Chapter 11

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Jade once again got all the help she needed and in a day was fully recovered. I was in my room packing when I heard a knock at the door, obviously my lazy ass got up and answered it.

It was Jake. All he could say was, "I'm sorry Amber." I didn't respond instead I went back up to my room to continue packing. I heard footsteps behind me and realized he was following me.

I stopped at my door way and stared at him. Almost sobbing I finally spoke, "You can't keep popping up anymore Jake, we're not anything anymore and we won't ever be. You broke my fucking heart and now you show up, you were freaking fucking a girl when your sister was in danger, you led me on this whole time, so now you're nothing anymore."

But I knew that was a lie I still loved him.

He stepped one step closer and decided to go big or go home. "I love you Amber." He said, he seemed upset but I didn't care because I couldn't feel bad for a guy who broke me.

Gritting my teeth, "You said that before Jake and you left me heart broken. Why do you think I decided to move? Because of you."

J:"But I want you back Amber, I need you back."

A:"You had your chance then you ran off and slept with some random chick. You ruined it before anything started."

J:"Just stay, give me a second chance."

He grabbed my wrist with force and I could feel his words, his hurt, his emotion burn into my skin. He cared, he really did. But would I or should I go back to the guy who started all this?

What about James, I thought unforgivingly, he'd absolutely hate me. He wouldn't love me ever again, but did he really ever love me? No. Plain and simple.

I relaxed my body and as if it was a good enough sign Jake embraced me. I'll admit it was great to be back in his arms, just once more. His touch simply made my skin feel on fire with excitement and adventure, his caressing hands made my heart leap miles, and his words, oh his words. They sparked light into my world.

He gave me a feeling that he could be The One. I loved him like he was the one.

I pulled away to look into his beautiful eyes that were puffy and red because he had obviously been crying to say 3 words, "I love you". His eyes brightened up as if a fire within him had been reignited, his eyes changed to a brighter color and I knew. All this was worth the while, the pain, the anger, and the hatred, he's been the one since day one.

"Does this mean I get to kiss your beautiful self anytime I want to?", he whispered softly.

I smiled against his shoulder and spoke,"Hell yes."

You could obviously predict what happened next, but the kiss was so gentle but hungry. This was what love was like, forget all the middle school crushes because I'm falling in love. The makeout session continued for a while when we decided to go see Jade, since she practically was the whole brain behind this idea. I hopped into Jake's car and we raced to his house, of course being careful though. Once we arrived Jade was no where to be found in the downstairs so we headed to her room to find her playing with dolls. She was so cute, I couldn't wait to see her face again.

Jake cleared his throat and said, "Jade I have a special visitor here for you."

She looked to the door while Jake lead me closer to her. Her eyes sparkled and she came running to me, "I missed you so much! Did You and Jake fix things?" She said excited.

"Aw girl I missed you too, and yes we fixed things Jade," I said letting off a faint smile. Jake pulled me closer to sit on Jade's bed and he kissed me. I nudged Jake and said, "Your sister is here keep it PG." laughing at him and kissing him back on the cheek.

"I love you Amber, I really do." I smiled hiding my face in his shoulder, I was blushing and I didn't want him to see.

Jade spoke and said, "Ew get a room you too. But I did miss seeing you guys happy."

Then it was Jakes turn, "Trust me you don't have to tell me to get a room twice."

She was disgusted and acting like she was gagging and that's when we decided to head to his room. We walked down to his room where we practically grew up in and sat on his bed.

"You're lucky I find you amazingly loveable or you would have got slapped for the comment back there." I said, kissing him on the lips this time.

"I really love you Amber." He said

"I love you too." I said blushin beyond belief.

Then my phone went off.

A text, from Mom.

Mom: "Don't forget to pack all you're stuff we leave tomorrow!"

And my heart sank and chattered to a million pieces.

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