Chapter 3

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Ambers p.o.v:
As we drove down to his house the houses seemed to get grander and much more expensive,it wasn't like this was my first time over to his house but the houses in his neighborhood still amazed me.When we pulled into his drive way which was a longboard stoned path we got out of his car and went inside.We rushed to his room and avoided his family at all costs,most of the time his family was working and wouldn't be there but we still tried to avoid them.His family was nice but they didn't filter what they would say.When we got up to his room which was huge he shut the door and he started talking,about James.

"So how's your little boy toy?"


"James,the guy that constantly hits on you."

"I don't like him so chill Jake."

"Oh,then why were you avoiding me?"

"It's complicated."

"And we've got the whole weekend so you can explain,Amber."

"Not now,ok Jake?I just need to make sense of it before I'm going to tell you."

"Don't make me resort to the thing you hate the most." He said that with a smirk on his face.

Then I realized that he was going to tickle me.Very childish I know but I'm a very ticklish person and I hated when someone tickled me.I instantly shielded my my body,but he was too quick.After about 5 minutes of me trying to kick him and loosen myself from his grip I gave up.

"Amber you know you can always talk to me right?"

"Ever since 2 nd grade I've known."

"Okay than."

"What's wrong Jake?"


The tone of everything turned serious

"Jake what's wrong?",I said while placing my hand next to his.

"You wanted to make sense of what you were thinking so I think I can make sense of everything too before I tell you."

I sat there in absolute silence,he indeed just pulled the same trick I did.I knew what was on my mind and it all made sense but I just didn't want to tell him.I got up and opened the door to leave but his arm grabbed my wrist and he yanked me back to him.

He spoke with such sincerity,"What'd I do to upset you Amber."

I thought to myself everything.He was my best friend but I never really told him anything that was on my mind.When we were children and boys used to pick on me he was always there to defend me but as we grew up I didn't want to seem difficult.

"Earth to Amber",he said waving his hand in front of my face.I guess I got lost in thought.

"Nothing Jake nothing."After that he left me alone and we started doing our homework together.We had 1 essay due in English and science.For English we had to write an essay on Romeo and Juliet and in science we had to do an essay on DNA strands.

Jake said,"I don't understand this.I give up."

"You don't understand what?"

"Romeo and Juliet.Why the hell would Romeo kill himself for Juliet when she was alive?"

"Jake,Romeo didn't know that she was alive and you remember your ex,Rachel?"

"Hmm what about her?"

"When you were dating her think of yourself as Romeo and she was Juliet,you couldn't cope with her Death last year and you became suicidal after her death."

"Yeah but I never committed suicide I got over it eventually,I mean if Romeo would have been there later they'd both be alive but he couldn't live without her."

"I guess that's a fair point,you could write about that for your essay."We continued doing our essays and finally finished.Our homework for Monday was done and now we didn't have to worry about it.But then I realized I never stopped by my house.

"Jake I forgot to go to my house I'll be back in about an hour,okay?"

"Why do you have to go to your house Amber?"

"I forgot to get clothes."

"You can just use mine.Sweatpants and a t-shirt okay?",he said as he got up to head to his room.

"Yeah.Thanks J."

I followed him to his room.As I entered the room with him his little sister Jade was sitting on his bed and I stood in the door way just observing them.

Jake said,"Well now what's the little princess doing in my room."

"Jake I heard thunder and lightning and I got scared."

Damn I wasn't observant because sure enough it was pouring,thundering.and lightning,I still stood not being seems by Jade.She was your classic adorable 6 year old.

"Well little princess you can stay in here Amber and I will be studying so you'll have to stay quite though.You wouldn't mind would you Amber?"

I nodded my head saying it was fine and we indeed didn't study,the entire time we were playing with Jade.Then the lights went off and I heard her little scream.I grabbed my phone and turned the flashlight on to go find some more flashlights but Jake said he'd go get them.Then I was left with Jade and my little flashlight.

I cleared my throat and spoke,"Would you like to build a fort Jade?"

"Yes,I would love to."

She got up and pulled Jake's comforter off his bed and she began to make a fort and I helped her we gathered a lot of pillows and blankets in the process and we were finished with our fort not that long after.Jake walked in and said,"So much for my clean room."

I grabbed his arm and just drug him into our fort.Jade and I had made it pretty big because all of us were going to sleep under it due to her request.She was a cool little kid so I just went with whatever she wanted to do.

Jakes mouth dropped in surprise,"You guys built this?Its very spacious for it being a fort."

Jade and I nodded in unison.She was getting quite tired as I heard a yawn escape her mouth.I handed her a blanket and she instantly laid down to go to sleep but as I was about to move away from her she said,"Amber can you read me a bed time story."I made a kick-ass bed time story up that involved princesses since she loved those and not long after she was sound asleep.I moved away from her quietly to make sure I wouldn't wake her up and then I headed to my "sleeping bag".Jade and I had made "sleeping bags" out of a pillow and 2 blankets to make the ground just a little more comfortable.

Jake whispered to me,"Is she asleep yet?"

"Sound asleep."

"Dang,Jade went to sleep fast."

"What can I say I make up the best bed time stories."

Jake whispered,"Then maybe you should tell me one just not about princesses."

I ignored his comment because I was myself tired too.As soon as I hit the pillow I was about asleep when I felt Jakes arm wrap around my waist.I was too tired to even object.

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