink and my breath shortening James caught up to me.

Almost crying I said,"Why do you even care?"

His voice was now relaxed and calmed as he spoke,"Because Amber I care about you and the sake of what's good for you.I don't care that you changed because deep inside your still the Amber I know but I just want to know why."

I gave up on holding back the tears,"She might be dead because I'm too stubborn to check my voicemail and it's killing me.If I had even been there 2 seconds before and not fought with him this wouldn't be happening!"

I could see Jake coming down the hall way and I instantly tensed up,this was the moment when I find out if she's alive or not.But then he vanished into a classroom which made my blood boil.Why wouldn't he talk to me the least he owed me is a sorry for what he said,we were best friends and now we act like enemies.Fuck the curiosity I'm going to find out why he's acting like I'm the villain.I slyly snuck in the classroom to find that it was a room not a classroom.No desks,no chairs,no papers,no posters,just bland gray walls but then I spotted Jake.

In a calm soft voice I spoke,"Why do you act like we're at war?Constantly blaming me for what happened to her.I don't know if she's dead or alive but what I do know is when I was running for her I called the first person that popped into my head so sorry if that wasn't you but whatever happened to her wasn't my fault."I began to make my exit out of the room but I heard Jake speak.

A loud sigh filled the room and I felt sympathy towards him so I sat down next to him shutting the door on my way over,"Amber it's not that situation that bugs me,if you would have listened to my voicemail you'd know."

Relief filled my body but then curiosity invaded my brain,"Then what did I do wrong?What did I do to ruin this friendship."

He looked out the only window shedding light into the room and he whispered,"James."

"What did he ever do to you?"

He didn't look me in the eye but he spoke in a deepened sorrowful voice that I could feel his pain,"He kissed you.He was there around you every step of the way while I was chopped liver.Everything about him is wrong."

"Jake what's wrong with him because I know all those are just excuses."

His voice was now raised and he stood up about to leave but before he did he spoke,"Because he got to love you and I never did."

Oooooo get it Jake.I don't know I felt like this was a good cliffhanger because who knows what Amber will do or how she'll react to that.

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