Chapter 7

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"I miss you" were the only words that shot through my brain,but how was I suppose to tell him that.He always believed that actions meant more then words.But I was lost at how to show it.

Jake sighed and spoke in a despairing tone,"Amber if you want me out of your life that's fine,just-"

And that's when ALL my feelings burst out.There was no holding back anymore.

"Jake I don't want you out of my life.I need you.You were my first crush and not to mention my only guy friend who stuck around.You accepted me for me and you never left my side.You know I want you in my life that's all I ever wanted.You make me smile.You make the sun shine when it's thundering.I need you more than I've ever needed someone else. You're my best friend and I can stand us being enemies."

He inched closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.He spoke softly,"I missed you so fucking much Amber."

I missed us too.

"Am I interrupting something?" Immediately spooked I untangled myself from Jake's arms and faced the owner of the voice.James.

Great timing there James,I'm already mentally hating you for this.

" we were just um..finishing up a talk.", let's just hope he doesn't question me about this later.

With a grin on that damn face of his he said,"Amber let's just get going to class so your not late."

I looked into Jake's eyes which were pleading me not to leave.I already left him once and I couldn't do that again because we were fragile at the moment,one wrong thing and we were done."I'm finishing this conversation,you can go ahead."

That wiped his sorry ass smile off his face.Good.I just really want to be alone with Jake.

"I thought you would have left me for him."

"You're more important to me than him."

Why.Why.Why did I just say that.Shit.

"Did you miss me the slightest bit while we were ignoring each other's existence?" It was as if he was asking for reassurance.

A lot.A hell a lot.

"Maybe." I spoke with a smile on my face giving out my obvious answer.

"So what provoked you to change?I mean you're more badass now."

It's time to just be honest.I know why I changed and most likely he did too.

"James." The moment I said James he clenched his fists and tensed up.

"Go figure." He rolled his eyes towards that. He hated when I changed, but when I changed for James I knew he couldn't stand it.

"Why, do you not like the way I am now?"

I sure as hell know I don't like myself this way.

"I like Amber.The actual you,the one that smiles like an idiot and doesn't care to impress people.I like the you that you like because I know your not happy like this."

"Jake-" Then before I can finish my sentence the bell goes off.Late to class again.

Fuck this bell.

"We really need to get going Amber,were already late." He grabbed my hand and attempted to pull me out of the class."Why aren't you coming?"

I mumbled,"because your more important to me than a bell."

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